Efeitos econômicos da Constituição brasileira (original) (raw)
Constitution, Government and Democracy in Brazil.
World Political Science Review, 2008
With the intention of contributing to the comparative studies about the impact that constitutions have on the ordinary democratic political process, this article analyses the profile of the Brazilian 1988 constitution based on its contents and discerning to what extent the constitutional text -as well as its constitutional provisions -comprises public policies. Our hypothesis is that a constitutional text that contains many public policies (like the Brazilian one) is more prone to become a target of changing initiatives. The Brazilian constitution of 1988 presents a high rate of constitutional amending, with 62 amendments in twenty years (3.1 amendments per year); most of them sponsored by the Executive branch, aiming at implementing public policies. Due to the fact that the post-1988 governmental platforms have abided a "constituent agenda," the comprehension of the current Brazilian political dynamics (especially the relationship between branches of government) passes necessarily through the understanding of Brazilian constitutional features. Such analysis has been done by means of a "Constitutional Analysis Methodology" (Metodologia de Análise Constitucional -MAC) developed by the authors, which allows for the interpretation of the meaning of the constitutional provisions as well as their measurement.
A primazia da gestão fiscal sobre o planejamento nos estados brasileiros
Revista de Contabilidade e Organizações
Considerando que a literatura crítica ao neoliberalismo considera que sua expansão inverteu a primazia do planejamento governamental sobre a gestão fiscal dos entes governamentais, esta pesquisa, assumindo a existência da primazia da gestão fiscal sobre o planejamento, investiga a relação entre resultado primário e resultado nominal com os investimentos nos estados brasileiros e verifica o efeito que os ciclos políticos provocam nesta relação no período de 2001 a 2018. Para tanto, foram utilizados modelos de regressão linear múltipla com erros clusterizados por estados e por ano. Os resultados evidenciam a existência de relação positiva entre a gestão fiscal e planejamento nos estados brasileiros, confirmando a literatura e nossa hipótese de pesquisa. Além disso, a pesquisa evidenciou que os ciclos políticos eleitorais interferem na relação entre gestão fiscal e planejamento governamental, uma vez que os investimentos aumentam nos períodos pré-eleitorais.
RESUMO: O artigo discute a dinâmica da acumulação de capital nas economias da América Latina. A hipótese é que nessas economias o papel do Estado é comparativamente mais amplo do que nas economias dos centros do capitalismo, por razões estruturais. O argumento baseia-se principalmente em Marx e Kalecki, além de elementos históricos das economias da América Latina, particularmente da economia brasileira. Em seguida, o artigo explora as consequências dinâmicas desta natureza em nível nacional, concluindo que esta condição dá um maior grau de instabilidade. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: desenvolvimento nas economias da América Latina; o papel do Estado na acumulação; dinâmica de acumulação; economia brasileira. ABSTRACT: The paper discusses the dynamics of capital accumulation in Latin America economies. The hypothesis is that in these economies the role of the State is comparatively broader than in the economies of the centers of the capitalism by structural reasons. The argument is mainly based on Marx and Kalecki, besides historical elements of Latin America economies, particularly the Brazilian economy. Then the paper explores the dynamics consequences of this nature at the national levels, concluding that this condition gives a higher degree of instability. KEYWORDS: development in Latin America economies; role of the State on accumulation; dynamic of accumulation; Brazilian economy.
The New Fiscal Federalism in Brazil
Fiscal arrangements in Brazil severely constrain the federal government's ability to fulfill its mandate as a national government. Municipal governments, meanwhile, have more revenues than they need, encouraging fiscal mismanagement. Reform is urgently needed to counteract Brazil's fiscal imbalance. EePo<iligy.R candExtemflAffaiComplexdnbutPREWoddngPaptoaninatethefindingsof wodinpropessand to enamungc the exchange of ideas among Bank staff and all othas inteeed in developnent issues. lese papes cany the names of the authors, rflect only their viws. and should be used and cited accordingly The findings, interpretations, and conclusio arm the authons own. They should not be atrbted to the World Bank, its Board of Dicos, its managaetnt,or any of its membercountrie.s Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized * Administration of the general value-added created a vertical fiscal imbalance. tax by the state involves unresolved issues about tax crediting on interstate trade. Shah presents policy options to resolve these problems. * The state and municipal revenue-sharing funds do not distribute revenues fairly and equitably. The PRE Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work under way in the Bank's Policy, Research, and External Affairs Complex. An objective of the series is to get thesefmdings out quickly, even if presentations are less than fully polished. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions in these papers do not necessarily represent official Bank policy. Produced by the PRE Dissemination Center governments have been given the legislative authority on subjects of local interest to supplement federal or state legislation. Furthermore, they have been assigned responsibilities in public transport, preschool and elementary education, health care, land use and historical and cultural preservation. Any subjects not specified by the Constitution have been reserved for state government legislation. 1.12 Conceptual Basis of Expenditure Assignment Allocation of expenditure and tax functions to various member units is the most fundamental issue in a federation. Fiscal federalism literature argues that expenditure assignment must precede tax assignment. This is because tax assignment would in general be guided by expenditure requirements at different levels and these cannot be worked out in advance of expenditure assignment. This literature also provides broad guidance in delineating expenditure responsibilities. For example the so called * Preliminary data ** Estimate
A Critique of Brazilian Political Economy
Capital & Class, 1980
The paper traces the debates within the left-and right-wings of Brazilian political economy from the 1960s to the present day, relating them to changes in political and economic conditions. It attempts to show that many of the positions held by economists in the 1970s resemble those held by earlier theorists in that the majority make stagnationist and underconsumptionist assumptions. The paper is a critique and does not attempt to propose a systematic alternative explanation .
Bulletin of Latin American Research, 2009
of Brazil is a misnomer. A book with such a broad, general title can be misleading in that readers will have expectations that do not necessarily match the content of the book. This is certainly the case for this fine collection of essays about Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's first term in office. Despite the vague, somewhat misleading title, the authors dissect the Lula administration's economic policies and performance in relation to Brazilian and global politics and economies.
1. As the 20th century draws to a close, Brazil ranks as the tenth largest GDP in the world economy, with the fifth largest territory and population on the planet. The Brazilian economy faced a long period of stagnation in the 19th century, but exploded into an accelerated growth process, unparalleled in almost any other nation of the world, from the 1870s to the 1970s. However, in the last twenty years, the vibrant growth trajectory that culminated in the period after World War II, has turned clearly downward. Today, per capita income ranks in forty-fifth position, while income distribution is still one of the most unequal in the world.
Economia política e avaliação em políticas públicas no Brasil pós-2014
Cadernos Saúde Coletiva, 2021
Resumo Introdução Em um contexto de crescente restrição fiscal após 2014, as avaliações de políticas públicas têm tomado um caráter cada vez mais economicista, privilegiando a eficiência dos programas e ações em detrimento de outros critérios avaliativos. Objetivo Este texto procura resgatar a historicidade do “fazer avaliativo”, trazendo-a à luz da constituição do Estado de Bem-Estar nos países centrais ao longo do século XX, destacando as ênfases temáticas e metodológicas que o campo de avaliação foi assumindo em cada período. Método Texto resultante de revisão bibliográfica e discussão ensaística. Resultados Remetendo-se essa discussão para o Brasil, evidenciam-se os limites do “eficiencismo” como critério primaz em relação a outros valores públicos assegurados no desenho e na implementação de políticas públicas pela Constituição de 1988 e outros documentos normativos. Conclusão Tal viés avaliativo, em contexto de baixas taxas de crescimento econômico e limitações impostas pelo T...
The legislative and public policies in Brazil: before and after the 1988 Constitution
Routledge, 2016
This paper examines the Legislative’s role in defining public policies in Brazil before and after the 1988 Constitution. It shows that the main social rights were institutionalised during the dictatorships of Getúlio Vargas (1930–34, 1937–45) and the military (1964–85), periods during which Congress was either closed or worked only decoratively. Although strengthened by the 1988 Constitution, Congress continues to play a secondary role in relation to the president, a position that in recent years it has been forced to share with the Supreme Court. Finally, it indicates that Congress, thus emptied of power, has turned its energies to expand its own privileges, causing popular outrage. It concludes that it is precisely by taking the opposite direction, turning to society, expanding representation to include women, afro-descendants, natives and other social minorities, and making itself more permeable to popular participation and control, that Congress may qualify itself as the main institutional space of political decision-making in Brazil.