Prediction of emotional competence in future education teachers through a multiple logistic regression model and classification trees (original) (raw)

Competencia emocional del futuro docente en educación infantil y primaria

Formación Universitaria, 2021

El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar y comparar descriptiva y estadísticamente el nivel de competencia emocional de los/as futuros maestros/as de los grados en educación infantil y educación primaria, así como conocer la incidencia de diversas variables académicas y personales en el desarrollo de dicha competencia emocional. Para ello, se plantea un estudio con una metodología ex post facto descriptiva e inferencial con una técnica de encuesta. Los resultados muestran que los/as estudiantes poseen un nivel de desarrollo emocional medio, destacando la influencia positiva en el nivel de desarrollo emocional de estos en variables como: las calificaciones, el esfuerzo hacia el estudio y la motivación. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos, se puede concluir que es fundamental que las instituciones de educación superior introduzcan la formación emocional en los planes de estudio oficiales.

Competencias emocionales en la formación de profesionales en trabajo social

Revista Educación

La pandemia por COVID-19 y el contexto de emergencia socio-sanitaria trajo consigo, entre otras cosas, la oportunidad de visibilizar los cambios requeridos por el sistema formativo y profesional que demanda al colectivo de trabajo social: reinventarse para llevar a cabo nuevas formas de ayuda e intervención social en crisis. Lo anterior implica desplegar todo su potencial para ofrecer recursos de apoyo emocional en situaciones de distanciamiento físico-social bajo modalidad de teletrabajo, en estado de confinamiento o de regreso a la nueva normalidad. Todos estos hechos han ido generando desgaste y agotamiento emocional, tanto en este grupo profesional como en la población estudiantil en formación. El objetivo de este trabajo es relevar la importancia que tiene la educación emocional y la formación de competencias emocionales que fortalezcan el desempeño profesional de futuras personas trabajadoras sociales, no solo en un contexto excepcional sino en cualquier situación cotidiana qu...

Teachers' digital competence to assist students with functional diversity: Identification of factors through logistic regression methods

British Journal of Educational Technology, 2022

We are experiencing a serious health crisis due to COVID-19 that has a major impact on the field of education. The educational system therefore needs to be updated and innovated, with the addition of digital resources, to adapt the teaching and learning processes to students with disabilities. To meet the goal of high-quality education, teachers must have adequate digital competence to face the educational demands that are placed on them. Therefore, the purposes of this study are: to know the teachers' knowledge about digital resources to support students with disabilities (O1); at each educational stage (O2), identify the variables that have a significant impact on the acquisition of teacher competence (O3); propose a selection of useful ICT resources for each type of disability (O4). An ex post facto design was used with 1194 teachers from Andalusia (Spain). The results showed the medium-low level of the teaching staff, especially in the higher education stage. In addition, gender, motivation, attitude and having students with special needs are determining factors in the development of teacher knowledge. The results highlight the urgent need for teachers to be trained in digital resources. We hope that the range of resources proposed in this study will help teachers enhance their teaching practice.

Evaluación de la Competencia Digital Docente: instrumentos, resultados y propuestas. Revisión sistemática de la literatura / Assessment of Digital Teaching Competence: Instruments, results and proposals. Systematic literature review

Educación XX1, 2023

Teaching digital competency challenges the professional field of teachers. It also is an identified problem in the research attempting to answer particular questions. Specifically, the evaluation of digital competency in teaching (DCT) is crucial for making decisions regarding teacher training and future lines of research. Taking this challenge as a focus, this article aims to provide an updated overview of the tools used in teachers’ digital competency evaluation processes. Our investigation focused on the research design, instruments, and analyses used, the results obtained after its application, and its implications. The study involved a systematic review of the literature, following the guidelines set out in the PRISMA declaration, analyzing a sample of 66 articles published between 2017 and February 2022 in journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus, in which the DCT was evaluated. The results showed medium and low levels of diagnosed DCT and offered evidence that assessing DCT improves its effectiveness. Likewise, the results showed that researchers worldwide follow the European DIGCOMPEDU framework and the Spanish framework proposed by INTEF. However, it is common for researchers to develop their instrument to assess DCT with a selfassessment questionnaire in most studies. However, many recommended complementing the DCT with other qualitative tools to assess its actual and perceived levels. The conclusions were that researchers agreed on two fundamental aspects: to increase teacher training in digital competency and to progress in research designs that allow verifying how the DCT level improves through training proposals contextualized in specific educational stages or types of teaching

Classification models in the digital competence of higher education teachers based on the DigCompEdu Framework: logistic regression and segment tree


To promote and develop the digital competence of higher education teachers is a key aim in the 21st century. Teachers must have a leader or expert digital competence in order to prepare future school-leavers for a competent professional qualification. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the predictor variables encouraging high digital competence, using two statistical classification techniques: multiple logistic regression and classification trees. The analysis of teachers' digital competence was carried out in each of the areas of knowledge in which the teachers are assigned, as well as overall. For data collection, a non-experimental ex post facto design was used. A total of 1,104 higher education teachers from Andalusia (Spain) completed the DigCompEdu Check-In instrument prepared by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre. In terms of general classification, the results found that the logistic regression technique ranked teachers' digital com...

Evaluación de la Competencia Digital Docente: instrumentos, resultados y propuestas. Revisión sistemática de la literatura

Educación XX1

La competencia digital docente (CDD) es un reto en la práctica profesional del profesorado y un problema identificado en la investigación al que dar respuestas. En concreto, la evaluación de la CDD es un elemento clave para tomar decisiones respecto a la formación de los docentes y a futuras líneas de investigación. Tomando este reto como foco, el objetivo de este artículo es proporcionar un panorama actualizado sobre las herramientas utilizadas en los procesos de evaluación de la competencia digital de los docentes, indagando en el tipo de diseño de investigación, instrumentos y análisis utilizados, así como los resultados obtenidos tras su aplicación y sus implicaciones. El estudio realizado se aborda desde una revisión sistemática de la literatura, siguiendo las directrices marcadas en la declaración PRISMA, con una muestra de 66 artículos publicados entre 2017 y febrero de 2022 en revistas indexadas en la Web of Science y Scopus, en los que se evalúa la CDD. Los resultados obten...

Identifying predictors of digital competence of educators and their impact on online guidance

Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning

In the current socio-health situation, new educational challenges have emerged, such as the need to implement a virtual tutorial action. Therefore, this study has three objectives: (1) to investigate the level of digital competence that early childhood and primary school teachers possess to carry out quality online tutorial actions; (2) to analyse whether there are differences in use at both education stages; and (3) to identify which variables significantly affect the development of this competence at each educational stage. For this purpose, an ex post facto design was used, based on the survey technique, by means of non-probabilistic purposive sampling. The final sample consisted of a total of 1,069 educators working at the early childhood and primary education stages, from all over Spain. The results showed acceptable digital competence, with higher scores in the primary education stage, which may be due to characteristics of the students and the education stage itself, rather t...

La educación emocional en la educación primaria: Un aprendizaje para la vida

Education Policy Analysis Archives, 2019

En la actualidad, debido a los cambios sociales que se están produciendo es necesario que la escuela atienda de manera directa la formación emocional del alumnado. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio enmarcado en un Proyecto Europeo, cuya finalidad es conocer las condiciones actuales de los sistemas educativos de los socios participantes respecto a las emociones, en este caso concreto se muestran los resultados obtenidos en España (Málaga) en la franja de 6-10 años. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio de corte cualitativo fundamentado en el tópico: la dimensión afectiva de la educación. En total han participado 17 docentes. Los resultados muestran que el currículum está centrado en la dimensión cognitiva, dejando al margen la dimensión emocional, a pesar de que en la actual legislación se contempla explícitamente dicha dimensión. La escuela, hoy día, para poder contemplar su función educativa debe posibilitar el desarrollo integral de su alumnado, para ello los procesos educativ...

Which is the Digital Competence of Each Member of Educational Community to Use the Computer? Which Predictors Have a Greater Influence?

Technology, Knowledge and Learning

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of digital resources and virtual platforms is even more essential to continue the educational process, either in person or online, affecting all the members involved in the teaching–learning process of the students. Therefore, this study is aimed: (1) to know and compare the digital competence of the agents that are the main integrators of the educational community (parents, teachers, students) about the use of the computers, according to gender and educational stage (Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education stages); and (2) to identify significant predictors that affect the acquisition of this competence. An ex-post-facto design was used with a sample of 786 participants from Andalusia (Spain). Research methods such as contrasts of means and multiple linear regression analysis were used. The results showed high average levels of basic digital competences for all the agents involved. A gender gap was found between mothers and fathers of studen...


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