Strategické řízení inovací v rámci ekonomického cyklu v českých malých a středních firmách (original) (raw)

Marginalized Theories of Business Cycle Based on Strategic Behavior


The aim of this paper is to recall selected theories of business cycle, both old dated and new ones, which are marginalized by the mainstream economic theory although these theories carry often inspiring ideas to economists and politicians. The paper brings some new approaches to business cycle causes, especially marks strategic causes. These a subsequently divided in two categories strategic institucional and strategic individual. Strategic cycles are caused by strategic behavior of different economic subjects while interacting. The cause of economic cycle is strategic behavior of institutions or strategic behavior of individuals. The paper treats in detail with the Goodwin ́s model based on the Marxists ́ theory of economic cycle, next, with the H. George ́s theory, with the Minsky ́s financial instability hypothesis and I. Fisher ́s debt deflation presented through the Keen ́s model. The common feature of the mentioned theories is strategic behavior of economic subjects which is ...

Business cycle and innovation activity of industrial enterprises in Poland - Mazowieckie region case


e business cycle is an important factor that can often a ect the decisions to undertake or discontinuance of the innovation activity by the industrial enterprise, both in Poland, but also in more developed countries. e primary objective of the study is the attempt to search for directions, as well as the impact of economic conditions on the innovation activity of Polish enterprises in the area of the industrial system of the Mazowieckie province. As a result, it is possible to determine the boundary conditions for the regional network of innovations and its model structure.

Influence of strategic management in Czech SMEs and their growth rate

Trendy v podnikání, 2016

The aim of the managers in SMEs is to have a competitive enterprise on the market, to develop and achieve some positive results. The successful strategic management has to adapt to the external environment, analyse emerging issues in time and react quickly and flexibly to changes. With the increasing amounts of business entities, strategic analysis and strategy as such acquire their importance. The basic data for the creation of strategy includes information about the external environment, i.e. about the market and its surroundings and internal business environment. Those managers, who can use the advantages of their enterprise and market opportunities and reduce the effect of weaknesses and threats, may ensure their enterprise prosperity and increase their growth rate. However, they must choose a competitive strategy, with which it is possible to succeed on the market. Such strategy provides SMEs the possibility of differentiation, setting a higher level of services offered to enha...

Strategic analysis methods and their influence on stability and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Czech Republic

Strategic analysis of business environment influences the growing efficiency, stability, and sustainability of enterprises. The entry is aimed at analyzing internal and external strategic methods between profit-making and non-profit-making enterprises from the perspective of their sector differentiation and size categorization focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises. The entry highlights the managers' knowledge of the individual methods and their usability in business practice. The research was conducted based on a sample of 456 enterprises from the entire Czech Republic using a Student's T-test of the differences of two percentages and the Fisher's exact test. The conclusion of the entry is dedicated to the results of the tests, as well as new trends that are used in the area of strategic analysis and which have been indicated as a part of the set of tested enterprises.

What lessons can we learn from the present economic crisis for the possible future strategies of enterprises - lesson from Hungary and Slovakia


The paper explores the characteristics of the present economic crisis at enterprise level and its comsequences for possible growth after the crisis. The study builds on international experiences concerning recovery from crisis during the previous economic downturns between 1980 and 2002. Survey results in Hungary and Slovakia are presented with special attention to how companies tried to react to the present economic recession. The study analyses the possible consequences of the strategies followed by the Slovakian and Hungarian firms during the crisis period from the point of view of capabilities for utilizing the options for growth when demand will start to increase.

Business cycles in Serbia and its EU neighbors

Ekonomika preduzeca, 2018

Mi smo analizirali privredne cikluse u Srbiji i pet susednih zemalja članica EU (Bugarska, Rumunija, Mađarska, Hrvatska i Slovenija) između Q1Y2000 i Q3Y2017. Ovaj period je bio dovoljno dug da bi obuhvatio dve faze prosperiteta i dve faze recesije. Analiza je bila zasnovana na DSGE modelu realnog poslovnog ciklusa koji ignoriše specifičnosti razlika u monetarnim politikama i zasniva se na malom broju uporedivih makroekonomskih serija. Ciklusi u Srbiji su slični onima u susednim zemljama, jer su sve privrede bile pogođene Velikom recesijom. One su sada izašle iz recesije i biće, verovatno, u fazi prosperiteta naredne 4 godine. Neke zemlje, kao što je Mađarska, rano su ušle u recesiju, dugo su stajale na donjoj obrtnoj tački, a onda su se oporavile brzo i nenadano, što sve liči na profil recesije slično slovu "U". Druge zemlje, poput Srbije, imale su profil recesije sličan slovu "V" sa različitim trajanjem i nagibom ulaska i izlaska iz recesije. Srbija nije bila najteže pogođena recesijom. To je bila Rumunija, koja se oporavila pre Srbije i sada beleži najbolje poslovne rezultate u regionu. Problem sa Srbijom je bio u tome što je recesija trajala najduže, period oporavka teško da može da traje duže od naredne četiri godine i što se ciklus akumulacije kapitala još uvek nalazi u fazi recesije. To je razlog zbog kog se očekuju poboljšanja u investicionoj politici. Mi smo simulirali efekte fiskalnog podsticanja stranih direktnih investija i ne sporimo njihovo pozitivno dejstvo. Međutim, naše simulacije pokazuju da bi se bolji efekti na rast postigli podizanjem opšte produktivnosti faktora proizvodnje. To bi podrazumevalo reformu visokog obrazovanja i poslovnih institucija da bi se odgovorilo na zahteve nove industrijske revolucije 4.0. Mi smo, međutim, skeptični da će se dati prioritet reformama u obrazovanju i institucijama u odnosu na fiskalne stimulanse.

A Philosophy of the Economic Business Cycle

Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei din Iasi Fascicula: Drept, Stiinte Economice, Stiinte Politice

In the present paper, we try to underline the importance of the Economic Cycles in current life and to propse and sustain the tri-phases cycles of development, as being the most suitable model for nowadays. Why? Because the decenial cycle overlaps the movements of the business institutions such as money, interest, credit, investments, in one word the true business cycle. The expansion of the credit is the propeller and the prevention of its release represnts the mean the avoidance of the Business Cycles, those which shatter the current world. At the same time, the overview of Business Cycles leads to the fact that we've tried to sustain the most appropriate expression for these inherent ondulations of the economy and society and to highlight the model of Economic Cycles the most pliable of what is happening in the real economy of today. The cycles can not be avoided, wether there are due to the activities of a determined economic and social system and more, if there are influenced by structural and circulating financial institutions (money, interest, credit, even market) and, above all, productive investments and sustainability on the specific market.

Perspectives Of Strategic Management Of Romanian Enterprises From The View Of Promoting The Competitive Strategies Of Development

Risk in Contemporary Economy, 2015

Using an appropriate strategic management may be a way of surviving in a world of increasing competition but also to withstand the so called „tyranny of choise”. Actually what pushed us to deal with such a theme for this conference too, because we were vexed by two questions: Why some organisations have success and others don’t? What do organizations do to seek profit, excellent performances year after year, while others go through periods when they struggle to survive? An answer may be found in the subject matter of this article: strategic management. We consider advantages those resulting from the organizations that think strategically, examining the way they understand their own operating environment and their own strength and weakness, which can lead to successful strategies.