A long term dynamic model for planning the manpower and educational system of Bangladesh (original) (raw)

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Situation Analysis to Support the Programme Design Process for National Skills Strategy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Cover Page

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Teacher effectiveness as perceived by Students in Higher Education

Research Paper, 2017

Among the research goals of higher education, teaching is viewed as an important factor contributing to establishing clear, consistent and logical goals which impact the quality of learning. This leads to academics striving for effectiveness in their teachers’ teaching. The success or failure of this endeavor is reflected in student evaluations of teaching. The usefulness of student evaluations of teaching has several functions namely, formative feedback regarding teaching effectiveness, guide for students when selecting faculty and courses of study in future, enabling academic management to make value-added assessment of teacher performance, and providing a basis for new research on teaching and teaching effectiveness (Marsh, 1984). Such research provides insight into the strengths and weaknesses of teaching and learning environments with a view to enhancing the quality of teaching which contributes to teacher effectiveness. According to Gurney and Wise (2002), when student perceptions resulting from tool data are shared with faculty, they result in better preparation by teachers. Thus, the focus of this research is to engage students in their learning by contributing to an understanding of teaching and learning environments.

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Teacher effectiveness as perceived by Students in Higher Education Cover Page

Economics of Education Author

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Economics of Education Author Cover Page

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NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY 2017 BY Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training Government of Pakistan Cover Page

Links Between Competitiveness and Technical Education in SAARC Region

The main objectives of the study was to identify the issues, gaps and challenges in skills development and competitiveness and analyze the technical education policies, programs and trends. The study has also suggested financing options for proposed technical education initiatives in the technical education, both in public and private sector. The study outcomes have revealed that the SAARC countries are lagging behind in the technical education sector due to the lack of modernization, skills development and competitiveness. In-spite of the fact that all the countries have put due energy to cope up with these issues and are making efforts for its improvement but situation is still not encouraging due to the foremost challenge of low interest and funding in all the SAARC Member States. Despite the existing issues and challenges, the SAARC Member States have made commendable efforts to produce the competitive semi-skilled and skilled manpower serving in homelands and in developed countries. South Asia is the world famous and demanded high for their information technology experts and related fields of computer science across the globe.

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Links Between Competitiveness and Technical Education in SAARC Region Cover Page

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A Social Sector Strategy for Pakistan Cover Page

Globalization and Its Impact on Higher Education: A Case Study of Nigeria and Pakistan

Pakistan Journal of Educational Research

The main purpose of this paper was to find out how globalization has influenced learning process improvement in Nigeria and Pakistan. Identify the impact of Globalization in the educational reform revolution, service, delivery of scholars/ research in Higher education. Qualitative research methodology was used as it focuses on the need to document a set of policies, reforms and practices that will focus on changes as a result of Globalization with particular reference to Nigeria and Pakistan. It also includes identifying the role education can play in equipping individuals to participate more fully in their countries development and positioning the two countries to participate in global economy. The major conclusions drawn from this paper were Globalization has opened up a wider horizon in teaching. research and academic linkages for the two countries. Learning opportunities have improved remarkably since the advent of information technology and Globalization process. Indigenous kno...

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Globalization and Its Impact on Higher Education: A Case Study of Nigeria and Pakistan Cover Page