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In this paper we describe an assessment quiz tool and how it has been integrated in our lecture courses of physics in a powerful way. Our experience demonstrates that this computational method appears to be one of the most preferred modes of instruction. The topics within the quizzes make them an efficient tool. The web-design and database are elaborated using PHPTriad and MySQL programs. PHPTriad is a powerful program that contains the main modulus composed by a server running in Apache, the connection with the database which is elaborated in MySQL and, also, the connection with the web-design through PHP-html. MySQL is recognized for superior ease of use, performance, and reliability. It is a program designed for the creation and administration of databases. It provides security to the online quizzes which are password protected with Java Script. The online quizzes are designed to remedy some of the students' deficiencies and help them to their homework. The online test is a reliable tool for the content and structure of students' knowledge of physics.
A Web-based Examination System Based on PHP+MySQL
The design and implementation of web-based examination system constructed by PHP and MySQL is presented in this paper. Three primary parts, including students', teachers' and administrators', are introduced and analyzed in detail. Initial application has demonstrated the system's feasibility and reasonability. *
The Design and Application of Online Exam System Supported by Database
International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Electronics and Computers, 2015
The fast developments in the computer technology and the internet becoming common in every part of our lives especially in recent years have become indispensable in the teaching and learning field of students and instructors. Web-based studies have brought innovations also in the education field and in this field, various applications have become common. This study covers the technical and functional features of the online exam system carried out and being used in Selcuk University Higher School of Vocational and Technical Sciences. The automation was set up on a database system and the administrator, academician and students can access the system over the web server. The software which is dynamical structure and application simplicity working on the web server (in the web environment) can be applied on the exams of the students who take different courses in the higher school. The Online Exam System (OES) that was created enables instructors to make question banks with the choices of using shapes, multiple choice and multiple answers and to evaluate the applied exams instantaneously. OES, instant evaluation of examinations and gives students the opportunity to watch the performance. Via OES, positive contributions are provided for both the instructors and the students in terms of particularly place and time in the education field.
Due to the difficulties found by the students in understanding the complex concepts of Physics using only books, it was verified the need to develop a web system with animations and laws about electricity, topic of the referred discipline. In this work, interviews were conducted with Physics professors to collect opinions regarding the use of technology in teaching the discipline. Soon after, a study was carried out on informatics in education, focused on the teaching of Physics and learning objects, with the purpose of adding knowledge about the use of technologies in education. An online system was developed with animations and interactive pages containing concepts and laws of Physics on the topic of electricity. Once the development stage was completed, an evaluation was carried out with a Physics teacher on the developed system.
TESTIFY-Development of a Test Generator Website Using PHP and SQL Database
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2024
This study describes the creation of a test generating website with SQL database management and PHP server-side scripting. The website offers a quick and effective way for educators to produce and deliver exams by giving them a platform to create, organize, and administer tests online. The website's architecture is covered in the paper, along with how PHP is used for server-side functionality, My SQL is used for the database management system, and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are used for the front-end user interface. Additionally, it examines the website's features, including question bank administration, test result generating, test creation, and user authentication. The paper's conclusion includes a discussion of the website's possible effects on education and recommendations for improvements in the road.
Test and Assessment to Support Cooperative Learning of Physics with Moodle-Style Web Applications
Learning Management System (LMS) are widely in use in most universities and certain schools. The majority of LMS were not originally developed with the demands of physics teaching in mind. In this paper, general features of LMS like Web based Test & Assessment and Groupwork Organisation are discussed against the backdrop of cooperative learning techniques that are used in physics education. Additionally, we present a customization of the ILIAS Learning Management System, the Formula Question, that was developed to satisfy demands of particularly math and physics teachers.
Supporting Assessment in Education: E-Assessment Interest in Physics
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
The purpose of this study is to develop affective assessment of students in physics the form of interests students have using MySQL. There are 3 stages of the method used in this study, namely (1) Development, (2) Implementation, and (3) Evaluation. The subjects involved in this study were 265 students from Batanghari High School with 265 students using purposive sampling techniques. The results of this study are that the validator gives good results regarding the assessment of e-interest in the category given which is very feasible and obtained valid statements of 25 statements with a reliability value of 0.870. Then students' interest in physics dominated both categories was 54.4%. Student responses when using the e-interest assessment received a good response seen from the attitude of students, who were happy, excited and had a high curiosity towards this E-Assessment. It can be concluded that the e-interest assessment needs to be developed on a large scale.
Development of Web-Based Examination System Using Open Source Programming Model
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education
The traditional method of assessment (examination) is often characterized by examination questions leakages, human errors during marking of scripts and recording of scores. The technological advancement in the field of computer science has necessitated the need for computer usage in majorly all areas of human life and endeavors, education sector not excluded. This work, Web-based Examination System (WES) was, therefore, born out of the will to stymie the problems plaguing the conventional (paper-based) examination system by providing a campus-wide service for e-assessment devoid of irregularities and generally fair to examinees and equally enhances instant feedback. This system developed using combination of CSS, HTML, PHP SQL MySQL and Dreamweaver is capable of reducing proportion of workload on examination, grading and reviewing on the part of examiners. Thus, the system enables the release of examination results in record time and without error. WES can serve as an effective solution for mass education evaluation and offers many novel features that cannot be implemented in paper-based systems, such as real time data collection, management and analysis, distributed and interactive assessment towards promoting distance education.
Quiz Portal: for Students and Faculty
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2020
Instead of the regular pen paper examinations held by various institutions, one can make use of the Quiz Portal. Quiz Portal makes education fun and easier. This system is useful for conducting multiple choice question examinations, which can be conducted regularly or for surprise tests as well. It provides immediate results saving time. Administrator will have the privilege to create, modify and delete the test papers and its particular questions. The candidate can register, login and give the test with his unique id and can see the result as well. The data in the project is planned to be maintained in the tabular form using SQL* Plus in the form of database. It would provide easy access to the user. Each category questions are to be maintained in the database. This would form the backend of the project. The front end of the project is planned to be implemented using the Java language on the JAVA NetBeans IDE platform. This platform has a lot of advantages, from being able to create simple interface with certain components to connecting database to it directly.