The Funeral Rites In Uzbekistan (original) (raw)
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Tarihsel süreçte pek çok toplumun kendine özgü ölü gömme geleneklerinin olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu merasimlerde gerçekleşen uygulamalardan birisi cenazelerinin tahnit edilmesi uygulamasıdır. Tahnit, cesedin bozulmasını önlemek için iç organlarının çıkarılarak belirli formüllere tabi olarak tütsülenme ve ilaçlanma yapılmasıdır. Daha çok antik Mısır uygarlığıyla özdeşleşen ve firavunların cesetlerinin mumyalanması suretiyle gerçekleşen benzer bir uygulama ile cesedin uzuvlarının bozulmadan saklandığı bilinmektedir. Eski Türk topluluklarından Hunlarda, Göktürklerde ve Oğuzlarda da tahnit uygulamasına dair örnekler görülmektedir. Geleneğin bir uzantısı olarak ilk Türk-İslâm devletleri, Selçuklu ve Osmanlı Devleti’nde de tahnit adı verilen bir uygulamadan bahsedilmektedir. Bu devirlerde gerçekleştirilen tahnit uygulaması farklı gerekçelere dayandırılmaktadır. Bunlar cenaze töreninin ileri bir tarihte yapılacak olması, padişahın ölüm haberinin doğuracağı kargaşadan dolayı ölümünün gizlenmes...
Burial Customs and Grave Practices of Devret Höyük
TÜBA - AR, 2018
Devret Höyük is one of the "smallest" (50 x 60 x 12 m) mounds of Anatolia. Salvage excavations carried out in 2013 and a total of 17 intramural graves along with those which are dispersed a total of 21 individuals were unearthed. Three of these are pithos graves, others are simple earthen graves. A total of 36 burial gifts found are metal artifacts. The discovered terracotta vessels are imitations of metal wares. These gifts reflect the regional character of the period along with representing the strong influence of the early tradition of Anatolia. Distribution of burials among the settlement and the quality of the gifts, indicates that there were no significant socioeconomic classification between the individuals. The features of the tombs, such as directional union and burial position, proves that a distinct method is applied consciously. The age and sex distributions of the individuals are equal. Except for anemia disease sighted on two individuals, it is understood that by paleoanthropological analyzes the community was generally healthy and was predominantly consuming cereal. The comparision of the finds of Devret burials reveal that the burials could date to the end of Early Bronze Age II and mainly to Early Bronze Age III.
Pre-Islamıc Influences in the Seljuk Funeral Ceremonies and Customs. The Case of Sultan Alp Arslan
Eskiyeni, 2017
Funeral ceremonies and customs are among the important rituals that are reflected in different forms in every society from the very early times to the present. These rituals seen in every society throughout history have been a major part of the culture in Turkish states. Shamanism lies at the heart of the Turks' previous funeral rituals. However, even after Islam was adopted in Turkish lands these beliefs exerted considerable influence. The rituals were maintained by the rulers and the people, in the forms of lamenting, reversing the dress and using the goods in reverse, wearing the mourning dress, haircutting, cutting and connecting the horse tail, and visits to the ancestral tomb. In this study, the Seljuk funeral ceremonies and customs will be examined from the perspective of pre-Islamic Turkish culture, taking into account the Great Seljuks State and the Seljuk Sultan's Alp Arslan Period
The social structure of the Kokand Khanate consisted of two main sectors, settled and nomadic. The banquets held among the oasis and the nomadic people’s folk activities accompanied by horse races which were organized in marriage, circumcision and funeral ceremonies. Entertainments and folk activities organized in marriage and circumcision ceremonies called “toy” and ceremonies in funeral were literally called “give a feast” (ash vermek). After burying the dead in the nomads as in the settled oasis, they gave a feast to the public on the seventh, fortieth, hundredth days and sometimes nine years after the funeral. At these feasts thousands of sheep, horses would be sacrificed and horse racing competitions were held, because of the cheerful atmosphere of the feast, no one would remember the memento, the main cause of the feast. The banquets were more popular with its horse racing games. Since all the nomads were dealing with animals throughout their lives, in general all the nomads were a good horse rider. The horse races being called “kok bori”, “ulak chabish”, “bayga”, “kiz kuumay” etc. Also, these ceremonies being very enjoyable when its accompanied with shows presented by singers and dancers.
Özbekler Tekkesi/ The Lodge of Uzbeks
In 18th century, The Ozbek Tekkes of Istanbul was established for the Uzbeks who come to Istanbul before going to the pilgrimage. The tekke is connected with the Naqshbandi religious order, tarikat. The tekke which has strong ties with the state had become a school in nineteenth century. The tekke has contributed to the war of independence but it was closed after the proclamation of the Republic. In this period, it has transformed into a center for artists, especially for classic turkish musicians.