Rancang Bangun Turbin Angin Pada Rooftop Sebagai Alternatif Energi Listrik (original) (raw)
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Rancang Bangun Turbin Angin Vertikal Portable Berdaya Listrik Rendah
Jurnal Ilmiah Otomasi, 2021
Renewable energy is one of the focus research in the world today due to limited fossil energy. Nowdays the research about potential of wind is beeing developed. The average wind speed in Indonesia is in the range of 3-5 m/s. This study aims to design a vertical type low-power wind turbine. In this study we used a portable vertical wind turbine for the ease of use in some places.The vertical wind turbine type was chosen because it is more suitable for low wind speeds. The wind turbine is built using 300 windings and the number of coils used is 18. The magnets used are 32 pieces of neodymium. The wind turbine was tested at three speeds, 3.3 m/s, 4.3 m/s and 5.7 m/s.The result shows the wind turbine produce an output power of 160.91 mW, 234.74 mW and 378.39 mW respectively. The built wind turbine has succeeded in generating low power electricity.
Perancangan Propeler Turbin Angin Pada Gedung Hemat Energi
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Rancang Bangun Turbin Angin Sumbu Vertikal Mikro Wind Energyskala Rumah Tangga
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Rancang Bangun Pengering Jagung Energi Surya Dengan Turbin Ventilator
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Rancang Bangun Turbin Uap Pada Maket Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap
Journal of Electrical Vocational Education and Technology
The purpose of this study was to produce a prototype steam turbine at maket power plant steam generator torque that can play. The research method used in this research is descriptive analysis by type of engineering. Steam turbine is a Primemover that converts potential energy into mechanical energy in the form of rotation of the turbine shaft. Steam turbine constructed dimensions turbine type used single stage impulse turbine, turbine disc diameter of 33mm, the amount of movement of the blade 30 pieces, the distance between the blade 14,6mm, radious 2,63mm blade, the type of nozzle used convergent, area 3,2cm2 neck cross-section, the cross sectional area of 3,2cm2 side exit. Mockups of the steam turbine can generate 1490 rpm for turbine with a steam generator at a pressure of 4 kg/cm2 using a water volume of 19 liters. Maximum pressure that can be accepted by the steam turbine is 8 kg/cm2 with 11.000rpm, produced according to the process of heating boiler which is the maximum vapor ...
Rancang Bangun Turbin Kinetik Sudu Berengsel Luar Sebagai Pembangkit Listrik Skala Pikohidro
The problem of energy shortages is still a global problem which is especially felt in developing countries whose residents live in villages, which still require the development of more efficient energy sources. The problem of meeting the availability of electricity in rural areas by utilizing water energy as new and renewable energy is a long-term goal in this research. The goal is to obtain the value of the turbine power from the turbine design which is designed to later be able to fulfill a picohydro scale power plant. The current research on kinetic turbines is a combination of two types of waterwheels, which have a vertical axis (overshot turbine and pusher turbine). Most water turbines have fixed blades. In this research, the target of the novelty is a kinetic turbine with a vertical shaft which has a hinged blade. Hinged blades are blades that can move when the flow of water hits the blades, so that on one side of the turbine it will reduce negative torque and on the other ha...
Rancang Bangun Turbin Kaplan Variasi Diameter Baling-Baling Untuk Menghasilkan Daya Listrik
Journal of Automotive Engineering and Vocational Education, 2022
Water energy can be used as a power plant by utilizing the available potential energy (waterfall potential and flow velocity). Today's energy needs are increasing along with the increase in population growth. Kaplan turbine is a turbine composed of propellers/turbine wheel blades such as ship propellers. The Kaplan turbine blades' length and width determine the Kaplan turbine's outer diameter. The outer diameter of the Kaplan turbine will influence the torque generated by the Kaplan turbine. The greater the torque produced, the greater the power obtained. Data collection was carried out to calculate power with five variations of the propeller's diameter, namely 21 cm, 24 cm, 25.8 cm, 27 cm, and 30 cm. s, 0.0133 m 3 /s, 0.0139 m 3 /s, and 0.0152 m 3 /s. The results of the Kaplan turbine test with variations in the blades' diameter and variations in the discharge obtained tremendous power at a diameter of 30 cm with a flow rate of 0.0152 m 3 /s.
Metrotech (Journal of Mechanical and Electrical Technology)
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin (PLTA) merupakan salah satu sumber energi alternatif terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan rancangan sistem pembangkit listrik mandiri dengan menggunakan turbin angin sumbu horizontal. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat beberapa perencanaan yang komprehensif untuk meningkatkan efikasi dan efisiensi pembangkit listrik di beberapa daerah, antara lain pemilihan turbin angin berdasarkan kondisi setempat, pemilihan material, dan optimalisasi daya, tanaman untuk instalasi. Kecepatan angin rata-rata yang diperoleh sekitar 10 m/s. Bilah sudu yang digunakan yaitu kategori thick-airfoil family for small blades dengan tipe NREL S822 dan NREL S823. Berat turbin yang didapatkan dari hasil perhitungan sebesar 12,759 kgm/s2. Turbin ini terdapat generatorarus bolak-balik, yang dapat mengubah energi potensial angin menjadi energi mekanik untuk menghasilkan energi listrik searah (DC), digerakkan oleh poros dan katrol turbin angin, yang...
Pemanfaatan Turbin Ventilator sebagai Pembangkit Listrik Alternatif
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka
Indonesia is actively developing the potential for renewable energy as a substitute for depleting fossil energy reserves. Wind energy is clean energy without polluting the environment. Wind energy in Indonesia has great potential, but it is still not optimal enough for its utilization. One form of alternative energy that can be utilized as mechanical energy by wind turbines to convert into electrical energy by dc generators. Ventilators that operate for 24 hours function to suck air and, located on the roof of a warehouse, sports hall .. Utilization of wind to become electrical energy, is designed from the use of a ventilator turbine as a medium to convert wind into motion energy, where the movement of the turbine is continued by pulley and v-belt comparisons to the generator, this generator produces electricity. This research examines how much electrical energy is produced at different wind speeds ranging from 3 to 5.4 m/s. From the tests conducted, the generator rotation, and the ...
Perancangan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin Dengan Turbin Ventilator Sebagai Penggerak Generator
A prototype of a wind power plant had been created using a ventilator as a generator spiner. This power plant utilizes wind speed as its propulsion. Electricity generated in the DC voltage form between 0 volts up to 7.46 volts. The MT3608 module is used to stabilize and raise the voltage installed in the input and output of the charging circuit. For instrument testing, the wind speed on 0 m/s up to 6 m/s interval used. Maximum output of this tool with a wind speed of 6 m/s is 7.46 volts.