Prefix Patterns of Toraja: Case Study of Sumarorong Language (original) (raw)

Prefixes In Tontemboan Language


Local language belongs to the culture of its speaker. Research might be one of the efforts of perpetuating it. Tontemboan language is one of the local languages in Minahasa. The purpose of this study is to describe one side of morphological process of Tontemboan language, which is focussed on the prefixes of the language, their arrangement and combination with the other morphemes to forms words and their function. In conducting this research, the writer uses the qualitative approach by implementing descriptive method. In collecting the data she uses several techniques: observation, interview, analysing recorded text. the informants are chosen according to certain criteria. They come from Raanan baru. In fact, the prefixes in the language are productive forming words, they are ma-, paka-, ta-, ka-, maka-, and meki-, these prefixes change the word categories.

Successive Cyclic Movement in Standard Indonesian’s Verbal Prefixes


Standard Indonesian has several unique word formations, such as affixation. Some studies discuss about this patterning, like Sato in 2010, who came up with the prefixation meN- , nonetheless, the analysis is not quite precise, where the actual form of the prefix is me -, which then experience automatic phonological process by the surrounding sound(s), and subsequently the base form me - will then be conjugated in order to match to the root. Additionally, this paper would also reveal the genuine form of the other prefixes in Standard Indonesian, including any possible phonological changes according to the sounds circumstance. Moreover, the discussion will be extended under the principles of syntax-morphology parameter, exactly in the phenomenon of successive cyclicity, which particularly involves wh and NP movement.


This research-based paper presented the investigation on Morphological process of tabale language in Palu Central-Sulawesi. Therefore, the aims of this study were to describe the use of Tabale language in PaluPerumnasBalaroa and to introduce the uniqueness of the jargon (Tabale language) to the public. This study used descriptive qualitative method. This research also used Remembering method to collect the data, because the researcher himself was the native of this jargon language, the other method which was used was agih method to analyze the data. This research result showed the public about the uniqueness of morphological process in Bahasatabale such as

The Phonology of Suffixation and Prefixation in Malay

The aim of this paper was to examine the phonology of suffixation and prefixation in Malay, particularly the phonological alternations that are derived due to the morphological process of affixation. It is apparent that the phonological behaviour of suffixation in this language is quite distinct, both in terms of character and degree of generality from prefixation. Rules that are visibly active at the stem-prefix juncture are not permissible at the stem-suffix juncture, and vice versa. This asymmetry has not been satisfactorily accounted for in previous works. The present analysis attempted to account for this irregularity by adopting the theoretical framework of Optimality Theory (Prince & Smolensky, 2004). The apparent irregularity is accounted for as a consequence of a candidate output satisfying more dominant constraints in the hierarchy. The relevant constraints that play significant roles here are the alignment constraints of the prosody-morphology interface, which require that the edge of some grammatical category coincide with the edge of some prosodic category. The prefix-stem boundary is controlled by ALIGN-PREF, requiring that the right edge of a prefix coincides with the right edge of a syllable, while the stem-suffix boundary is governed by ALIGN-SUF, requiring that the left edge of a suffix coincides with the left edge of a syllable, and ALIGN-STEM, requiring that the right edge of a stem coincide with the right edge of a syllable. ALIGN-SUF and ALIGN-STEM are higher ranked than ALIGN-PREF in the hierarchy. This schematic ranking straightforwardly explains the irregularity in the prefixation and suffixation in Malay.

Affixation Category of Palembang Malay Language Reviewed From Perspective of Morphological Typology

Jomantara: Indonesian Journal of Art and Culture, 2021

This research is related to affixation category of Palembang Malay language, which is a regional part of the Sumatra region exactly South Sumatra. In particular, this study uses category of affixation in the form of prefixes and suffixes (suffiks) used by Dryer's (2013) in researching the Nualu language in Seram island which belongs to the Polynesian Malay ethnic. This research reveals that on Palembang Malay language affixation, the first affixation category was the form of 6 (six) categories of prefixes (awalan) in Palembang Malay language, among others; N-, di-, peN-, be-, te-, and se-.Second, there are found 5 (five) types of suffixes (akhiran) in Palembang Malay language, such as; -ke, -la, -an, -nyo, and –i. The third is found 3 (three) simulfix (awalan-akhiran) which is the type of bound form of the prefix one with another prefix, such as: ke-.. . -an, pe-. . . -an, and be-. -an. Finally, there were found 3 (three) main categories of morphophonemic process prefixes in Pal...

Verb sequences in Melayu Tenggara Jauh: The interface of Malay and the indigenous languages of Southwest Maluku


Ve rb se quences in Me layu Tenggara ja uh: the interface of Ma lay and the indigenous languages of Southwest Ma luku AONE VAN ENGELENHOVEN In memory of Jack Prentice, who introduced me to Tagalog and Malay linguistics. Kalo malilianan ku, Jack! 1 Introduction I This paper focuses on the prevailing contact language in Southwest Maluku called Melayu Tenggara Jauh, 2 or 'Far Southeastern Malay'. Except for my short note in Adelaar and Prentice (1996:684), this is the first publication to provide any data about this language. Inspired by Bakker and Mous (1994), I intend to test the applicability of the term 'mixed language' to Melayu Tenggara Jauh, which has become the primary vernacular for interinsular contacts in the region. 1.1 The history of Malay in Southwest Maluku Malay has spread throughout insular Southeast Asia. However, it penetrated only relatively recently in 'Southwest Maluku', the region off the easternmost tip of Timor, which 2 In writing this paper I benefited very much from discussions with various colleagues of whom David Gil and Gloria Poedjosoedarmo deserve special mention. Any shortcomings in this paper are of course my own responsibility alone. Abbreviations used in this paper are: 1,2,3-first, second, third person; d-dual; OEMdemonstrative; DEXindexer c1itic; EI-East Indonesian Malay; INDindicative c1itic; MID-Melayu Tenggara Dekat; MTJ-Melayu Tenggara Jauh; pi-plural; plinc-plural inclusive; POLpolite; REDreduplication; sg-singular; [-) morpheme boundary. This is the Indonesian term, the local term does not have a final !hI.

Morphological processes found in lexicon of Tajen

International journal of linguistics, literature and culture

This research is entitled "Tajen Language in Balinese Society". This study focuses on the linguistic aspects contained in Tajen activities. This study aims to reveal the lexicon and its categorization, as well as to identify the morphological process happens to those words found. The research data was collected using field linguistic methods supported by note-taking techniques and interview methods. The data that has been grouped is then verified again to Bebotoh as informants through interview techniques related to the meaning of forms or varieties of Balinese speech in the implementation of the Tajen. The data were analyzed using the distributional method with the Immediate Constituent Analysis technique. The results of the analysis found 146 lexicons related to Tajen. The lexicons then are classified based on grammatical forms which are divided into two, namely basic forms and derived forms. There are 72 basic forms and 74 derivative forms. The derived forms are the res...

A Contrastive Analysis Of Suffixes Between English and Batak Simalungun Language

PIJAR: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

This study aims to describe the most common types of English and Simalungun suffixes found in narrative texts and find similarities and differences. The author uses descriptive qualitative research to obtain valid data. After investigating the data, the writer found several findings based on the analysis of the types of English suffixes and simalungu n.English suffixes have four types; nominal, verbal, adjective and adverbial suffixes. There are one hundred and three suffixes that are categorized as suffixes in simalungun language. In contrast, there are one hundred and seventy-four endings which are categorized as endings in English. The writer finds differences and similarities between the two; it depends on their breed. In English suffixes and Simalungun languages suffixes have adverbial suffixes. The same type of suffixes in English and Simalungun are that both have suffixes that form nouns, verbs and adjectives.

Phonological Process in Passive Verb Markers of Bahasa Bakumpai

Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education, 2019

This research is about the phonological process which occurs in the forming of passive verbs in bahasa Bakumpai. The theory applied in this research is generative phonology. The object of this research is bahasa Bakumpai, one of the languages used by people in South and Central Borneo who live by Barito River. The research was conducted with descriptive qualitative method. The data collection was conducted by searching active and passive verbs in bahasa Bakumpai dictionary and verified by a native speaker. Result of the research shows that the prefix which becomes the passive marker is /i/ and when it is attached to stems begin with consonants, there are insertions of consonants such as the [n], [m], [ng], and [ny] which are categorized as allophones since they occur in complementary distribution in the environments.

Morphological Typology of Affixes in Riau Malay


The morphological typology in RM is based on the concept of segmentability and invariance as proposed by Van Scklegel. This concept has the purpose to idenify a word or a construction whether it is a morpheme or not. This study is descriptive-qualitative and has two major purposes: (1) to investigate the characteristics of morphological typology in RM and (2) to demonstrate the affixation process. This study was conducted in some selected municipalities and regencies in Riau Province in 2014-2015 and its data was obtained from some RM native speakers as informants through interviews which were recorded on audiotape and video. The results provide some support for determining that RM is an agglutinative language since its segmentability and invariance is easily known and this is in accordance with what Montolalu (2005: 181) said that the characteristics of agglutinative languages is that words can be divided into morphemes without difficulty. In adition, the results also provide some ...