The Role of Active Employment Policies and the Economic Effects on the Unemployment of Young People in Macedonia (original) (raw)

Economic and social implications of the Youth Unemployment in the Republic of Macedonia

Ревија за социјална политика/Journal of Social Policy

Овој труд ја обработува невработеноста на младите во Република Македонија, како еден од хро ничните проблеми во општеството. трудот има за цел да обезбеди длабински преглед на невработеноста на младите во земјата врз основа на расположивите податоци за пазарот на трудот, како и дискусија за економ ските и социјалните последици во светло на долгорочноста на проблемот и вли јанието врз човечкиот капитал во Република Македонија. Анализата на импликациите е заснована на постојните со стој би во однос на неактивноста на младите, стапките на невработеност на младите и дол горочната невработеност на младите, кои се мо шне високи и прет ставуваат сериозна закана за

The Impact and the Role of the Small and Medium Enterprises on the Employment in the Republic of Macedonia

Knowledge International Journal

Current developments in the global and national economics point to a number of problems faced by real entities in the real sector, and as a special area of interest for the scientific public there is a need to provide conditions for the smooth running of the reproduction processes in the enterprise and the realization the positive results of the operation. Enterprises are drivers of inclusive economic growth in the Republic of Macedonia and in creating productive and sustainable jobs.The new conception of the small enterprise as a carrier and engine of economic development is quite persuasive with its economic logic and reaffirms the small enterprise as a significant economic sector. The activities within the small enterprises are aimed at intensifying the results of the work by achieving a balance between objective possibilities and good working principles. The monitoring of the small enterprise, through the prism of its influence on economic growth and development, rejects the tra...

Unemployment and a Stock – Flow Model on the Labour Market in the Republic of Macedonia

Economic Studies journal, 2017

The aim of this paper is to analyse the unemployment on the basis of administrative data sources and application of the stock-flow model. The intention is to recognize the changes and features of the unemployment regarding stocks and flows of the main segments on the labour market: employed, unemployed and inactive population in the Republic of Macedonia. Main reasons for the implementation of stock – flow model for determining the level of unemployment in Macedonia are following: a) Labour Force Survey (LFS) used by State Statistical Office (SSO) is based on the Census from 2002, therefore the sample used for calculating the level of unemployment is inadequate; and b) contrary to any economic logic, during the great global economic crisis and in the period after the crisis, the unemployment in Macedonia permanently decreased in conditions when the economy registered negative rates of economic growth and decline in industrial production over a longer period of time. The application ...

Causes and consequences of low economic activity of older people in Serbia - causes and consequences

Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke, 2018

Demographic aging, as well as the situation on the Serbian labour market, have affected the changes in the age structure of the workforce. The share of active persons older than 50 years in the total labour force has increased, and the share of young people has fallen. In 2017, 27.2% of total active people are in the age group 50-64. Despite the positive trends in the period 2012-2017, the indicators of economic activity and employment of the population in these age groups in Serbia are lower, compared to the rates for the EU countries. Low activity and employment of the older people is the result of leaving the workforce before the retirement age. The poor employment opportunities for older workers meant an early exit from the workforce and their transition to inactivity. The reasons for early exit from the workforce are illness or disability too. Out of the total number of pensioners in Serbia in 2017, 17.1% were disability pensioners. Chronic non-communicable diseases are the lea...

Regional Aspects of Employment and Unemployment in Bulgaria Under the Conditions of Economic Crisis


Развитието на националната икономика в условията на икономическа и финансова криза е свързано със сериозни предизвикателства пред пазара на труда. Значимостта на заетостта в осигуряването на икономическото и социалното благосъстояние на обществото обуславя необходимостта от статистическото изследване на закономерностите в нейното развитие. Настоящото изследване е с практикоприложен характер. Въз основа на статистически данни за пазара на труда и с помощта на методите на статистико-иконометричния анализ са установени основните тенденции в развитието и социално-демографската структура на заетите и безработните лица. Извършен е задълбочен анализ на регионалните различия в показателите за заетостта и безработицата и е приложен оценъчен подход за въздействието на икономическата криза върху тяхното равнище. The development of the national economy under the conditions of economic and financial crisis is associated with serious challenges facing the labour market. The importance of employme...

Entrepreneurial education - efficient employment approach - the case in Macedonia


Entrepreneurial education and its importance attract more and more interest in modern European societies. Entrepreneurial education presents itself as a driving force for innovation of teaching, revival of culture, development of learning, strengthening of achievements, as well as an efficient approach to employment. Entrepreneurial education focuses on entrepreneurial competencies in the context of creating a new venture, developing entrepreneurs who are able to take responsibility for their own learning in a variety of different contexts. This paper provides an overview of the already existing research on entrepreneurial education and training with particular reference to the current situation in some countries in Europe, especially in Macedonia Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education have a significant impact on individuals, on how to learn, and also to their future success. It also prepares them for upgrading their professional life and the important means of achieving in...

Analysis of Active Labour Market Measures within National Employment Services (NES) in Albania: The case of NES Tirana

Ревија за социјална политика/Journal of Social Policy

Катедра за социјална работа и социјална политика Универзитет на тирана Апстракт И покрај својот економски растеж од изминатите декади, Албанија сеуште бележи високи стапки на невработеност, посебно кај жените и мла дите, што го потврдува ат и годишните извештаи на Албан скиот институт за статистика. промовирањето на поголемо учество на жени и млади на пазарот на трудот е од суш тинска важност за Албанија. Сек торската Стратегија за вработување за периодот 2007-2013 год. се фокусира на јакнење на капацитетите на Националната служба за вра ботување (НСВ) за спроведување на активни и пасивни програми на пазарот на трудот. Еден од глав

Effective employment of youth: theoretical aspects and factors of influence

Socio-Economic Research Bulletin, 2021

The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of determining the effective employment of young people in terms of modern market transformations in the country. It is determined that this issue is especially relevant in the context of changing the labor market paradigm under the influence of the global pandemic and the active development of new forms of employment (separate work, mixed schedule, use of interactive employment), which to a greater extent affects the interests of young people as the most active part of the labor market. The main approaches to the definition of «effective employment» are analyzed and it is emphasized that such employment, along with economic, also reflects the socio-economic and socio-psychological performance of labor, its environmental aspects. The main aspects of the definition and indicators of evaluation of effective employment at the level of the state, enterprise and individual are studied. It is determined that regardless of th...

Determinants of the Situation of the Youth on the Labor Market

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research, 2018

The article analyzes the dynamics of the youth labor force in Russia and France. The consequences of reducing the number of young people for the Russian economy are formulated. The situation of youth of both countries in the sphere of labor is considered: indicators of youth segment of the labor market are calculated (the number of labor force in the age group of 15-24 years, the unemployment rate among young people of 15-24 years, etc.). Common features, features and differences in the position of young people in the labor market of Russia and France, the main trends in the development of the youth segment of the labor market are revealed.

Unemployment as a Socio-Economic Problem of the Black Sea Region of Ukraine

Black Sea Economic Studies, 2021

The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of unemployment as a socio-economic problem in the regions of Ukraine in the context of the spread of coronavirus. It is established that a person who lost his job suffers not only material loss, but also socio-psychological. Person loses social status, the psychological tension increases, and the circle of communication narrows. The author’s interpretation of the definition of unemployment as a socio-economic problem, which is characterized by forced unemployment of the economically active population, which arises as a result of imbalance in the labor market, caused primarily by economic crisis and ineffective socio-economic policy is proposed. The factors that cause the problem of unemployment in the Black Sea region of Ukraine are substantiated. Exogenous and endogenous factors of unemployment of the population of Ukraine are considered. The territorial structure of the unemployed population in the regions of Ukraine is studie...