Entrepreneurial education - efficient employment approach - the case in Macedonia (original) (raw)

The Impact and the Role of the Small and Medium Enterprises on the Employment in the Republic of Macedonia

Knowledge International Journal

Current developments in the global and national economics point to a number of problems faced by real entities in the real sector, and as a special area of interest for the scientific public there is a need to provide conditions for the smooth running of the reproduction processes in the enterprise and the realization the positive results of the operation. Enterprises are drivers of inclusive economic growth in the Republic of Macedonia and in creating productive and sustainable jobs.The new conception of the small enterprise as a carrier and engine of economic development is quite persuasive with its economic logic and reaffirms the small enterprise as a significant economic sector. The activities within the small enterprises are aimed at intensifying the results of the work by achieving a balance between objective possibilities and good working principles. The monitoring of the small enterprise, through the prism of its influence on economic growth and development, rejects the tra...

Attitude of the youth of Serbian nationality to the entrepreneurship: The case of Kosovo and Metohia

Ekonomski pogledi, 2015

Висока техничка школа струковних студија, Звечан, Србија Живче Шаркоћевић Висока техничка школа струковних студија, Звечан, Србија Данијела Марјановић Висока техничка школа струковних студија, Звечан, Србија Сажетак: Циљ истраживања је да прикаже став младих на Косову и Метохији према предузетништву. За прикупљање података коришћења је анкета, а истраживање је обухватило узорак од 200 младих који живе на територији Косова и Метохије. Резултати истраживања треба да прикажу разлоге младих за покретање посла, висину средстава која су спремни да уложе, ризик који су спремни да прихвате, зараду коју очекују и факторе који су пресудни за успех пословања по мишљењу младих. Такође, резултати истраживања треба да прикажу перцепцију младих о специфичности пословања на територији Косова и Метохије.

The function of education and the scientific and research and artistic activity in the creation of human capital and knowledge - based economy in R. Macedonia


The global secular trends in the world, processes and occurrences and building of the modern society imply acceptance and building of new postulates for organizing of the educational system, scientific and research and artistic activity and the functioning of the economy. The rapid development of technologies and techniques imposed the additional needs and opportunities within the education and knowledge that take a basic role. The emergence of the new concept called knowledge-based economy, focusing on knowledge and on the lots of information and ideas that are common and increases use, break down international borders and become socially-public good. In this paper by using positive and normative scientific approach and the use of inductive, deductive, historical-comparative, synthetic, analytical and trendy method of analysis will define the channels of transmission of education, scientific research and artistic work in the creation of human capital and knowledge-based economy and also in the focus of analysis to the case of R. Macedonia, will unveil the achievements and recommendations for further notation future activities, and parallel to it will define the types and methods of conducting scientific research in methodologies of teaching subjects Macedonian language and literature and music education.

Одржливоста на принципот за правична и соодветна застапеност во Република С. Македонија vis-à-vis меритократски систем на вработување


Една од најактуелните светски теми на 21-иот век е поврзана со поставувањето на цели и изнаоѓање на начини за одржлив развој во сите сфери од општествениот живот. Ако во минатото теоретичарите го анализираа развојот од економски аспект, во денешно време според стандардите за одржлив развој, анализата потребно е да ги вклучи не само економските принципи, туку и социјалните и оние поврзани со животната средина. Социјалната димензија конкретно ги третира социјалните прашања меѓу кои вработувањето, социјалната заштита, здравството и образованието. Предмет на анализа во овој труд се добиените резултати од вработувањето врз основа на принципот за соодветна и правична застапеност на граѓаните кои припаѓаат на сите заедници во Република С. Македонија (Македонија). Оваа одредба уставно беше воведена во 2001 година, по препорака на Охридскиот Рамковен Договор (ОРД) и почна да се применува меѓудругото и во јавната администрација во сите централни и локални јавни тела, на сите нивоа. Целта на а...

The Role of Active Employment Policies and the Economic Effects on the Unemployment of Young People in Macedonia

Knowledge, 2018

Macedonia as a relatively young country since its independence, and until today it faced with high rate of general unemployment. Unemployment was and is still expressed among young people. Unemployment and insufficient employment of young people represent a great expense for the Macedonian economy and is the reason for the active migration of the young population. The influence of the socio-political developments in the country and international politics have a major role to play in this situation. Thanks to the active measures of the state and the influence of the European Union through financing and giving directions for acting of the state in terms of regulation and giving opportunities for self-employment as well as the facilitation of business entities in terms of creating new jobs in the last years there is a slight decrease in the unemployment of young people. In the paper, are analyzed are discussed active labor market policies were undertaken with a view to stimulating the employment of young people and are analyzed and processed statistics on the rates of movement of the activity, employment and unemployment of the young population, structure of the population, key indicators for the labor market by age and structure of employment and unemployment of young people according to the level of education. At the end is offerd conclusion for the economic effects of state policy with directions for action in terms of increasing the employment of young people in Macedonia and the suppression of youth unemployment.

Creation Jobs in the Real Sector: Case of the Republic of North Macedonia

Knowledge International Journal

The Macedonian labor market is characterized by deep structural imbalances and a high presence of structural unemployment in overall unemployment. The roots of such imbalances can be traced to a number of factors, including a lack of regional mobility, the deindustrialization of these economies during the transition period, and the resulting massive unemployment of low-skilled and difficult-to-adapt labor, or a weak link between education systems and requirements in industry36.The new conception of the small enterprise as a carrier and engine of economic development is quite persuasive with its economic logic and reaffirms the small enterprise as a significant economic sector. The activities within the small enterprises are aimed at intensifying the results of the work by achieving a balance between objective possibilities and good working principles. The monitoring of the small enterprise, through the prism of its influence on economic growth and development, rejects the traditiona...

Entrepreneurial education as strategy for economic development


An important feature of the competitive есопоту is people's ability to constantly explore and take advantage of the opportunities for profitable new activities on the local and world markets. Encouraging and liberating people's entrepreneurial energies is an essential кеу to achieving greater economic prosperity in the country and continuing the recovery of its есоnomy over time. Skills and knowledge, developed through training and education, are one of the few areas in which a country can create a competitive advantage. The importance of entrepreneurial education comes from the importance of the entrepreneurthroughout the whole economic system. Nurturing the entrepreneurial špirit and enabling a positive environment that supports entrepreneurship, becomes the primary responsibility of the overall education system. Recent research findings by the European Commission suggest that people who have undergone entrepreneurial programs and activities, show stronger entrepreneurial ...

Влијанието на едукацијата за претприемачи врз бизнисот и претприемништвото во Македонија


Предговор Ракописот е резултат на повеќегодишна продлабочена анализа на авторите во областа на постојната состојба и развојот на бизнисот и претприемништвото во Македонија, од една страна, и споредбена анализа на состојбата со повеќе држави од регионот и пошироко, од друга страна. Поединечни делови од книгава, биле тема на дискусија на конференции и биле објавени во индексирани журнали. Основната цел на книгава е да даде реална слика (за состојбата во Македонија) на сите заинтересирани за нејзината бизнис-клима и да ги охрабри претприемачките потфати на постојните деловни субјекти или на оние што сакаат да станат тоа, но и да ја прикаже сериозноста на пристапот на државата кон ова прашање. Република Македонија внесува промени во формалниот едукативен систем, гледајќи ги идните генерации како промотори и двигатели на идниот стопански и економски развој на земјата. Концизното и експлицитното презентирање на проблематиката од оваа област, на овој материјал му дава голема можност за нег...