Organizational Communication Model of The Village Fund Governance (Case Study on Corruption of Village Funds in Dasok Village, East Java) (original) (raw)

Government Communication Model in Strengthening Village Institutions in Bertah Village, North Sumatra

Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia

Based on Government Regulation Number 8 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Government Regulation Number 60 of 2014 concerning Village Funds from the State Budget (APBN), village funds must be managed in an orderly, obedient, efficient, economical, effective, transparent and responsible manner by paying attention to the sense of justice and propriety and prioritizing the interests of the local community. Therefore, it is important to strengthen village institutions and village officials, so that they are qualified and empowered to carry out development. Indonesia has a total of 83,820 villages which need to be assisted so that the disbursed village funds are not wasted. This study uses a qualitative grounded theory approach by observing, interviewing 30 informants and analyzing village documents. The results of the study found that the human resource factor of the village head as a communicator, was more trusted by village institutions and the community because of his open, d...

Abuse of Village Fund (VF) in Indonesia: Case Study of VF Corruption in East Java

PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences

The Indonesian government in the JokoWidodo-JusufKalla era (2014-2019) accelerated welfare in the village by launching the Village Fund (VF) program in accordance with Law Number. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. However, since the VF was rolled out in 2015, cases of misuse of funds have continued to spread, mostly involving village heads and village officials. To minimize irregularities in the VF, the Ministry of Villages from Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Ministry of PDTT) established the Village Fund Task Force (VFTF) at the central level. Responding to the high case of corruption in the VF, there are two objectives in this research, namely analyzing the communication policy of the Ministry of PDTT organization by forming VFTF, as well asanalyzing ccommunication on Village Fund organizations in Dasok Village and constraints faced.This research uses a case study approach in Dasok Village,

Transparent Communication Model in Village Government Based on "Law Number 14 of 2008" in Central Java, Indonesia

Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2021

The village government is mandated to implement information openness in any activity, by Law Number 14 the Year 2008. This study uses an interpretive paradigm to analyze the information disclosure of village governments in 6 major territorial areas of cities and districts in Central Java. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method to explain the research problem. This study aims to create an open communication model. It is also to minimize the occurrence of corruption in aid funds for the community. The novelty of this research is the existence of stakeholders and technology as an element that participates in controlling financial assistance. The application of research results is in organizational communication in village government.The findings of this study describe those village governments that have not fully conducted information openness communication. It can be seen since there are still many village officials conducting corruption cases. The Innovati...

The Role of Village Equipment in the Accountability of Cintamulya Village Government Sumedang Disctrictwest Java Province

PICS-J: Pasundan International of Community Service Journal, 2021

This study aims to determine how the role of village officials in Cintamluya Village, Jatinangor District in the accountability of village fund management. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews and documentation. The subjects of this study amounted to 7 people who are village officials in Cintmulya Village, namely the Village Head, Village Secretary, Village Treasurer, Head of Development, Head of General Affairs, Head of Government and Head of Dusun. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results of the research conducted indicate that village officials in Cintamulya Village have played a role in the accountability of village fund management by carrying out their duties starting from the planning, implementation, administration, reporting, accountability.

The Supervision of Village Fund Management to Prevent Corruption

PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law), 2021

Indonesian village government is required to carry out its duties properly. The village government has an obligation to understand legal instruments in many laws and regulations. The legal instruments serve as a guideline to carry out the accountability of the village officials to execute programs that use village funds. Unfortunately, the requirements have not been materialized due to the increasing corruption involving village heads who abused village funds. The study aims to find out the form of accountability of the village head as the power holder of village fund users when there are allegations of village fund corruption and the supervisory function that can be carried out by the Village Consultative Body (BPD – Badan Perwakilan Desa) in preventing of village funds to be corrupted by the village head. The study shows that the legal instruments and implementation of the use of village funds are basically in accordance with the principles and principles of managing state finance...

Working Relations of the Village Head and the Village Consultative Body in the Village Funds Utilization

Jurnal Administrasi Publik : Public Administration Journal, 2021

This study aims to identify the relationship between the village head and the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in the use of village funds in the village of Karang Jaya, Namlea District, and explain the influence on the development of village communities. The problem is focused on the use of village funds which should be a stimulus for development in each village, but, in management, there are often problems that hinder village development. This study seeks to see and get deeper into the relationship that has been built between the village head and the BPD in the village of Karang Jaya. The approach used in this study uses a qualitative approach. The number of informants who will be interviewed is 15 people taken purposively, considering that respondents are regarded as related parties to achieve the research objectives. Researchers used observational data collection techniques and in-depth interviews to obtain data on the implementation of the village fund program. The analysis tech...

Informal Politics in the Management of Village Funds in Indonesia: Case in West Sumatra Province

Proceedings of the 1st Tidar International Conference on Advancing Local Wisdom Towards Global Megatrends, TIC 2020, 21-22 October 2020, Magelang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, 2021

This article wants to explain the obstacles associated with the government's approach using the New-Institutionalism Approach, which emphasizes formal statutory rules in managing village funds. New-Institutionalism approach only focuses on implementing laws and ignores the community's norms, values, and beliefs, which hinder the emergence of innovation and creativity following resources in the village. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive case study methods. This research uses semistructured interviews with 15 informants with various backgrounds such as Nagari apparatus, Nagari Deliberative Council, religious leaders, and traditional leaders. This article concludes that the Village Fund's rules in Nagari, West Sumatra Province, often change, are ambiguous, and contradict each other, making the Nagari Government challenging to manage the Village Fund. Whereas informal politics carried out by traditional elites in Nagari is an essential dimension in the ...

Analysis of factors affecting the accountability of village fund management at village government

Journal of Business and Information Systems (e-ISSN: 2685-2543)

In order to determine whether or not certain factors have an effect on the accountability of village money, this study looks at a variety of factors, including the use of information technology, community participation, internal control mechanisms, and prosocial behavior. The sample for this research comes from the entire community of Kapanewon Imogiri, which is located in the Bantul Regency. In total, there were 48 persons who agreed to take part in this study. The research method that was used was a non-probability sampling method that utilized a saturated sampling type. The information was gathered through the use of a questionnaire. The study of the data consisted of using multiple forms of linear regression. The findings demonstrated that the utilization of information technology has an impact on the accountability of the management of village funds. Accountability in the management of village funds is unaffected by community participation, institutional control systems, or pro...

The Effect of Accountability of Rural Fund Management and Internal Control to Prevent Corruption in Villages of Bojongpicung District - Cianjur

JBTI : Jurnal Bisnis : Teori dan Implementasi

The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of accountability of rural fund management and internal control to prevent corruption in villages at bojongpicung district of Cianjur regency. The objects of the study are village heads, village devices, Village Representative (BPD) and BPD members and community leaders. The sampling criteria are people who understand and are directly involved in the management of the Rural Fund. The sample consisted of 66 people consisting of 11 Village Heads, Village officials, village secretaries, regional executives, technical implementers, BPD and BPD members, as well as community leaders in each village. Then conducted interviews and distributing questionnaires. The results showed that partially Accountability of Rural Fund Management and Internal Control had no effect on Corruption Prevention Efforts, as evidenced by the results of the significance test above 5%. Likewise, the test results simultaneously and together the two variables do not...

The Management of Village Funds – Village Fund Policy Implementation (Case Study in Candirejo Village, Nganjuk Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia)

Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Business and Economics Conference (APBEC 2018), 2019

This study analyzes the management of village funds sourced from APBN (State Budget of Indonesia). The purpose of this study is to analyze the management of Village Funds starting from planning, implementation, administration, reporting and accountability of Village Funds which are then compared with the prevailing regulations in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative research type with case study method. Data were collected using interviews and in-depth analysis of documents. The study analyzes the management of the Village Fund for two budget periods that is 2015 and 2016. The objects in this study are Candirejo Village, Nganjuk Regency, East Java Province Indonesia which is classified as a developing village. The result of this study is that the management of Village Fund in Candirejo Village still has inconsistency with the prevailing regulations. The planning and budgeting stages of RKPDes (Vilage Government Planning) and APBDes (Village Budget) are carried out far from the deadline in regulation. For the implementation stage, the time and percentage of the Village Fund's revenue in Candirejo Village is still not in accordance with the prevailing regulations. In the administrative phase, the monthly accountability report is not reported to the Village Head. While at the stage of reporting and accountability there is a discrepancy between the realizations of revenue with revenue budget. Semester report differences with accountability reports, makes report information unreliable.