Die gelenkte Wirtschaft, ihre Rechtsgrundlage und ihr strafrechtlicher Schutz im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren (1939 -1945) (original) (raw)
2023, Journal on European History of Law
The Controlled Economy, its Legal Basis and Criminal Protection in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia /1939 – 1945/ Immediately after the establishment of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the government of the Protectorate began to enact legislation for the transition to a controlled economy, following the Reich model. Its nature varied, but at least two basic groups can be distinguished: legislation regulating the market and legislation regulating the rationing system. One of the main features controlled economy of the Protectorate was the freezing and control of prices, for which the Supreme Price Office was created. In practice, restrictions on the free sale of food, fuel and other commodities played a crucial role. At the same time, Czech-Moravian associations were created-they managed and controlled the production and distribution of food and other commodities, and some state functions were delegated to them. In course of the implementation of the controlled economy, essential management and control tasks were also delegated to the provincial and district authorities, which also prosecuted offences against maintenance economy and controlled economy. In the course of time, repression took hold, and the German special courts punished with all the vigour and severity they could, even in the case of Protectorate citizens, acts against economic regulations.
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Das Handelsrecht und seine Entwicklung im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren (1939 – 1945)
Journal on European History of Law, 2021
This article focuses on the state interventions in the sphere of commercial law in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia during the years 1939-1945. Protectorate citizens (the Czechs) were mainly governed within the scope of commercial law by the Austrian Commercial Code of 1863, inherited from the Habsburg monarchy, which received only minor alterations. During the war, the Minister of Justice had wide powers to enforce restrictions or waive certain limitations when it came to commercial law, which was mainly justified by public order concerns and the environment of the war economy. The article takes note, among other issues, of the changes in corporation law, obligation law, patent law or securities law. During the existence of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, an entirely new system of regulation was also introduced for promissory notes and cheques.
Die Arbeitsverwaltung im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren (1939-1945)
Journal on European History of Law, vol. 10, Nr. 2, pp. 2-14 (ISSN 2042-6402), 2019
System of forced and directed labour was characteristic for protectorate labour law. In order for this system to work effectively, it was necessary to create some required effective managing and controlling mechanisms. Of major importance was a newly created system of employment offices and their subsidiaries which was directed by the Ministry of Social and Health Administration, later by the Ministry of Economy and Labour. Employment offices constituted one of the most important and key instruments in the process of performing directed and forced labour. During World War II, their tasks and authority gradually grew and at the end of the war they applied basically to all areas related to work performance. Although the employment offices belonged to the so-called autonomous (Czech) administration, their leading positions were taken by German officers which had a considerable influence on their actual activity. The Ministry of Social and Health Administration (later Ministry of Economy and Labour) represented an institution where legal regulations for the labour law area were made. Since 1942, mostly German officers were in charge of this area amongst whom can be named primarily Dr. Walter Bertsch and Dr. Wilhelm Dennler. German office workers transferred here from the Office of Reich Protector, thus they directly contributed to creating drafts of legislation.
Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs, 2022
Public Administration of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (1939–1945). Overview and Developmental Trends During the era of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, it is essential to distinguish between the Reich (German) administration and the autonomous (Czech) administration. The Protectorate was afforded a degree of autonomy by a decree of the Führer from 16th March 1939, however this autonomy was eroded by the Nazis over time. Most of the governmental bodies of the autonomous administration were retained from the era of the Second Czechoslovak Republic. The Parliament was however abolished. The autonomous administration was headed by State President Dr. Emil Hácha and the Protectorate government. Several new administrative bodies were formed, such as labour offices, a land law office or a supreme price administration office. At the head of the occupational (German) administration was the Reich Protector. At a local level, it was represented by Oberlandräte (High Land Councils). German judiciary and security organs were also established in the Protectorate.
Die Anwendung des deutschen Strafrechts im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren
"The application of German criminal law in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Criminal law in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia is an area of law, where most procedures were performed. The existing criminal law on the territory of the Protectorate was very complicated and confusing. Das Strafrecht im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren stellt ein Rechtsgebiet dar, in dem die meisten Eingriffe durchgeführt wurden. Das auf dem Gebiet des Protektorats geltende Strafrecht war sehr kompliziert und unübersichtlich. Dies bestand in mehreren Gründen. Erster Grund lag darin, dass die strafrechtlichen Normen nicht in einer Rechtsvorschrift kodifiziert wurden, wie es heute der Fall ist; in der Zeit der deutschen Besatzung der böhmischen Länder gab es Dutzende und vielleicht auch Hunderte von sog. Nebenstrafgesetzen, welche Strafsanktionen auferlegten. Die Zahl der Strafgesetze stieg ständig an. Die Anwendung der rezipierten tschechoslowakischen Strafrechtsnormen wurde schrittweise zu Gunsten der Vorschriften des Reichsstrafrechts beschränkt. Die Delikte der Protektoratsbevölkerung wurden immer öfter vor den deutschen Gerichten im Protektorat verhandelt."
Publicationes Universitatis Miskolcinensis. Sectio Juridica et Politica. Tomus XXX, Nr. 1, p. 219-228 (ISSN 0866-6032), 2012
Der Aufsatz befasst sich mit ausgewählten Aspekten des Arbeitsrechts im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren (1939 – 1945). Die ersten Eingriffe in das Arbeitsrecht wurden unmittelbar schon nach der Errichtung des Protektorats Böhmen und Mähren durchgeführt. Am Anfang werden zuerst die ideologische Auffassung der Arbeit und des Arbeitsrecht, sowie die faschisierenden Tendenzen im Arbeitsrecht in der Zweiten Tschecho-slowakischen Republik angeführt. Der Schwerpunkt des vorgelegten Aufsatzes liegt in der ausführlichen Analyse der Einführung der Arbeitspflicht, der Schaffung des Systems der Arbeitslenkung und der Zwangsarbeit.
Die Wirtschaftspolitik der belagerten Festung. Das Glasjew-Programm
Vor allem auf Grund des Ölpreisrückgangs setzte in Russland eine wirtschaftliche Stagnation ein, die bei Fortdauer niedriger Ölpreise noch jahrelang anhalten könnte. Die auf Verbesserung des Investitionsklimas gerichteten Maßnahmen der Regierung können keine schnelle Besserung der Wirtschaftslage versprechen. Vor diesem Hintergrund finden Forderungen nach einer grundsätzlichen Kehrtwende der Wirtschaftspolitik, wie sie der Präsidentenberater Sergej Glasjew seit Jahren erhebt, verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit. Er möchte, dass die Zentralbank, statt die Inflation zu bekämpfen, durch Erhöhung der Geldmenge Wirtschaftswachstum erzeugt. Vor allem müsse das Land seine außenwirtschaftliche Abhängigkeit verringern, um den USA in ihrem „Weltkrieg“ gegen Russland widerstehen zu können. Sein Programm, das er Mitte September einer Kommission des Sicherheitsrats vorlegte, wurde von Wirtschaftsexperten überwiegend negativ beurteilt. Umstritten ist, welchen Einfluss seine Vorstellungen auf die Kremlpolitik haben.
Die Bedeutung des Protektorats Böhmen und Mähren für das Reich aus der Sicht des Tourismus
The Importance of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia for the Third Reich from the Point of the View of Tourism This issue has not yet reflected in Czechoslovak, Czech or even foreign (German) literature. The importance of the Protectorate in the area of tourism was ambivalent for the Third Reich. On one hand, there seemed to be a tendency to restrict “free” movement as such no matter whether the person was a citizen of the Protectorate or Reich including foreigners. On the other hand, we cannot ignore the efforts of the Reich and Protectorate to support the limited tourism within the Protectorate and Reich that was motivated by ideological, political or social healthcare reasons. The tendency of German offices to control the border checkpoints between the Reich and Protectorate and to control the Third Reich’s external borders had an overall negative effect.
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