Generation Means Analysis for Some Quantitative Traits in Sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) Crosses from Ethiopia (original) (raw)

Ljubičić, Nataša, Petrović, Sofija, Dimitrijević, M., Hristov, N. (2015): Detection of epistasis for plant height in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using generation means analysis. VI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2015". Book of proceedings. 488-493.

In order to estimate the gene effects in the inheritance of the plant height, five winter wheat genotypes (Pobeda, Renesansa, Sara, Partizanka and Pesma) were selected. The above mentioned genotypes were diallel crossed and F1, F2, and Fbc1 were obtained. The gene effects were estimated on the basis of generation mean analysis, using an additive-dominant model with three and six-parameters (Mather and Jinks, 1982). The adequacy of the additive-dominance model with three-parameters was tested using the Scaling-test and Chi-square (χ2) test. In the most crosses the value of the dominant gene effect was more significant than additive. The three-parameter model was adequate for the three crossing combination: Pobeda/Pesma, Renesansa/Pesma and Sara/Pesma. In the remaining crossing combinations tests showed the presence of epistatic effect which suggested that three-parameter model was not adequate. The application of six-parameter models was fitted for explaining genetic variation for the plant height and indicated the presence of various epistatic effects. The inheritance of the plant height was influenced by additive×additive and dominance×dominance type of non-allelic interactions. Duplicate gene interactions were also seen functioning in controlling plant height in most crosses. The best fit model indicated a very similar gene effects which were presented by a model with six-parameters. Epistasis played a considerable role in controlling plant height of wheat which revealed that epistatic gene effect cannot be ignored in establishing a breeding program to improve wheat populations for this trait. Keywords: wheat, plant height, gene effects.

Combining ability and gene action in sesame (Sesamum indicum L) elite genotypes by diallel mating design

Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science, 2016

An 8 x 8 diallel cross mating design with the parents and F1s was used to estimate gene action and combining ability for yield and yield characters in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). The experiment was conducted at the National Semi-Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI), Serere, Uganda during the second season of 2013. The traits involved: days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, height to first branch, height to first capsules, plant height, length of the capsule fruiting zone and yield per plant. The genetic variance of combining ability was separated into general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability variance components. Baker's ratio, coefficients of genetic determination (CGD) were determined for narrow and broad sense heritabilities. High GCA effects were recorded for days to flowering, height of first capsule and number of branches, branches per plant and capsule length. Desirable SCA effects were recorded for Sesim2//5181 x Renner 1-3-1-1 for reduced height of first branch (-9.48*), Sesim1 x Sesim2 for number of branches per plant (0.901*), capsules on branches (20.75**) and yield per plant (2.42*). High Baker's ratio was recorded for most of the traits except for yield per plant (0.233). CGDbs was high for most of the traits except for days to maturity (0.064), plant height (0.346), capsules on main stem (0.358) and capsule width (0.286). These results suggested that both additive and non-additive gene actions played a greater role in these traits. Sesim 1 had the highest number of desirable traits scored for GCA effects and could be considered as a parent for crossing to produce desirable progeny. Sesim 1 x Sesim 2, Sesim 1 x Ajimo A1-5 and Sesim2//5181 x SPS1438-1-6-4 recorded positive significant SCA effects for yield per plant and therefore they could be recommended for hybrid seed production.

Verim ve verimle ilgili özellikler için susamda (Sesamum indicum L.) genetik değişkenlik

Harran tarım ve gıda bilimleri dergisi, 2023

Availability of genetic variability among a certain crop population and knowledge of the genetic parameters of yield and yield-related traits are the key preconditions to enhance seed yield. Therefore, sixty-four sesame genotypes consisting of fifty-nine accessions and five varieties were assessed in order to evaluate sesame genotypes for yield and yield-related traits and estimate the genetic parameters. An 8 x 8 simple lattice design was used to evaluate the experimental materials. Data were collected for the twenty traits. Analysis of variance revealed that sesame genotypes were significantly different (P<0.05) except for internode length and seed shattering-related traits. ASARC-ACC-SG-013 was the highest-yielding accession, while accession GK-012 (2) gave the highest oil content (60.09%), and the mean thousands seeds weight ranged from 2.00 g to 2.75 g, indicating the existence of elite sesame genotypes that can be considered to maximize yield, seed size, and oil content. The number of primary branches plant-1 , the number of capsules on the main stem plant-1 , and total capsules plant-1 all showed high coefficients of variation, demonstrating that the genotypes under study had sufficient variability for these traits. High heritability and genetic advance were obtained for traits such as plant height to the first branch (60.70%; 21.90%), capsule length (81.10%; 24.00%), primary branches plant-1 (63.10%; 36.30%), number of capsules on the main stem plant-1 (74.40%; 45.80%), and total capsules plant-1 (64.90%; 51.40%). Thus, the finding suggests a trustworthy estimate of the genetic advancement that may be anticipated through phenotypic selection for these traits.


Generation mean analysis was carried out to study nature and magnitude of gene effects for yield and its yield component in a cross of sesame (SesamumindicumL.) The parents with their F1, F2, B1 and B2 were evaluated in replicated trail for ten quantitative traits. The analysis showed that scales A,B and C are highly significant for seed yield/plant and all the ten yield components, indicating the predominance of non-allelic interactions or epistasis of Additive x Additive (i) and Dominance x Dominance (l) for almost all the ten characters in the cross. Predominance of non-additive (dominance) gene action was prevailed in the expression of seed yield/ plant, its components with duplicate type of epistasis in the cross investigated. Hence, selection should be delayed until virtual homozygosity is attained to achieve the improvement in these traits.


Exploitation of heterosis in most crops is one of the methods to increase yield. Knowledge of heterosis together with combining ability analysis is frequently used to choose good combiners and promising hybrid combinations. Thus, the objectives of this study were to evaluate combining abilities and heterosis of F1 and F2 generations and association of yield and yield components. The experiments were conducted in Yezin Agricultural University during 2006-2008. Eight varieties were crossed in a diallel mating design (Method 2). The parental lines along with F1, F2 progenies and 4 checks were grown in two micro-environments in RCB design with two replications. The crosses (Co-1? India 7B), (Co-1 ? Sinyadana 3), (Co-1 ? Yethaekyaw), (Sinyadana 11 ? Co-1) and (Co-1 ? VTS-2009) had better mean yield performances and showed high heterosis values for yield. Among these, the two combinations (Co-1 ? India 7B) and (Co-1 ? Sinyadana 3) showed high SCA effects. Therefore, these two combinations could be selected to use in production of hybrids. The genotype Co-1 was identified as the best general combiner having maximum GCA effect for more than half of the observed traits. There was no difference in yield performance between the F1 and F2 generations of Co-1 ? Yathaekyaw cross. This F2 generation might be used in production of sesame to save the cost of F1 hybrid seeds. In correlation study, yield was significantly and positively correlated with days to maturity, plant height, primary branches, secondary branches and capsules per plant. Therefore, these five characters were the main yield contributing traits in sesame production.

Implications of additive x additive epistasis for common bean breeding

The presence of epistasis in complex traits can be significant and affect the selection of segregating populations undesirably. The purpose of this study was to determine the epistatic genetic components that influence root and shoot traits of common bean and identify their effect on the performance of segregating populations. The field experiment consisted of 49 treatments (backcross progenies, parents and segregating populations in the F2 and F3 generations). The cross P1-BAF53 (Andean) x P2-IPR 88 Uirapuru (Mesoamerican) as reference. Six traits were taken into consideration: root distribution (%), first pod length (cm), number of grains (plot), plant height (cm), reproductive cycle (days) and number of basal branches (plot). Additive x additive epistasis significantly affected 50% of the above traits. For root distribution (RD), this genetic component deteriorated the mean performance of the progenies in relation to the parents, regardless of the presence of dominance deviations...

Analysis of genetic architecture for some physiological characters in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)

Euphytica, 2009

Combining ability for some important physiological parameters in sesame were examined to understand the nature of gene action and to identify parents for breeding programme. Seven diverse genotypes of sesame, their 21 F 1 s and 21 F 2 s were grown in summer, 2003, in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Data were collected on leaf area index (LAI) at 30, 45, 60 and 75 days after sowing (DAS), crop growth rate (CGR) estimated between 30-45 DAS, 45-60 DAS and 60-75 DAS, days to peak flowering (DPF), duration of flowering (DF), duration from peak flowering to maturity (DFM), oil content in percentage (OC) and oil yield (OY) plant-1. Analysis of combining ability was done on the above physiological characters following Method-2, Model-I of Griffing (Aust J Biol Sci 9:463-493 1956). Variances due to general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) for all the physiological traits were highly significant in both F 1 and F 2 generations indicating importance of both additive and nonadditive gene actions for the inheritance of all the physiological characters in both F 1 and F 2 generations. Preponderance of non-additive gene action was recorded for CGRs, LAI 3, LAI 4, DPF, DF and OY in both the F 1 and the F 2 generations. For OC additive gene action was predominant in F 1 while nonadditive gene action in F 2. The genotype OS-Sel-2 appeared as best overall general combiner in both the F 1 and the F 2 generations. For DPF, DF and DFM, the variety B 67 was best general combiner, followed by CST 2002, which could be utilized for developing early flowering and early maturing lines with determinate growth habit. Association between GCAeffects and mean performance of the parents suggested that the performance per se could be a good indicator of its ability to transmit the desirable attributes to its progenies. Crosses CST 2002 9 TKG 22, CST 2002 9 MT 34, MT 34 9 AAUDT 9304-14-4, AAUDT 9304-14-4 9 B 67, TKG 22 9 Rama and TKG 22 9 B 67 which showed high SCA-effect for OY, also exhibited positive and significant SCA-effects for other physiological component characters in F 1 generation. The overall results indicated that crosses CST 2002 9 TKG 22 and MT 34 9 AAUDT 9304-14-4 could be utilized for development of high oil yielding hybrids. The Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (

The study of heterosis for seed yield and its attributes in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under normal environmental conditions of Rajasthan

The Pharma Innovation, 2021

Heterosis for seed yield and yield attributes was studied in 10 x 10 half diallel set of ten diverse sesame genotypes under normal environmental condition. The analysis of variance showed significant mean squares due to genotypes, parents, generations, F1 and parents vs generations for all the studied characters indicating the sufficient amount of genetic variability present in experimental material. Highly positive and significant heterosis over mid and better parent for seed yield per plant and its component traits suggested that there is abundant scope for exploiting heterosis commercially and possibility of isolating desirable segregants. Heterosis ranged between-25.6% (TC-25 x RT-351) to 49.53% (RT-372 x RT-103) for seed yield per plant. Out of 45 crosses, thirty six crosses exhibited positive significant heterosis and twenty four positive significant heterobeltiosis for seed yield per plant. Among these crosses, cross RT-346 x TKG-22, TKG-22 x GT-10, RT-372 x GT-10, RT-372 x RT-351 and GT-10 x RT-351for both heterosis and heterobeltiosis were found to be the most promising combinations for seed yield per plant. Out of these five crosses, only cross RT-372 x RT-351 RT-372 x RT-351 also showed desirable heterosis/heterobeltiosis for most of associated traits i.e. plant height, branches per plant, capsule per plant and 100-seed weight hence that cross may be exploited in further plant breeding programme or identification of transgressive sergeants from the advanced generation.

Heterosis for seed yield and its components in sesame (Sesamum indicum L


A study was conducted in sesame to assess the extent of heterosis for fourteen quantitative traits including seed yield per plant. Two lines and ten testers were crossed in a line x tester fashion to develop 20 F1 hybrids. The analysis of variance revealed that highly significant differences among hybrids for all characters except length of capsule, weight of capsule and oil content and significant differences among parents for all characters except for days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, height to first capsule and number of capsules per leaf axil, indicating the presence of sufficient amount of genetic diversity for these traits. Heterosis was worked-out over better parent and standard variety, GJT-5. The standard heterosis for seed yield per plant ranged from-35.34 to 17.71 %. The cross G.Til-3 x DS 21 were good heterotic combinations for seed yield per plant, which recorded 17.71 % standard heterosis and 25.69% heterobeltiosis respectively. The heterosis for seed yield per plant was associated with the heterosis expressed by its component characters. Introduction Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is one of the most ancient and important oilseed crops. It is called as the "Queen of Oilseeds" because of its excellent qualities of the seed, oil and meal. Its seed contains 50 % oil and 25 % protein. It is sixth most important oilseed crop in India and has 18.40 lakh ha area with 6.23 lakh tones production and productivity of 338 kg/ha. The yield improvement achieved through conventional hybridization followed by selection has been only marginal. Although sesame is largely a self-pollinated crop, high level of heterosis for yield and its components has been reported by Fateh et al. (1995) [3] , Padmavathi (1998) [7] , Jadhav and Mohrir (2013) [4] and chaudhari et al. (2017) [3]. But, Commercial exploitation of heterosis is feasible only if the means of producing hybrid seeds economically viable. It is possible in sesame because indeterminate plant with epipetalous nature of the flower facilitating easy emasculation, low seed rate, high seed multiplication ratio, natural out crossing, frequent visit by a large number of insects including honey bees and higher number of seeds set in a single pollination. In an often cross-pollinated crop like sesame there is a good scope for exploitation of heterosis because out crossing reached up to 68% which indicates the potentiality of the crop for improvement in yields. Further, with convincing reports on availability of heterosis and possibility of commercial hybrids, generation of cytoplasmic male sterility system in sesame using the possible wild donors can enable the production of hybrids. The sesame plant has distinct features favourable for hybrid seed production. Heterosis of small amount for individual yield contributing characters may have an additive or synergistic effect on the end product (Sasikumar and Sardana, 1990) [8]. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to study the extent of heterosis for quantitative traits in sesame.