Contribution of Specialists of the Hungarian School of Psychoanalysis to the Development of the Concept of Psychoanalytic Pedagogy (original) (raw)

Dissemination of Ideas of Psychoanalytic Pedagogy in the Research of Theoretists of Neo-Freudianism

Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: «Pedagogy. Social Work»

The purpose of the article is to reveal the views of neo-Freudians on the problem of personality upbringing and the use of psychoanalysis in education. To achieve this goal, a set of theoretical methods was used: literature analysis, synthesis, interpretation and generalization. The article analyzes the contribution of neo‑Freudians to the spread of the theory and practice of psychoanalytic pedagogy. The key ideas of E.Fromm, K.Horney, H.S.Sullivan and A.Cardiner on the problems of personality formation, philosophy of education, organization of education and upbringing of the future generation are revealed. It is established that the views of the neo-Freudians were related to the ideas of anti-pedagogy and consisted in the deschooling and dissemination of alternative educational technologies. In particular, E.Fromm criticized the school for the fact that its main goal is to provide each student with a clearly defined amount of "cultural heritage". Horney's research was...

Realization of Ideas of Individual Psychology in the Context of Psychoanalytical and Pedagogical Discourse

Knowledge, Education, Law, Management

W artykule ujawniono kluczowe aspekty teorii psychologii indywidualnej w kontekście dyskursu psychoanalityczno-pedagogicznego. Zbadano początki rozwoju psychologii indywidualnej i jej koncepcyjne różnice w stosunku do teorii klasycznej psychoanalizy. Ujawniono główne kamienie milowe życia i ewolucję poglądów A. Adlera. Ustalono, że podstawą pedagogiki adleriańskiej były idee edukacji demokratycznej, wzajemnego szacunku, współpracy i wiary w możliwości dziecka. Jednym z głównych celów wychowania A. Adler nazwał tworzenie odważnej i pewnej siebie osobowości, a nie posłusznej i pokornej. Należy zauważyć, że pomimo dużej popularności teorii psychologii indywidualnej w Europie i Ameryce Północnej, jedynym znanym na całym świecie następcą A. Adlera był R. Dreikurs. Stwierdzono, że psychologia indywidualna jest jednym z najlepszych przykładów praktycznej psychoanalizy w pedagogice. Słowa kluczowe: pedagogika psychoanalityczna, psychologia indywidualna, wychowanie, zachowanie, konsultacje psychoanalityczno-pedagogiczne, A. Adler.

Andragogic training of the social pedagogues / Андрагогическа подготовка на социалните педагози

Innovation and entrepreneurship, 2015

Social educationalist The social educationalists are from the professions which support the personality. Their preparation meets of the current social needs for wide-profile specialists to provide support and counseling for children and adults (in individual, group and community) with special needs and disadvantaged people (criminals with asocial and antisocial behavior, old people of different ethnicity, etc.) in solving specific social, psychological, ethical, legal, ethnic, medical hygiene and organization and management problems in the prevention, immediate assistance, rehabilitation, care, socialization and resocialization of the formed contingents.

Социальный психолог о методологии воспитания

Íàðîäíîå îáðàçîâàíèå 9'2010 229 ÑÎÖÈÀËÜÍÛÉ ÏÑÈÕÎËÎà î ìåòîäîëîãèè âîñïèòàíèÿ Àëåêñà ð Íèêîëàåâè÷ Êè áåðã, заведующий кафедрой социальной психологии Кубанского государственного университета, кандидат психологических наук Âîñïèòà èå åñòü òàêàÿ çà å÷àòåëü àÿ øòóêà, ñ êîòîðîé è îã à âñ¸ ïî ÿò î, à è îã à åÿñ î è÷åãî. âó ÿ ãëàâ û è âîïðîñà è ç åñü âñåã à áûëè: ÷òî âîñïèòûâàòü (êàêèå è å î öå îñòè, îð û è ñïîñîáû ïîâå å èÿ) è êàê âîñïèòûâàòü (ïîñðå ñòâî êàêèõ åéñòâèé èëè êàêîé êî ôèãóðàöèè ñðå û ïîëó÷àòü aeåëàå ûé ýôôåêò èõ ïðèñâîå èÿ)? 1 Остапенко А.А. Что может служить методологией современного исследования воспитательных систем? // Воспитательная работа в школе. №6. 2010. С. 7-10.

The Problem of Development of Object Relations in the Ideas of Psychoanalysts of the «Independent» Group

Academic Notes Series Pedagogical Science

The article reveals the key ideas of psychoanalysts of the «independent» group of the British Psychoanalytic Association. To date, the framework of the modern anthropological system consists of psychoanalytic theories of personality development. In addition to the orthodox (classical) psychoanalysis of S. Freud, individual psychology of A. Adler and analytical psychology of Jung, an important place in the system of psychoanalytic directions is occupied by the theory of object relations - psychoanalytic current, which is based on the idea that as much the satisfaction of internal urges, as Freud argued, as the successful search and establishment of relationships with others. However, in addition to the work of M. Klein and the followers of her scientific and practical school, the creative work of other representatives of British psychoanalysis remains little studied for Ukrainian science. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of literary sources the main principles of psychoanalyt...

A teacher in the mirror of a psychologist: Snezana Stojiljkovic: Psychological characteristics of a teacher, Faculty of philosophy of Nis, Nis, 2014

Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 2015

This article presents the monograph of prof. Dr. Snežana Stojiljković Psychological characteristics of teachers, in which the author, following the thread of her scientific interests provides a comprehensive picture of characteristics and competencies of educators. Beginning with teacher's role as the carrier of educational activities and psycho-social portrait of future teachers, and through analysis of the educational role of a teacher, to the psychological characteristics and considerations of professional stress of teachers. The special value of this part make presentations of research, most of which are carried out by the author herself and her associates. Stojiljkovic argues that teachers are fairly homogeneous population, which have the characteristics of members of the helping professions and she highlights the importance of examining the personality dimensions relevant to the teaching profession, both for professional orientation, as well as for achievement of developme...

Publication Activity and Promotion of Psychoanalysis in Bulgaria Until the 1940S. Controversies Between Freudians and Non-Freudians: A Historical Perspective

Psychological Thought, 2022

Резюме В настоящата статия се изследва публикационната активност и популяризирането на идеите на З. Фройд от българските психоаналитични автори, работили активно в периода 20-те-40-те г. на ХХ век, когато е апогеят на психоаналитичното движение в България. С установяването на комунистическата власт на 9.09.1944 г., страната ни попада под съветско влияние, а разпространението на психоанализата е забранено; за единствено правилна е обявена марксистко-ленинската философия. Вторият акцент е свързан с представянето на дискусиите и полемиките между фройдисти и не фройдисти. Подчертава се ролята за разпространението на психоанализата на списанията "Философски преглед", "Златорог" и др, чийто редактори отварят широко страниците за публикуването на психоаналитични съчинения, както и на други психологични и философски статии. Безспорен е приносът на големия философ акад. Димитър Михалчев в това отношение. Популяризирайки психоаналитичните идеи на Фройд (и много по-малко на К. Юнг и А. Адлер), а също така, пишейки свои оригинални психоаналитични съчинения, българските психоаналитично ориентирани автори допринасят за обогатяването на обществения и интелектуален живот с нови идеи, ценности, и насоки на мислене.