Character education management at lokon santo Nikolaus junior high school, tomohon city north Sulawesi, Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Character education management in public junior high school 14 Manado, Indonesia
International journal of applied research, 2020
Good character education management needs to be developed based on the principles of character education, in implementing character education strategies that must be designed systematically, both concerning learning interactions, classroom management, utilization of character education resources, and assessment of character education. Therefore we need adequate knowledge and skills in character education management procedures for the related components. The problem still appears in the character education process in junior high school 14 Manado is that character education management has not yet been implemented. It can be seen from the not yet implemented character education planning procedures, procedures for implementing character education and character education evaluation procedures. This research will use a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is a process of research and understanding based on methodologies that investigate social phenomena and human problems. This re...
International journal of applied research, 2020
The purpose of this research was to obtain a detailed and clear description of character education at seminary Franc Xavier high school Kakaskasen. The research described about: (1) The planning of character education (2) The implementation of character education, (3) The evaluation of character education. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach that takes place in a natural setting, as is without any particular treatment. Data collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation and documentation presented in the form of words and images. The reason for using this approach is to deepen understanding and scholarship about character education at Seminary Franc Xavier high school Kakaskasen. The results of this research are that: Character education planning is very important so that it is routinely programmed and implemented periodically to be able to find the types of activities and programs that are in line with the objectives of character education. The implemen...
Implementation and Development Models of Character Education in School
Tarbiyah Wa Ta'lim, 2021
Character education has become an educational policy in Indonesia. It aims to prepare a generation of nations who are superior, advanced, and competitive in the global arena. However, the implementation and development models in schools are different. Each school has a program, strategy, and method for implementing it. This study aims to determine the implementation and development so that the model can be found in schools. The hope is that it will become a means of replication, modification, dissemination, and innovation by other schools. The research was conducted with field research at junior high schools in the city of Samarinda, East Kalimantan with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews, Focus Group Discussion, and documentation. Analysis with critical analysis and content analysis. The results showed: 1) schools have awareness of the importance of character education; 2) there are 5 implementation models in schools, namely integration through curricular, co-curricular, self-development / extra-curricular programs; routine habituation and integration of thematic interconnections between curricular and co-curricular programs; 3) each school has different models in terms of management policies, program quality, priority character values, and implementation strategies.
Implementation of Character Education at Elementary School Level in Sulawesi, Indonesia
This study aimed to describe the implementation of character education conducted at elementary school in Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study used descriptive qualitative research approach with the use of interview and questionnaire to collect the data. There were headmasters, teachers, and students from eight regions of Sulawesi to participate in the study as the research participants. Four character values were used to be the focus of the present study namely honesty, intelligence, care, and tenacity. Seven stages of character education strategy were used including giving assignment, habituating, training, teaching, guiding, modelling, and conditioning. Results showed that seven out of eight schools had implemented character education along with the seven required strategies, so that the students had been accustomed with the four character values that became the focus of the study. Another result depicted that one school in Central Sulawesi had not been successful in implementing three...
Management of Character Education in School: A Literature Review
Character education is an effort to strengthen and improve the nation's moral or ethical values, especially students who will become the nation's next generation and spearhead the success of a nation with honorable character. The state is responsible for this by preserving the noble values that have been possessed by our ancestors before, where these values are a way to unite the diversity of the Indonesian people, from ethnicity, race and religion. The character education management in school is one way to anticipate and minimize the nation's moral decline which is a problem in the world of education, especially in Indonesia. This research purpose to identify the management of character education in school. This research is literature review research. A Literature review of literature was used to obtain articles from online databases relevant to the management of character education in school from 2015-2020. The results of the 22 articles reviewed are the management of ...
International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability, and Social Science
This study aims to explain, uncover facts, obtain empirical findings and recommendations in the form of guidelines for the Implementation of the Character Education Program at Al-Azhar Islamic Elementary School Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta which includes context, input, process, and results. The research uses a qualitative approach through the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, and Product). Collecting data using interview, observation, and document review. The research informants were the Principal, Deputy Principal, Educators/Teachers, Education Personnel, Students, and Head of School Committees. The validity of the data quality test was carried out through triangulation of data, sources, methods and time. The results of the Context Evaluation study which included the vision and mission, programs, program objectives showed very good results, for the Input Evaluation which included program strategy, program design, character education program plans, and resource readin...
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, 2018
This study aimed to describe and analyze Role in Implementing Character Education Teacher at SDN 02 Muara Ciujung West, Rangkasbitung The qualitative method is a method used in this study. This research was presented in a descriptive form with the aim to describe a process that occurs in the field. While the approach taken is a naturalistic approach. Data collection techniques used: observation, interviews, field notes and documentation. While the data analysis technique using the model of Miles and Huberman, consisting of Reduction of Data (Data Reduction), Presentation of Data (Data Display) and Verification (Conclusion Drawing). The results of the study describe the role of teachers in the implementation of character education includes the role of teachers in the learning plan, implement and evaluate learning in learning. The obstacles to implementing character education is done by teachers, family factors, community and social media. Based on these constraints, the advice given is teachers and parents work together to control and assist students in every activity. In addition to repair and expand its facilities and the school also needs to be done in supporting the implementation of character education.
Character Education from the Students’, Teachers’, and Schools’ Perspective
Journal on English Language Teaching, 2021
In 2016, the Indonesian Government emphasized character education by sparking a Character Strengthening Program or Program Penguatan Karakter/PPK to build and strengthen the students’ character. This program focuses on character building but it mainly highlights five main good characters which are religiosity, nationalism, integrity, independence, and cooperation. This study aims to deeply understand the perspective of students, teachers, and schools toward knowledge and value of character education and to explore the linkage among them as a complete picture. A mixed-method research was employed in this study. The data was collected from 2 junior and 2 senior high schools, which involved 4 headmasters, 12 teachers, and 212 students. Regression analysis was performed to evaluate the roles of teachers and schools in the internalization of character education among students, while the qualitative approach was employed to understand teachers’ and schools' perspectives. This study fi...
The Implementation of Character Education In Elementary School
Journal of Educational Management and Leadership
The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of character education at 006 State Elementary School. The type of research used was qualitative. The subjects in this study were principals. Data collection techniquesin this study used interview techniques and data documentation, besides the data analysis techniques through data collection and data reduction. The results of this study were: Implementation of character education in Public Elementary School 006 has been going well, this based on the results of interviews with principals that in the civilization process students pray before starting learning activities, taking pickets alternately with classmates, reviving greetings culture greet and smile, visit sick friends, donate to areas affected by natural disasters, conduct Dhuhr prayer at school, commemorate national and religious holidays and this is also supported by extracurricular activities that reflect character education such as scouts, art, dance, and sports.
The Development of Character Education Management Model in Secondary School
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 2018
Character education management is the integrated steps which include the process of planning, organizing, directing, and supervising conducted by the school as an attempt to implement the character values effectively and efficiently involving all stakeholders. Thi research aimed to describe and analyse the feasibility, practically, and effectiveness of the character education management model. The research used qualitative approach by combining facts and data to describe the condition of community character in the school. This research used research and development type and used the Four D model by Thiagarajan, define, design, develop, and disseminate. The research subjects were stakeholders in the secondary high school of Al Falah Assalam Tropodo, Sidoarjo. The data were collected from four techniques; they were an interview, observations, documentation, and test and non-test by using instruments in the form of expert validation sheets, questionnaire testing process guides and stakeholder response questionnaires. The results of development are five character building guides for principal, teacher, educational staff, student, and school committee of each element roles for character building, and there is also the example of student disciplinary assessments. In terms of practicality, it can be used easily while in terms of effectiveness, the content of the material is easy to understand and implement.