Development of Video Tutorial Learning Media for Students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi (original) (raw)
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Pengembangan Video Tutorial Terhadap Keterampilan Proses Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Elementary: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar, 2019
The purpose of this research was to prove the improvement and effectiveness of video tutorial media as a result of development. The model in this study applied the research and development model of Borg & Gall. The procedure of this study included 9 steps, namely a) preliminary research and collecting initial information; b) planning; c) developing product drafts; d) conducting an initial trial; e) revising the results of limited trials; f) conducting field trials; g) making product improvements resulting from field trials; h) conducting operational field trials; and i) making improvements to the final product. Product testing was carried out on the fifth grade elementary school students in South Aceh. Data collection techniques used observation. The observation sheet was used to measure students’ process skills. The feasibility of the media was analyzed by score conversion using a scale of 5. Media effectiveness was analyzed by gain score, and t-test. The results of this study were...
This study aims to develop video tutorials as a medium for independent learning on the material "Designing Multimedia-Based Learning Materials Presentations in IAKN Tarutung. Respondents in this study were sixth grade students of Christian Religious Education study program. This research was conducted in February until November 2017. The research method applied a mixed method, which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The step of product development applied by adapting the ADDIE development model modified with R & D procedures according to Borg & Gall. Data collection was carried out by interviews, questionnaires and learning outcomes tests. After the initial prototype was developed further validation was carried out which included expert evaluation, one to one evaluation, small group evaluation and field testing or evaluation of large groups, the purpose which to refine existing deficiencies so that the product was feasible to use. Based on the results of the validation, it is known that the percentage of product feasibility based on expert design evaluations is 87% very feasible, 88% of material experts are very feasible and media experts 82% are quite feasible but still need revision. And based on one to one evaluation, 90% is very feasible, small group evaluations of 90% are very feasible and still need revision, while the results of evaluation of field test of product feasibility is 91% very feasible without need for revisions. Furthermore, based on the learning outcomes test the respondents in the field test, the average test results obtained is 80.57> 75 (Value B), which is the Standart minimum criterion, it means that the video tutorial products developed are effective
Development of Vlog Learning Media (Video Tutorial) on Student Materials. Tax at SMK PGRI 1 Jombang
International Journal of Educational Research Review, 2019
There needs to be learning media in teaching and learning activities and it is very needed to support learning outcomes and the enthusiasm of learning students and is very helpful for teachers in delivering messages well to students. The purpose of this learning media development research is to find out the feasibility of a Vlog -based learning media or video tutorial validated by some experts both media experts and evaluation experts, the second describes student responses to learning media through the development of Vlog -based learning media, and the third describes student learning outcomes after using Vlog learning media. This study adapted the research method from Thiagarajan which is often referred to as 3D, with the test criteria limited to 16 students with heterogeneous abilities. The results of the research development of vlog learning mediadeclared feasible as a learning media in the tax administration method by experts in terms of the material feasibility aspect e \ valu...
Camtasia Studio-Based Arabic Learning Video Design for Arabic Language Education Students
Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
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One of the modern trends in both formal and corporate education is microlearning which involves using short videos in educational process. Microlearning has a variety of advantages including that this approach is more student-oriented, aimed at increasing the level of mastering knowledge, requires less time spent by students for learning, gives a possibility to study at any time and anywhere using own devices, increases motivation etc. The article deals with methodological aspects of creating educational video materials taking into account psychological peculiarities and learning habits of modern students. Video materials belong to the most powerful tools in educational process as they provide students with the possibility of simultaneous perception of auditory and visual information. Video materials must be strictly structured and involve students into learning process, in particular they could be included into different sources of electronic learning courses (ELC). There are diffe...
Development of Learning Media Tutorial on Audio- Visual
Abstrak-Physical Education is a part of education as a whole can play an important role in the achievement of educational goals, learning media is something that can channel messages to students so that the learning process is created. The purpose of this research is to produce AudioVisual Tutorial learning media for freestyle swimming material for high school. this study uses the development model from Borg and Gall which was adapted into a simple model, namely: determining the potential and problems of research, gathering information, needs analysis, product design and design validation, media expert test, swimming expert test, physical education learning expert test, trial small group, revise the results of the trial, large group trials, revise the results of the trial, final product development. The final product from the development of AudioVisual Tutorial media is continued to the effectiveness test. This research will be carried out in Labuhan Deli, Deli Serdang Sumatera Utara Indonesia. The target in the research of developing audiovisual learning media in this Tutorial is all Physical Education Teachers and Senior High School Students as equals. From the results of the discussion note that the audiovisual tutorial learning media is very helpful for teachers in the learning process in Senior high school as equals, and audiovisual learning media is very effective for use in physical education learning freestyle swimming material.
Development of Video Tutorial Media Making Depun for Student of Vocational School
The aim of research are: 1) to find out about the development of tutorial video media for making depun on the Sewing Technology subject. 2) to find out the feasibility of tutorial video media for making depun on the Sewing Technology subject. This research using the ADDIE development method. material expert validation got 94% very good category. Aspects assessed by material expert validation are the aspect of material content obtained 91.66% very good category, in the aspect of material delivery 93.33% in the very good category, in the Benefit aspect 91.11% in the very good category and for the Language aspect and Typography 100% with very good category. The validity test by media experts obtained an average of 88.53% in the very good category. The aspects assessed by media expert are the Functions and Benefits aspects with a percentage of 91.11% in the very good category, in the Visual Media aspect 90.66% in the very good category, in the Narrative and Audio Quality aspect 88.33% with the very good category. good, 80% display aspect with very good category, 90% typography aspect with very good category and for Aesthetic aspect 91.11% with very good category. To see the feasibility of the media, small, medium and large group trials were conducted. The group group trial was conducted by 5 students obtaining 78.52% in the good category. Medium group trials are being carried out by 15 students with an average assessment result of 87.1% in the very good category. The large group trial obtained an assessment of 89.5% with a very good category. The research data concluded that the video tutorial for making depun is very suitable for use as a instructional Media in sewing technology subjects in class X SMK Pemda Lubuk Pakam.
Designing and Developing Video as an Instructional Media in English language Teaching Setting
Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2022
Using video in educational context has been established by many scholars as an effective instructional media to support teaching and learning process. There have been numerous videos are available on social media platforms that can facilitate both teachers and students to easily access them as learning resources. However, the teachers are challenged to be able to provide their own learning resources, such as videos which are aimed to deliver the lessons in more contextual and authentic senses. In this regards, this study is aimed to describe the design and development process of creating a video as an instructional media in English language teaching context. This study worked on research and development (R&D) approach through ADDIE (Analysis, Designing, Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating) framework. Documentation, observation, and assessment were administered as data collection techniques to support the design and development of the video. As a result, this paper depicts the researchers' experiences on the design and development of a video lesson as well as the survey findings. Overall, ADDIE framework was found effective to guide the researchers in the design and development process of the video. Although the process was not a simple way to take, more efforts and time were invested to produce the instructional media. Implications of the findings for instructional design and recommendation for future research are also discussed. Kata kunci: designing, developing, videos, instructional media, English Merancang dan Mengembangkan Video sebagai Media Pembelajaran dalam Setting Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Abstrak Penggunaan video pada konteks pendidikan telah dibuktikan oleh banyak peneliti yang menunjukkan bahwa video sebagai media pembelajaran yang efektif untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar. Sudah banyak video tersedia di platform media sosial yang dapat memfasilitasi guru dan siswa untuk dengan mudah mengakses video sebagai sumber belajar. Namun, guru ditantang untuk dapat menyediakan sumberbelajar yang mereka rancang dan kembangkan sendiri untuk para peserta
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Science Education in The Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2022, November 24th, 2022, Medan, Indonesia
This research is to looking for obstacles and student responses in complete project task at the Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Medan. Using a survey method which is conducted online in quantitative descriptive study. The results of this study show that 80% of students are interested in making videos on project assignments, but there are a few percent who are quite interested and about 1% who have no interest. The obstacles experienced by students when making videos were not too many, each respondent's indicator that filled in was very lacking, only under 3%. This shows that editing skills and device limitations are only experienced by a few students.
iJET, 2021
Learning media is quite important to be used by teachers in learning process. Through the media, teacher can easily deliver lessons, and in the other hand the media helps student comprehend lessons easily. Even more, media encourages student’s independence in learning. This research aims to produce a multimedia-based learning media, lectora, for basic skill of teaching lesson. The research is conducted to students of Social Science Ed-ucation Major who joined Social Studies Micro Teaching Class in June-September 2019. In developing the product, researcher used ADDIE develop-ing model. Data in this research is quantitative, in form of assessment by validator. Meanwhile, qualitative data is in the form of suggestion and comments by material and media expert validator. The result of all validation is a multimedia-based learning media, lectora, for basic skill of teaching les-son, which is appropriate and interesting to use and share to others