Development of Learning Media Tutorial on Audio- Visual (original) (raw)

Application Of Multimedia On 50 M Freestyle Swimming Course For Students Of Sport Education FIK Universitas Negeri Padang

Multimedia is a more complex learning media, and a means of delivering messages in two or more forms. This study aims to determine the effect of 50 M freestyle swimming course using multimedia on the learning outcomes of student majoring in sports education at FIK UNP. The method used is quasi experiment. The sampling technique is done by using a random sample quota technique. The sample size for each treatment group is 10 people, so the number of samples is 20 people or 50% of the total population. The results of the data normality test calculation used the Kolmogorov Smirnov test at a significance level of 0.05, showing a significance value> 0.05, so that all sample groups in this study came from normally distributed populations. From the hypothesis test using the t test, t count > t table or significance ≤ α value (0.05) was produced. The conclusion of the study was the 50 M freestyle swimming course using multimedia significantly affected the learning outcomes of FIK UNP's Sport Education students.

The Development of Interactive Learning Media ofAthletic on Physical Education in SMP Negeri 15 Medan


This study aims to design and develop interactive multimedia-based learning media on athletic materials on the subjects of Physical Education that is suitable for use in learning. The development model that is used to developed learning media device in this research is Borg and Gall model which is used to produce a product. The product was an athletic learning media based on interactive learning media. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 15 Medan. The data analysis technique is done by using quantitative descriptive analysis technique, that is by analyzing quantitative data. The research data was obtained from validation of media questionnaire by media material expert, media validation questionnaire by media expert, teacher perception questionnaire on interactive multimedia usage, and student perception questionnaire on interactive multimedia usage. Learning media in this research is shaped in adobe flash product. At the development stage, media and materials experts conduct s...

Pengembangan Video Tutorial Terhadap Keterampilan Proses Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Elementary: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar, 2019

The purpose of this research was to prove the improvement and effectiveness of video tutorial media as a result of development. The model in this study applied the research and development model of Borg & Gall. The procedure of this study included 9 steps, namely a) preliminary research and collecting initial information; b) planning; c) developing product drafts; d) conducting an initial trial; e) revising the results of limited trials; f) conducting field trials; g) making product improvements resulting from field trials; h) conducting operational field trials; and i) making improvements to the final product. Product testing was carried out on the fifth grade elementary school students in South Aceh. Data collection techniques used observation. The observation sheet was used to measure students’ process skills. The feasibility of the media was analyzed by score conversion using a scale of 5. Media effectiveness was analyzed by gain score, and t-test. The results of this study were...

Developing Underwater Video Media in Learning Basic Swimming Techniques

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

The purpose of this research was to develop instructional video media for basic swimming techniques using the ADDIE model. The development aims to (1) identify the feasibility level of the media through the responses of experts (2) the effectiveness of the media developed. The data were collected by using questionnaire and a field testing. The result of experts’ judges showed that content experts 64% (enough), learning media experts 76% (good) and learning design experts 78% (good). The results of the study were based on the responses of individual students 83% (good), small group 98.67% (very good), and large group 89.42% (very good). The students’ swimming performance was assessed based on distance, hand, feet, breathing, and coordination movements. The result of field testing showed that students’ swimming performance after the implementation of underwater video media was better than before the implementation (Sig.2-tailed=.001). Thus, the underwater video media is suitable to be...

Development of Video Tutorial Learning Media for Students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi

Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi dan Vokasional, 2020

This study aims to develop a video tutorial media design that will be used as a learning medium and test the feasibility of the resulting product. This research is a development research with development procedures according to Borg and Gall stages such as 1) Potential and Problems, 2) Data Collection, 3) Product Design, 4) Design Validation, 5) Design Revision, 6) Product Testing, 7) Product Revision, 8) Trial Use, and 9) Product Revisions. The research subjects were students of Information Technology Education at Muhammadiyah Sukabumi of University. The object of this research is the development of instructional media for video tutorials on shooting techniques and camera movement. Data collection to determine the assessment of material experts, media experts and students of this tutorial video learning media using a Likert type questionnaire with a score range of 1 to 5. Based on the evaluation of material experts by 91%, media experts by 95% and students by 88% who included in the very feasible category, this video tutorial learning media is suitable for use as a learning medium in videography courses at the Information Technology Education,

Development of Information and Technology-based Learning Media in Athletic Materials for Short Distance Running Numbers for Quality Junior N 2 Students in Lubuk Linggau City, South Sumatra Province

Horizon Research Publishing(HRPUB), 2021

The athletic learning process in short distance running numbers at SMP Negeri 2 Quality in Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra Province, has low learning outcomes in the aspect of knowledge, because it has not utilized information technology-based learning media and the learning needs of Physical Education in schools have not been fulfilled completely. The purpose of this study is to develop information technology-based learning media on athletic material for short distance running numbers for students and to determine the increase in learning outcomes before and after using the media. This study uses a development method with a model design adapted from Borg & Gall. The subjects of this study were students of SMP Negeri 2 Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra Province, totaling 15 people from each class level, and three experts, namely one media or teaching materials expert and two athletic material experts. The learning media development process is carried out through a modular test stage which is packaged in an application that contains a description of the material accompanied by pictures and video tutorials. Then the validation test was carried out with the help of instructional media experts and inget a percentage of 88.89% in the Very Appropriate category from the media expert's assessment, while in terms of the learning material provided by the first material expert, the results are 86.42% in the Very Appropriate category and the second material expert's assessment results in the amount of 97.15% are in the Very Appropriate category to use and will attract students and make it easier for students to imitate the movements they have seen and indirectly shorten the time in learning the movements. In addition, there is an increase in learning outcomes before and after the use of instructional media that has been given. This study uses a development method with a model design adapted from

Developing Learning Media Using Audio Visual for Students Grade VII at Mts. Miftahul Ihsan


The English teaching and learning at MTS.Miftahul Ihsan, Sumenep for students grade VII was considered unable to achieve its learning purpose. The main problem was that there was not an appropriate learning media used in the learning activity.So that objective of the development is to produce the appropriate learning media using Audio Visual.The procedures being implied were collecting information using kinesthetic, audio and visual learning style, developing learning media, validation from expert of design and expert of learning content, trying out the learning media through individual experiment, small group experiment and field experiment, revising the learning media, and finally packing the learning media. From the try out, the data showed the applicability of the learning media could motivate the students in learning English. It was reflected in the data collected from the questionnaires and class room observation. The data collected from observation showed that the learning me...

Need Assesment for Development of Digital-Based Learning Media for Jurus Regu Pencak Silat


as part of martial art, Pencak Silat has four categories of competition. However, the lack of participants in group demonstration has made many competitions in this category canceled. The reason for lack of participation as well as the focus of this study is the fact that not many participants remember any of the “jurus regu”. The study of related literature suggests that Android-based learning media are extremely needed. Unfortunately, no such media exists in today’s learning. Using descriptive exploratory method, this need assessment aims to describe coaches’ needs of learning media for group category learning. Subjects of this study consist of 35 Pencak Silat coaches in DIY, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Data were collected using Google Docs questionnaires. A procedural descriptive statistics was then adopted to analyze the data. Results of the analysis indicate that coaches experience many problems in coaching jurus regu. Only 40% of coaches are able to memorize all the moves while the...

Video Tutorial Development as Independent Learning Media in Materials Designing Teaching Based on Multimedia Presentation in IAKN Tarutung

This study aims to develop video tutorials as a medium for independent learning on the material "Designing Multimedia-Based Learning Materials Presentations in IAKN Tarutung. Respondents in this study were sixth grade students of Christian Religious Education study program. This research was conducted in February until November 2017. The research method applied a mixed method, which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The step of product development applied by adapting the ADDIE development model modified with R & D procedures according to Borg & Gall. Data collection was carried out by interviews, questionnaires and learning outcomes tests. After the initial prototype was developed further validation was carried out which included expert evaluation, one to one evaluation, small group evaluation and field testing or evaluation of large groups, the purpose which to refine existing deficiencies so that the product was feasible to use. Based on the results of the validation, it is known that the percentage of product feasibility based on expert design evaluations is 87% very feasible, 88% of material experts are very feasible and media experts 82% are quite feasible but still need revision. And based on one to one evaluation, 90% is very feasible, small group evaluations of 90% are very feasible and still need revision, while the results of evaluation of field test of product feasibility is 91% very feasible without need for revisions. Furthermore, based on the learning outcomes test the respondents in the field test, the average test results obtained is 80.57> 75 (Value B), which is the Standart minimum criterion, it means that the video tutorial products developed are effective

Efektifitas Perangkat Pembelajaran Pendekatan Multi Representasi Berbantuan Video Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

This development research aims to produce a product in the form of a videoassisted multi-representation approach learning device to improve students' critical thinking skills of sound wave concepts that are effective. The research design used is a 4D model consisting of Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. The products developed are syllabus, Lesson Plans, Student Worksheets, Learning Videos and Critical Thinking Ability Assessment Instruments. Data collection techniques using validation sheets, critical thinking skills evaluation tool. Data on the validity and efficiency of the device were analyzed using the li scale. Product effectiveness data were analyzed using Gain standards. The average result of the N Gain test for critical thinking skills is 0.62 in the medium category, while the average N Gain test value for concept mastery is 0.73 in the high category. So, it can be concluded that the video-assisted multi-representation approach physics learning device to improve critical thinking skills in the sound wave material of students is effective.