The GeoGebra software application in the perimeter concept formation in lower grades of elementary school (original) (raw)
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This text aims to expose the researcher's reflection on collected information on cognitive structures constructed with the pre-service elementary school's teachers according to mathematical and their personal concept of geometric objekt 'Ray'. The study was conducted with 144 students of two pedagogical faculties in BiH in June and September of 2011 in the framework of multi-year research project 'Research of mathematical and methodical literacy of pedagogical faculties studunts' implemented by the Scientific Society of Mathematicians Banja Luka. The research results suggest to us that students, even though they have the correct intuitive picture of what the Rays, with considerable difficulties form acceptable description of this geometric figure. These difficulties, we estimate, not the result of students' poor developed of necessary mathematical proficiences. This researcher inclined to accept the conjecture / the hypothesis that these difficulties, mainly, is a consequence of the design of mathematical education in our school system. The aforementioned assessments based on analytical of tested students collected reflections on two questions related to the concept of a ray. Keywords: Quantitative and qualitative research, personal and geometrical concept of a ray.
Dotted grid and square grid in teaching geometry in lower grades of elementary school
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Тираж: 50 примерака ____________________________________________ CIP -Каталогизација у публикацији -Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 371.3(082) 37.026(082) ДИДАКТИЧКА конференција Предметне дидактике -путокази за унапређење наставе (2 ; 2016 ; Београд) Зборник радова / II дидактичка конференција Предметне дидактикепутокази за унапређење наставе, Београд, 18. 06. 2016. ; [ главни и одговорни уредник Јелена Станисављевић]. -Београд : Друштво предметних дидактичара Србије, 2016 (Београд : CLC Copy Centar). -163 стр. : илустр. ; 24 cm Тираж 50. -Напомене и библиогрфске референце уз текст. -Библиографија уз сваки рад. -Регистар.
Геометријски садржаји у настави математике нижих разреда основне школе
Сажетак: Геометрији као дијелу математике одувијек се придавало мало пажње у школи, да ли због некомпетентности наставника, незаинтересованости ученика или из неког другог разлога, настава геометрије је углавном занемарена. У жељи да се сагледа важећи Наставни план и програм и утврди приступ геометријским садржајима настао је овај рад. Он представља анализу геометријских садржаја у настави математике код ученика другог, трећег, четвртог и петог разреда у Републици Српској. Циљ oвoгa рaдa jeстe, измeђу oстaлoг, и сaглeдaвaњe пoчeтнoг гeoмeтриjскoг мишљeњa и рeзoнoвaњa кoд дjeцe o oснoвним гeoмeтриjским пojмoвимa у нижим рaзрeдимa oснoвнe шкoлe кao и њихoвим мeђусoбним oднoсимa. Кључне ријечи и фразе: геометрија, геометријско мишљење, наставни план и програм Abstract. Geometry as part of mathematics has always been little attention has been given to the school, whether due to incompetence of teachers, lack of interest of students or for some other reason, teaching geometry is largely ignored. In order to examine the current curriculum and determine the approach geometry contents created this work. It presents an analysis of the geometric content in the teaching of mathematics in the second, third, fourth and fifth grade in the Republic of Srpska. The aim of this work is, inter alia, consideration of initial geometric thinking and reasoning in children on basic geometric concepts in primary school as well as their mutual relations. Key words and phrases: geometry, geometric thinking, curriculum
Control is one of the issues that concerns all in the learning process. Their perspective is often different which requires updating the criteria for objective control. Although its repeated exposure to measure concrete results in the practice of education in Geography and economics at Secondary school , there are "white spots" that lead to a certain confrontation of reasons to control of students, teachers, parents and experts. Closing any "conflict situations" requires comparison with measures of scientometric and their application in the realization of control in the process of teaching in Geography and economics. The study attempts to analyze the functions and stages of organization of control and its content, levels of acceptation, shape and objectively evaluation. Identify specific recommendations for the implementation of various forms of objective control in Geography and economics in the lower secondary.