Kajian layanan ekosistem pada sistem agroforestri berbasis kopi di Desa Cisero, Garut (original) (raw)

Keberlanjutan Sistem Agroforestri Berbasis Kopi di Hutan Kemasyarakatan Desa Wanagiri Kabupaten Buleleng

JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS (Journal Of Agribusiness Management)

Program Hutan Kemasyarakatan merupakan salah satu upaya untuk menyelamatkan hutan sekaligus memberikan manfaat pada masyarakat. Masyarakat diberikan izin untuk mengelola hutan dengan syarat tidak mengembangkan jenis tanaman dengan sistem monokultur melainkan dengan sistem kebun campuran atau agroforestri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indeks dan status keberlanjutan sistem agroforestri berbasis kopi di Hutan Kemasyarakatan Desa Wanagiri, Kabupaten Buleleng ditinjau dari dimensi ekologi, dimensi ekonomi, dimensi sosial budaya, dimensi Hukum dan kelembagaan serta dimensi teknologi dan infrastruktur. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan multidimensional scaling (MDS) dengan teknik Rap-fish yang dimodifikasi menjadi Rap-Coffee melalui metode multidimensional scaling (MDS). Analisis leverage dan analisis prospektif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui nilai indeks keberlanjutan sistem agroforestri kopi di Hutan Kemasyarakatan Desa Wanagiri Kabupaten Buleleng untuk dimensi ...

Prospek Pengembangan Agroforestri Berbasis Kopi di Indonesia

Perspektif, 2016

ABSTRAKKeterbatasan lahan pertanian mendorong masyarakat/ petani membuka lahan baru di kawasan hutan, dengan cara menebang dan membongkar tanaman hutan serta membakar sisa-sisa tanaman dan semak belukar, akibatnya lahan menjadi kritis. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah melalui penerapan sistem agroforestri berbasis kopi. Agroforestri berbasis kopi yang sudah dikembangkan petani berperan dalam : (1) Konservasi lahan, air dan keanekaragaman hayati, (2) Penambahan unsur hara lahan, (3) Pengendalian iklim mikro, (4) Penambahan cadangan karbon (5) Menekan serangan hama dan penyakit dan (6) Peningkatan pendapatan petani. Agroforestri berbasis kopi telah dipraktekkan oleh petani pada berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, diantaranya di Lampung Barat (pola hutan kemasyarakatan dan hutan desa), Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah (pola pengelolaan hutan bersama masyarakat). Tantangan/masalah yang dijumpai pada agroforestri berbasis kopi diantaranya (1) Tingkat pengetahun petani tentan...

Manajemen Agroekosistem Perkebunan kopi secara Umum (2)

BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang perkebunan adalah kegiatan untuk menanam tanaman tertentu pada tanah atau media tumbuh dalam ekosistem yang sesuai, mengolah dan memasarkan barang dan jasa hasil tanaman tersebut, dengan bantuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, permodalan serta manajemen untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan bagi pelaku usaha perkebunan dan masyarakat. Kopi (Coffea spp. L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan yang

Etika Subsistensi Petani Kopi: Memahami Dinamika Pengembangan Agroforestri DI Dataran Tinggi Sumatera Selatan

Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan, 2016

The importance of agroforestry for smallholder farmers has been the discourse and policies of many parties worldwide. However, agroforestry development through land rehabilitation, reforestation and community forests for traditional coffee growers in the uplands has not shown success yet. In fact, some of the innovations that come from the outside can be received by farmers. The study aims to describe the innovation adoption experienced by traditional coffee farmers in Semende, with a focus on the development of agroforestry program. The research was conducted with descriptive phenomenological approach. The research findings indicate that the cautious attitude of farmers in accepting the innovation brought by the government congruent with the concept of Scott's subsistence ethics, but in a different context. For coffee farmers, subsistence ethics is a perspective on collateral sufficiency cash income to meet the needs of food and other necessities of life, so it does not depend on other people and socially can follow the life of the village, not only a security for could still life. Traditional coffee farmers in Semende just planted a few trees in the garden to avoid risks that could reduce the guarantee to live independently. We suggest that the policy of land rehabilitation, reforestation and agroforestry in coffee plantations plateau (upstream) as in Semende designed based on the principles that strengthen the self-reliance of farmers.

Optimalisasi Sistem Agribisnis Kopi Garut

COMSEP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2022

The coffee commodity planted by KTH LMDH Kramatjaya member farmers in Garut Regency has good quality, supported by representative coffee processing production facilities but has not been utilized optimally. Therefore it is necessary to carry out Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) regarding the optimization of the coffee agribusiness system. . The PKM method uses the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach and the applied Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) at the production and processing stages. PKM results show that the production has not yet reached the optimal level of productivity. The post-harvest treatment of coffee harvest processing has not applied the GAP principle. The PKM activity that has been implemented is online training as an effort to increase access and demand for coffee. In addition, activities are being carried out to design portable drying beds. The next PKM activity plan includes training and mentoring related to online marketing strategies and training on ...

Pelatihan Pembuatan Pupuk Hayati pada Sistem Agroforestri berbasis Kopi di Desa Garahan, Jember, Jawa Timur

Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

The productivity of coffee plants on the most cultivated land in Garahan Village decreased. This decline is thought to be caused by, among others, climate change, land degradation and the presence of pests and diseases in coffee plants. This training aims to introduce pests and diseases in coffee-based agroforestry to farmers and develop environmentally friendly biofertilizers. This activity begins with a pre-test, socialization and training and ends post-test. Based on the survey and direct observation, coffee plants found upas fungal diseases, root diseases, and stem borer pests. The agroforestry system applied is complex and straightforward agroforestry. In complex agroforestry, coffee plants are grown with various other crops, such as pepper, vanilla, leucaena, taro, banana, gamal, and mahogany. Simple agroforestry consists of coffee land planted with single-shade crops such as leucaena and gamal or a combination of Leucaena and pine. The training results showed an increased far...

Perubahan Sosial Ekonomi Petani Agroforestri Berbasis Kopi di Kabupaten Jember Jawa Timur

JKMP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Manajemen Publik)

This study aimed to explain the changing both in social and economic aspects of farmers as a result of forest conversion process to agroforestry system in Harjomulyo Village, Jember Regency. This study used qualitative research. The information gained from informans who were selected purposively through snowball sampling. Observation, interview and documentational study were methods which were used to collect information. Triangulation technique also used in this study to check the validity of information. This study used interactive model of Miles & Huberman which consists of data reduction to conlusion. The result of this study showed that socio change occured farmer coorperation with Perhutani. While in economic change showed that economic condition increase, saving insurance credit, and availability tuition fees for children.

Pendampingan kelompok tani hutan dalam menunjang agroforestri kopi

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkajene Kepulauan

Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) Batu Mammanae merupakan salah satu kelompok perhutanan sosial yang terletak di Desa Anabanua Kecamatan Barru Kabupaten Barru. Permasalahan utama yang saat ini dihadapi KTH Batu Mammanae adalah belum optimalnya pemanfaatan areal hutan secara berkelanjutan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat (PkM) Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkep adalah untuk; 1) melatih petani melakukan perbanyakan tanaman kopi, 2) mendampingi petani dalam membangun dan mengembangkan kebun bibit kopi, dan 3) menerapkan teknis budidaya kopi yang baik. Metode yang diterapkan dalam pelaksanaan program PkM ini adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan. Tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan PkM dikelompokkan ke dalam kelompok kegiatan yang terdiri dari; 1) persiapan; 2) penyuluhan dan demontrasi, 3) pembuatan kebun pembibitan kopi, dan 4) pemeliharaan tanaman. Hasil PkM yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa pada sejak tahap awal atau persiapan PkM ini, petani anggota KTH Batu Mammanae telah menunjuk...

Survei Potensi Gaharu Dengan Sistem Agroforestri DI Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar, Kabupaten Kampar (Studi Kasus: Desa Pulau Gadang Dan Desa Koto Masjid)

Wahana Forestra: Jurnal Kehutanan, 2018

This study aims to determine the potential of gaharu with agroforestry system in the village of Pulau Gadang and Koto Masjid Village. The research was conducted in Desa Gadang Village and Koto Masjid Village. The data collected is then analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of reseach conducted by gaharu plant species is Aquilaria malaccensis with the potential of the plant in the village of Pulau Gadang which is 7 years old as 70 trees, 8 years 920 stems and 9 years as many as 440 stems. Meanwhile, Koto Masjid Village is at the age of planting 7 years as many as 100 stems, 8 years as many as 300 stems and 9 years as many as 400 stems. The potential of gaharu plants in the community of Pulau Gadang Village with an average land area of ​​1.09 Ha / farmer, the average number of gaharu-producing trees is 84.12 trees / farmers, and the average tree / Ha is 78.03 trees / Ha / farmers. While in Koto Masjid village with average land area is 1.2 Ha / farmer, average number of tree 1...