Development, Reliability, and Validity of Open-ended Test to Measure Student’s Digital Literacy Skill (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 2021
In the development of digital technology, schools must equip students with digital literacy skills to develop thinking both critically and creatively and make teaching and learning relevant to the students. There are various measuring instruments that have been developed to assess digital literacy for various target groups. However, quality and valid instruments are still limited and lacking. It is important to apply a valid measuring instrument for digital literacy based on its results in the case of overlapping and ambiguous constructions in the name of digital literacy. Thus, to assess the content validity of the questionnaire that had been generated to evaluate digital literacy of the school teachers is the main focus. The validity of the content was used as a criterion to confirm that the questionnaire was of high quality. The instrument's content validity was assessed according to the feedbacks of six professional in the field. The item content validity index and scale content validity index were implemented for content validity. Three (3) constructs namely; technical, cognitive, and social-emotional contain 6 items each were identified. The results of content validity index (I-CVI) showed between 0.97 to 1 and the scale content validity index (S-CVI/Ave) for the technical, cognitive, and social-emotional dimension of digital literacy was 1.00, 0.97, and 0.97 respectively. The questionnaire was identified with acceptable content validity. Further research able to guarantee that the questionnaire is checked for reliability as well as the other types of validity, including as face validity, construct validity, and criterion validity, in order to improve the assessment instrument's usefulness.
Constructing Digital Literacy Instrument and its Effect on College Students' Learning Outcomes
International Journal of Instruction, 2022
This research aims to develop and test the effectiveness of digital literacy instruments on students' learning outcomes. This study is a mixed method that combines survey and pre-experimental research. The survey research was conducted through a quantitative approach using a questionnaire as the research instrument with assessed numerical items. The survey respondents consisted of 318 students from various universities in Indonesia who were taken through cluster random sampling technique. The implementation of the instrument was carried out through a pre-experimental design to 103 students to test the instrument's effectiveness. The confirmatory factor analysis result shows that the model forms three factors, which are factor 1 (communicating digital content), factor 2 (exploring digital content), and factor 3 (creating and using digital content). The result of the goodness of fit model shows that the instrument has met all the criteria with a value of X 2 /df = 1.642 (<3.00), RMSEA = .079 (≤ .08), GFI = .900 (≥ .90), AGFI = .825 (≥ .90), TLI = .939 (≥ .90), and CFI = .951 (≥ .90). Empirically the instrument has good discrimination power so that it can measure students' digital literacy skills at different academic ability levels (Sig. <.05). In addition, the instrument has been effectively used to measure and predict student learning outcomes (R square = .255, Sig. < .05). The instruments' result is relevant to current conditions and can further explore students' digital literacy skills.
Development and Validation of Digital Literacy Scale (DLS) and its Implication for Higher Education
International Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning
The study aimes to develop and validate Digital Literacy Scale (DLS) based on Chen’s (2015) theoretical framework which includes nine dimensions: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, citizenship, character, curation, copyright, and connectedness. A question pool consisting of 62 items based on the nine dimensions of digital literacy was generated on a 5-point Likert-type scale. Content validity of the question pool was sought from experts in terms of clarity of items, language understanding, and relevance. SPSS and AMOS were used for statistical analysis. Using a sample of 349 university students, Exploratory Factor Analysis was employed for reliability analysis, construct validation, and factor structure of the scale. EFA confirms the nine dimensions; however, some items were deleted during this process. Finally, Confirmatory Factor Analysis was employed to check the reliability and validity of the factor structure by using a second sample (n=442). CFA showe...
Digital Literacy: A Survey Level Digital Literacy Competence among University Students in Jakarta
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 2019
Digital Literacy Competence is not yet mastered by the people of Indonesia. Understanding of reading material and the ability to produce positive reading has not been successfully implemented. The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of parental roles on digital literac y competencies of the students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Mercu Buana. The concept of Interpersonal Communication by DeVito (2013) was used in this study. The role of the family can be classified into four, namely: (1) modeling; (2) mentoring; (3) organizing, and (4) teaching. Through survey methods and data analysis techniques with correlation and impact testing, the results of the study show that the role of parents has an influence on digital literacy competencies. The role o f parents as models, mentors, organizers and instructors in educating and raising their children is highly recognized by their children. Meanwhile, the role of parents has not had a maximum effect on improving student literacy digital competencies.
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning)
Students’ competence to utilize digital technology to access information as learning sources has become a necessity as experienced during the covid-19 pandemic. Students should have the digital literacy competence to support the students’ learning processes. This research was conducted to reveal the digital competence levels covering internet searching, hypertextual navigation, content evaluation, and knowledge assembly based on activities made by the students of Junior High Schools in Singkawang. The samples were selected using a proportional random sampling technique and 75 respondents were selected representing the students of Junior High Schools in Singkawang. The collected data were then processed using a descriptive statistical analysis with a quantitative approach. The statistical test was conducted using mini-step Program with Rasch modeling to measure the students’ digital literacy competence levels at Junior High Schools in Singkawang. The research results showed that the ...