A Study on Externally Driven Costs for Road Freight Transportation in Zimbabwe (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Supply Chain Management
The main aim of road freight transport is transporting of goods by road. It is the most developed area of transport. The advantage of road transport is the direct transport from the sender to the recipient, faster, easier transportation resulting from technology, availability and operability. The disadvantages of this type of transport are traffic intensity dependence on the state network of road infrastructure and negative impact on the environment. The significance of calculation in transport is so important. It helps carriers to inform on the efficiency and profitability of the services provided, also in allocation of pricing services for budgetary purposes, but also for reducing of cost. This study interrogated the inherent relationship between transport costing and organizational competitiveness in the Zimbabwe Road Freight Sector. The study was prompted by an observation that most road freight companies collapsed before even they reach the five-year mark of trading. Literature...
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
From a business viewpoint, freight transportation is a necessity in the globalized world we live in. Companies are becoming more dependent on goods from various different locations worldwide and the demand for coordinated transportation is increasing. The aim of the study was to ascertain if Road Freight Transport Sector in Zimbabwe respected the value of time aspect in their operations. Value of time is a sound principle that strategically propels the business into the future. Literature highly recommends the value of time concept for business success as a key to customer satisfaction and an international best practice. This was a quantitative study of the road freight transport sector across Zimbabwe with a population of 1256 registered companies and a randomly picked sample size of 384. A total of 384 questionnaires were distributed and 291 were retrieved, giving a response rate of 75.6%. The study findings indicate that value positively influence firm competitiveness. This impli...
Monetary values of freight transport quality attributes: A sample of Tanzanian firms
Journal of Transport Geography, 2011
This paper presents the findings of a stated preference research conducted in Tanzania (East Africa). The objective of the survey was to determine the relative importance as well as monetary values attached to freight transport quality attribute by shippers in this region. In-depth interviews with the logistic managers of companies that produce and ship goods were conducted. The freight transport quality attributes considered in this survey were flexibility, frequency, loss and damage, reliability, and transit time. The monetary values of these attributes have been computed as willingness to pay for their improvement as well as willingness to accept compensation for a decrease in their quality. The results show that shippers in this region consider travel time, loss and damage and frequency as the most important quality attributes. This may have relevant implications for the infrastructural transport policies to be implemented in the country.
This study estimates the direct economic impact of disruptions caused by accidents on Road Freight System (RFS) in Nigeria. Road freight movement to various cities has resulted to various disruptions this study investigates. An experimental design was adopted and stratified random sampling method was used to select Lagos-Port-Harcourt highway through the East-West road, Lagos-Aba highway, and Lagos-Abuja highway as sample population. Questionnaires were designed, distributed and obtained. Accident data and cost accounting information were equally extracted from relevant authorities. Human capital method was adopted in the study, while statistical means was used for data analysis. The study concludes that RFS loses ₦6.4 billion annually to disruptions caused by accidents. The study therefore made various recommendations including an optimal investment in multimodal transport system in Nigeria to reduce the burden on highway. The significance of this study is that annual disruption cost represents 4.1% of Nigeria's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from transport sector.
More companies in the haulage transport sector are finding themselves entangled in the vicious circle of stagnation and failures as a result of religiously adhering to the traditional business practices. At the same time they get pseudo comfort in the speculation of an abrupt economic revival that suits their prevailing business models and practices. Since there is not much literature on the Zimbabwean environment, specifically to the haulage business, empirical research and academic scrutiny is necessary in this area. Against this background, the research embarked on studying the transformation practices that need to be adopted so as to ensure survival and competitiveness in the prevailing environment. The major premise is that business practice transformations such as cost management, agility, best fleet management practices and innovation are critical for the Haulage Transport Businesses to attain sustained competitiveness in the prevailing Zimbabwean economic environment. In ord...
Transportation Management and Economic Performance of Selected Textile Firms in Lagos State
WSEAS transactions on business and economics, 2022
The study aims to examine the effect of transportation management on economic performance in selected textile firms. The reason for this is the sustenance bottleneck such as low-profit margin which is due to poor transportation management and optimization in the textile firms. The study population consisted of fifteen(15) textile firms in Lagos State. Given this, the study utilized the purposive technique and total enumeration model to infer specific information from a selected population. The study was conducted in 2021 targeting transportation and logistics employees. The study questionnaires were distributed to the transportation and logistics managers working in these companies. Consequently, 550(five hundred and fifty) questionnaires were administered however, four hundred and ninety(490) were valid for analysis. The study utilized partial least square(PLS) statistical model to examine the information harvested. The findings show that transportation management has an appreciable effect on economic performance. Furthermore, a synergy exists between transportation management and economic performance at 0.58 which shows a strong connection. Therefore, textile firms with an optimal mix of transportation proficiency can lead to maximum economic performance such as profitability.
For several years, a modal shift from road to rail transport has been promoted by policymakers and industry experts as it is believed that this move would provide a basis for achieving lower transportation costs. Malawi's main goal is to reduce transportation costs and ensure that transport does not constrain its economy and the achievement of this strategic objective would be by facilitating a modal shift from road to rail transport. While all these efforts are being made, there is still not much to trigger the modal shift. This study therefore, focused on understanding the freight modal split between road and rail and went further to establish the reasons why shippers choose a particular mode of transport for their shipments. A descriptive research design within quantitative methodology was employed. Using a simple random sampling technique, 84 participants were recruited for this study. The finding of the study revealed that 87 percent of shippers use road transport because it provides a shorter shipment delivery window, reliable transport service, and availability. It is therefore recommended that the government should invest to revitalize rail transportation to make it more efficient.