Pengaruh Konsentrasi CH3COOH Pada Pembuatan Pulp Dari Batang Pisang Dengan Bantuan Gelombang Mikro (original) (raw)

Pemanfaatan Batang Pisang (Musa Paradisiaca L) Dalam Pembuatan Pulp Dengan Menggunakan Metode Acetosolv Serta Implementasinya DI Sekolah

Konfigurasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia dan Terapan, 2017

Acetosolv process is one of making pulp alternative which friendly environmental. Making pulp of banana stem with a solution of acetic acid cooking (CH 3 COOH) and catalyst sulfate acid (H 2 SO 4) are expected to take place simultaneously, either delignification process or degradation of polisakarida. The variable process is looked in this research is concentration of acetic acid (70%wt, 80%-wt, 90-wt%) with cooking time (1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours), whereas constant variabel in this research in liquid to solid ratio (20/1), concentration catalyst (0.6%-wt), and measure of raw materials (±1,5cm). The result of the study exhibit banana stem may become as raw material in making pulp which using acetosolv. Yield pulp around 50.64 %-57.13% with content of lignin pulp 12.5%-19.42%, and content of cellulose pulp 80,85%-82,28%, which is variation according to process. The best condition which produce yield with high cellulose level and low lignin are gotten at concentration of cooking 90%-wt with time of cooking 3 hours. The result shows that banana stem pulp have yield of 50.64%, lignin 12.5% and cellulose 87.49%. Implementation knowledge of student senior high school 1 Tembilahan to exploiting banana stem in making pulp categorized as "very good" because the final results show the percentage obtained 86.78% which lies in the range of 81%-100%, this percentage is in the category of "very good ''.

Pembuatan Pulp dari Batang Pisang

Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji perolehan pulp dari batang pisang melalui proses soda. Bahan baku pulp terdiri atas selulosa, hemiselulosa, lignin dan ekstraktif. Pulp dapat dibuat dengan cara kimia, yaitu memasak bahan baku dengan menggunakan bahan kimia yang sesuai di dalam Reaktor. Batang pisang yang berukuran 1 cm sebanyak 10 gram dimasak dengan menvariasikan konsentrasi NaOH dan waktu pemasakan. Konsentrasi NaOH yang digunakan 0,5; 1; 1,5; 2 dan 2,5 % dengan waktu pemasakan 30; 60; 90; 120 dan 150 menit. Kondisi terbaik dari hasil penelitian diperoleh pulp 61.43 %, kandungan selulosa 83.3 %, dan kandungan lignin 2.97 % pada waktu pemasakan 120 menit dan konsentrasi NaOH 2 %. Kata kunci : batang pisang, pulp, selulosa, lignin. 1. Pendahuluan Peningkatan kebutuhan kertas memberikan dampak yang kurang baik terhadap lingkungan karena sampai saat ini bahan baku utama pulp yang banyak digunakan adalah kayu. Akibatnya penebangan hutan menjadi semakin meluas. Selain itu proses pulping yang dilakukan menggunakan bahan kimia yang sukar untuk didegradasi secara alami. Salah satu alternatif untuk mengurangi efek yang kurang baik ini adalah dengan menggunakan bahan bukan nonkayu sebagai bahan baku pulp dan mencari proses yang lebih ramah terhadap lingkungan. Laju perkembangan ekonomi dan industri sangat pesat memicu peningkatan kebutuhan akan kertas sebagai media informasi secara tertulis. Upaya untuk meminimalisasi biaya produksi yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan pasokan bahan baku kayu dan mahalnya harga kayu sudah lama dilakukan. Salah satunya adalah

Proses Pembuatan Pulp Berbasis Ampas Tebu: Batang Pisang Dengan Metode Acetosolve

Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Hasil Pertanian, 2012

In Indonesia, pulp and paper production generally uses wood. Intensive forest explotation causes deforesting, global warming,and lessen the wood deposit and forest area. Therefore, government should seek alternative raw material such as bagasse for pulp and paper production, with naturally friendly environment pulping method, such as acetosolve method. In this research bagasse and banana fiber were used as raw material for pulp production. Then, raw material analyses was conducted for chemical content which were cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and ash, and pulp physical properties. The best result in pulping process was 70:30 ratio of bagasse and banana fiber with 80% acetate acid concentration which resulted 56% of cellulose, 27,4% of hemicellulose, 16,2% of lignin, 66% rendemen, 16.1 GE of brightness index, 0,83 (kPa.m/g) of break index, 2,05 Nm 2 /Kg Of tear index, 19 Nm/g of tensil strength, and 93% of paper opacity.

Pengolahan Limbah Batang Sawit Menjadi Pupuk Kompos Dengan Menggunakan Dekomposer Mikroorganisme Lokal (Mol) Bonggol Pisang

Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2019

One of the main problem in palm plantations during the rejuvenations is the utilization of palm oil waste especially the palm trunks that reaching 220 m3/hectare. Based on that reason, we need a method of utilizing it that can increase the value from palm oil waste, not just for the benefits of oil palm farmers but also for the environment. Palm oil waste has the potential to become the raw material for making organic fertilizer (compost), it has a high nutrient content and can improve the quality of the fertilizer produced. The objective of this research was to produce a bio-fertilizer with a high quality based on the proper standards. This research was conducted in two stages including the produce of local microorganism (MOL) from banana stem and the composting stage. The composition of local microorganism materials was banana stem: cattle urine: coconut water: brown sugar with the raio of 2: 1: 1: 1. The composting stage was started after all materials were chopped and stirred ...

Pemanfaatan Gelombang Mikro Pada Ekstraksi Buah

Agritech: Jurnal Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, 2022

One of the preparations of Agrotechnology is a fruit. Fruit can be processed with nonconventional techniques by utilizing microwave technology. This study aims to analyze the use of microwaves in fruit extraction. Research methods are qualitative methods with Case Studies. Data collected by data analysis method by reducing, presenting and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the greater the temperature, power, and solvent ratio will produce fruit extraction with high levels of pectin. The solvent used is a kind of ethanol. Fruit extraction with Microwaved Assisted extraction is able to be a fast and efficient solution in producing high quality fruit extraction levels compared to processing in the traditional way.

Pembuatan Pulp Dengan Metode Asetosolv (Pengaruh Rasio Ampas Tebu - Pelepah Pisang Terhadap Waktu Delignifikasi)


The purpose of the study pulping with acetosolve method (the effect of ratio of bagasse and banana frond on delignification times is to determine the effect of time variables and comparition of raw materials composition variables, the composition are bagasse and banana frond on the quality of the pulp produced. The method used for making pulp is a acetosolv method. Acetosolve process is a method of pulping environmentally friendly. This process has many advantages such as high yield, recycled black liquor is easily done and without the use of elemental sulfur making it safer for the environment. Variations in the composition of raw materials used are 0:100, 30:70, 50:50, 70:30, and 100:0. Then, variation of pulp cooking time are 0 hours, 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours. Analyses was canducted to determine the quality of the pulp such as yield, cellulose content, kappa number and absorbance. The results obtained in the best operating condition are pulp cooking time for 2 hours and compos...

Pembuatan Pulp Dengan Memanfaatkan Limbah Kulit Durian (Durio Zibethinus Murr) Dengan Campuran (Resina Colophonium) Guna Mencegah Degradasi Lingkungan

Gema Teknologi, 2015

Deddy Kurniawan W, Fahmi Arifan, M. Dwi Khoirun Adim, in this article explain that paper is one of the primary needs for humans today . High paper usage is resulting increased in production of paper . On the other hand, paper which are usually made ​​from cellulose and hemi-cellulose in wood can result environmental degradation , due to the use of wood and tree felling leads to long-term basis that can increase the temperature of the earth surface ( global warming) . Durian is relatively abundant in Indonesia , durian shell contains high cellulose ( 50-60 % ) and lignin content ( 5 %), also a low starch content ( 5 % ) . Durian shell wastes containing fibre with dimensions of length and fiber thick wall that be able to bind well when given a synthetic adhesive or an adhesive mineral . Pulp which is produced from durian shell waste in experiments were 1 , 2 , 3 and 4, have a value of α - cellulose content of 35 % , 45 % , 27.7 % , 37.5 % and 57.6 %, respectively. When yield value o...

Pengaruh Rasio Cairan Pemasak (Aa Charge) Pada Proses Pembuatan Pulp Dari Kayu Sengon (Albizia Falcataria) Terhadap Kualitas Pulp


Sengon wood (Albizia falcataria) is chosen as an alternative raw material for the manufacture of pulp has physical and chemical characteristic that meet the standards of raw material for pulp. The most important factors that influence the process of the kraft pulping is the ratio of the cooking liquid (AA charge) which serves to degrade and dissolve so easy to separate lignin from cellulose, while still protecting carbohydrates from degradation so that the resulting yield and good physical strengt. The study began with the preparation of raw materials, cooking by using a variable charge AA 14%, 16%, 18%, 20% and 22%, pulp washing and sheet formation, as well as the analysis of the quality of the pulp. Cooking liquid ratio will affect the yield and quality of pulp, including kappa number, viscosity and brightness. The low use of cooking liquid causes the higher lignin content in pulp and produce wood that is not mature, so the higher the yield, kappa number and viscosity, but lower b...

Analisis Karakteristik Pulp Campuran Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dan Pelepah Pisang dengan Pelarut NaOH


Pulp merupakan hasil dari proses peleburan kayu atau bahan berserat lainnya baik secara mekanis, kimia, maupun semikimia sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan kertas dan turunan selulosa lainnya. Bahan pembuat pulp dari campuran Tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) yang kandungan selulosanya 45,95% serta pelepah pisang yang kandungan selulosanya sekitar 63-64%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi optimum pada proses pembuatan pulp dengan memvariasikan waktu pemasakan yakni 75, 90, 105, 120 dan 135 menit. Selain itu juga memvariasikan konsentrasi larutan NaOH dengan variasi 7% dan 9%, serta variasi bahan baku (TKKS:pelepah pisang) yakni 40:60; 50:50; 60:40. Sehingga pada penelitian ini didapatkan kondisi optimumnya yakni pada rasio 40:60, dengan konsentrasi 9% dan waktu pemasakan selama 120 menit didapatkan nilai kadar lignin 11,21% dan kadar selulosa 68,94%.

Karakteristik Fisikokimia Bubuk Ampas Tomat-Apel Hasil Pengeringan Pembusaan Berbantu Gelombang Mikro


The needed for tomatoes was not comparable with the abundant of production, so tomato prices at the farm level were low. Tomato processing was needed to maintained and increased the selling value of tomatoes, it can be processed into tomato pulp powder. Tomato powder can be made by foam-mat drying method and to shortened the drying time can be done by using microwave oven. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the drying power used on physicochemical properties of tomato pulp powder and drying rate of foam-mat drying with microwave oven. This study conducted with laboratory experimental method with descriptive analysis. Three repetitions consisted of three treatments based on drying power used (30%, 50% and 70%). The observed parameters were total yield value, color, drying rate, drying efficiency and physicochemical properties such as color, foam density, bulk density, moisture content, ash content, water absorption index, and vitamin C content. The results showe...