Oriental Studies (original) (raw)
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Вестник КазНУ.Серия Востоковедение, 2020
Пішімі 60х84 1 / 8. Көлемі 16,8 б.т. Офсетті қағаз. Сандық басылыс. Тапсырыс №9372. Бағасы келісімді. Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университетінің «Қазақ университеті» баспа үйі. 050040, Алматы қаласы, әл-Фараби даңғылы, 71. «Қазақ университеті» баспа үйінің баспаханасында басылды.
Oriental Studies as an Academic Field and Its Prospects in Russia
Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies
The article analyses the evolution of the concepts of “Orient” and “Oriental Studies” throughout history and offers a new approach to interpreting Oriental Studies as a complex academic field. It also discusses the trajectories of its further development in Russia. The author believes that Oriental Studies should centre upon the degree to which Asian and African societies embraced Westernisation, mechanisms of reception of Western culture by their traditional non-Western structures and consequences of this reception. In accordance with this interpretation, Chinese studies as well as other fields that focus on major non-Western civilisations (Indology, Middle Eastern and African studies) fall into a broader academic category of Oriental studies instead of turning into mere subfields of Area Studies. The article maintains that it is essential to move away from Western-centrism, however, this should not be substituted with the opposing extremes: the ideas of supremacy of the East over ...
French schools of oriental studies and their research objects
Meros, 2024
This article talks about the emergence of Oriental studies in France, books on Oriental studies and the objects of their study. In France, oriental studies as a field of science began to develop in the 17th century. Orientalists who grew up in schools such as the Collège de France, the School of Oriental Languages and the Youth Language School, among the first schools of Oriental studies, made a great contribution to the development of this field of science in the country. In addition to Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Syriac, Hebrew, Armenian and Chinese, many studies have been conducted on the history, culture, geography, ethnography and anthropology of the countries where this language is studied. If you look at the geographical area of Orientalism, French orientalists wrote scientific works about the region, covering the territory from the Mediterranean Sea to Japan. French oriental studies, no matter how developed, is not without criticism. The reason for this is that Orientalism served colonial policy. Despite the fact that it is a science that arose as a result of colonial policy, French oriental studies is gaining its place in world science.
Нескончаемый разговор об изучении Востока
Endless Talk about the Study of the East // Religion and Society in the East, Issue III, pp. 10-21, 2019
Introduction and survey of the issue "Religion and Society in the East, Issue III, 2019"
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences
Speaking at a beautiful and artistic level, maintaining short and meaningful speech manners in terms of content is also an art. Oratory is a speaking skill, a unique ability. In order to master speaking skills, a speaker first of all sets requirements for himself and complies with these requirements. Every speaker works objectively on himself and improves his speaking skills. This article talks about the importance of forming speech skills in the spiritual education of the growing generation. Key words: speech culture, oratorical skills, perfect person, linguistic and stylistic features of oratory.
Письменные памятники Востока, 2016
Граф Петр Корнилиевич Сухтелен (1751–1736), русский генерал голландского происхождения, посол России в Швеции был заядлым коллекционером. После его смерти его огромная библиотека была приобретена российским правительством и распределена между несколькими учреждениями. Восточное собрание планировали передать в Азиатский Музей (ныне Институт восточных рукописей), хотя на деле оно было разделено между четырьмя хранилищами. И все же позднее основная часть Ориенталии оказалась в Азиатском Музее, где была разделена между фондами, образованными по языковому или графическому принципу, таким образом, теперь очень сложно восстановить коллекцию Сухтелена. Кроме того, некоторые его рукописи находятся в библиотеке Восточного факультета СПб ГУ и в Российской национальной библиотеке. В статье представлены результаты нашей работы по реконструкции, а также по истории формирования Ориенталии Сухтелена.