Journal of Oriental Studies (original) (raw)

Oriental Studies

MGIMO Review of International Relations

The Department for the "administration of affairs with Asian nations" at College of Foreign Affairs was established on February 26, 1796 by the imperial decree and the school for Chinese, Manchu, Persian and Turkish languages translators was opened one year later. However, special training of the Russian diplomatic corps, dealing with the relations with Asian nations, was established only in the XIX century. In 1815 Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages was founded. In 1823 Training Department of Oriental Languages at the Asian Department of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Empire was established. The tradition was continued by the Soviet Russian Institute of Oriental Studies, which become a leading center for the training of specialists, necessary for most important public institutions and social organizations. Moscow Institute for Oriental Studies inherited traditions and rich library from Lazarev Institute. At the confluence of MGIMO and Moscow Institute of Orienta...

Oriental Studies as an Academic Field and Its Prospects in Russia

Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies

The article analyses the evolution of the concepts of “Orient” and “Oriental Studies” throughout history and offers a new approach to interpreting Oriental Studies as a complex academic field. It also discusses the trajectories of its further development in Russia. The author believes that Oriental Studies should centre upon the degree to which Asian and African societies embraced Westernisation, mechanisms of reception of Western culture by their traditional non-Western structures and consequences of this reception. In accordance with this interpretation, Chinese studies as well as other fields that focus on major non-Western civilisations (Indology, Middle Eastern and African studies) fall into a broader academic category of Oriental studies instead of turning into mere subfields of Area Studies. The article maintains that it is essential to move away from Western-centrism, however, this should not be substituted with the opposing extremes: the ideas of supremacy of the East over ...

In Memory of the Orientalist Hasankhan Mirzamagomedov Mirzamagomedov

History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Caucasus

The article is written in tribute to the memory of a colleague who died prematurely, a talented scientist-orientalist Hasankhan Mirzamagomedovich Mirzamagomedov. Special attention is paid to his scientific works and teaching activities. G. M. Mirzamagomedov left behind unique scientific research devoted to the most complex issues of critical study of Arabic historical documents. He developed the concept of studying epistolary documents, introduced a large number of written sources in Arabic, which contributed to the illumination of dark spots in the history of Dagestan in the XVIII-early XIX centuries. G. M. Mirzamagomedov devoted many years of his life to teaching at Dagestan state University, taught classes in the Arabic language and historical disciplines, and trained a large number of Arab specialists. In addition to his unique scientific works, he published educational manuals for students of Oriental studies. The article notes the demand for the works of G. M. Mirzamagomedov a...

ВІСНИК Східні мови та літератури 1(25)/2019 (BULLETIN Oriental languages and literatures)


Розглядаються деякі теоретичні та практичні аспекти мовознавства, зокрема лексикології, фразеології, перекладознавства, міжмовної та міжкультурної комунікації на матеріалі перської, арабської, китайської, японської, турецької мов. На окрему увагу заслуговує дослідження оригінального тексту авестійського гімну Y 46, укладеного однією з мертвих давньоіранських мов-авестійською. У розділі "Літературознавство" розкриваються особливості формування і функціонування окремих складових літературних процесів країн Сходу. Досліджуються різножанрові тексти китайської, арабської, японської, корейської, перської, індійської літератур. In the Bulletin some theoretical and practical aspects of linguistics are regarded, in particular those at lexicology, phraseology, theory of translation, interlingual and intercultural communications in Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Turkish. Analysis of the sacred hymn Y 46 from the Book of Avesta worth special attention; the text was originally composed in Avestian, one of the ancient Iranian languages. The 'Literature' section comprises works dedicated to the particularities of composing and functioning of the structural elements of the processes held in the literatures of the Eastern countries. Focus is on the texts of various genres at the literatures in Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Persian and Hindi.