Volcano inflation prior to an eruption: Numerical simulations based on a 1-D magma flow model in an open conduit (original) (raw)

New insight into a volcanic system: Analogue investigation of bubble‐driven deformation in an elastic conduit

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

Analogue and numerical simulations have been widely used to describe the mechanisms of bubble and slug ascent during volcanic eruptions as well as their formation and explosion mechanisms. Nevertheless, little is known about the mechanical interaction between the fluid and the surrounding medium. In this work, we report the results from analogue experiments designed to show how deformation of the conduit walls induced by the rising slugs is related to the radiation and propagation of seismic and geodetic signals. For the first time, we investigate the dynamics of bubbles in an elastic conduit unveiling the relationship between slugs and crustal strain accumulation around the conduit. Moreover, we discuss the retroactive effects of the deformed conduit wall on the dynamics of a rising slug, particularly, how the flow is affected, and the eventual implications on the intensity of the eruption. Our results show that the combination of an elastic conduit with a large volume of gas may lead to the development of a new type of slug, here defined as a "super slug," characterized by tapering towards the tail and a much higher ascent velocity and inner pressure compared with ordinary slugs. This newly observed behavior could be linked to vigorous explosive events.

Ground deformation reveals the scale-invariant conduit dynamics driving explosive basaltic eruptions

Nature Communications, 2021

The mild activity of basaltic volcanoes is punctuated by violent explosive eruptions that occur without obvious precursors. Modelling the source processes of these sudden blasts is challenging. Here, we use two decades of ground deformation (tilt) records from Stromboli volcano to shed light, with unprecedented detail, on the short-term (minute-scale) conduit processes that drive such violent volcanic eruptions. We find that explosive eruptions, with source parameters spanning seven orders of magnitude, all share a common pre-blast ground inflation trend. We explain this exponential inflation using a model in which pressure build-up is caused by the rapid expansion of volatile-rich magma rising from depth into a shallow (<400 m) resident magma conduit. We show that the duration and amplitude of this inflation trend scales with the eruption magnitude, indicating that the explosive dynamics obey the same (scale-invariant) conduit process. This scale-invariance of pre-explosion grou...

A numerical simulation of magma motion, crustal deformation, and seismic radiation associated with volcanic eruptions

Geophysical Journal International, 2003

The finite difference method is used to calculate the magma dynamics, seismic radiation, and crustal deformation associated with a volcanic eruption. The model geometry consists of a cylindrical reservoir and narrow cylindrical conduit embedded in a homogeneous crust. We consider two models of eruption. In the first model, a lid caps the vent and the magma is overpressurized prior to the eruption. The eruption is triggered by the instantaneous removal of the lid, at which point the exit pressure becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure. In the second model, a plug at the reservoir outlet allows pressurization of only the magmatic fluid in the reservoir before the eruption. Magma transfer between the reservoir and conduit is triggered by the instantaneous removal of the plug, and the eruption occurs when the pressure at the conduit orifice exceeds the material strength of the lid capping the vent. In both models, magma dynamics are expressed by the equations of mass and momentum conservation in a compressible fluid, in which fluid expansion associated with depressurization is accounted for by a constitutive law relating pressure and density. Crustal motions are calculated from the equations of elastodynamics. The fluid and solid are dynamically coupled by applying the continuity of wall velocities and normal stresses across the conduit and reservoir boundaries. Free slip is allowed at the fluid-solid boundary. Both models predict the gradual depletion of the magma reservoir, which causes crustal deformation observed as a long-duration dilatational signal. Superimposed on this very-long-period (VLP) signal generated by mass transport are long-period (LP) oscillations of the magma reservoir and conduit excited by the acoustic resonance of the reservoir-conduit system during the eruption. The volume of the reservoir, vent size, and magma properties control the duration of VLP waves and dominant periods of LP oscillations. The second model predicts that when the magmatic fluid reaches the vent, a high-pressure pulse occurs at this location in accordance with the basic theory of compressible fluid dynamics. This abrupt pressure increase just beneath the vent is consistent with observed seismograms in which pulse-like Rayleigh waves excited by a shallow source are dominant. The strength of the lid plays an important role in the character of the seismograms and in defining the type of eruption observed.

The fluid mechanics inside a volcano


The style and evolution of volcanic eruptions are dictated by the fluid mechanics governing magma ascent. Decompression during ascent causes dissolved volatile species, such as water and carbon dioxide, to exsolve from the melt to form bubbles, thus providing a driving force for the eruption. Ascent is influenced not only by the nucleation and growth of gas bubbles, but also magma rheology and brittle deformation (fragmentation). In fact, all processes and magma properties within the conduit interact and are coupled. Ultimately, it is the ability of gas trapped within growing bubbles to expand or to be lost by permeable gas flow, which determines whether ascending magmas can erupt nonexplosively. We review and integrate models of the primary conduit processes to show when each process or property dominates and how these interact within a conduit. In particular, we illustrate how and why ascent rate may control eruptive behavior: slowly ascending magmas erupt effusively and rapidly ascending magmas erupt explosively.

The effect of volatile bubble growth rate on the periodic dynamics of shallow volcanic systems

Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2010

Many volcanic eruptions exhibit periodic behavior. For instance, periodic ground inflations and deflations in proximity to a volcano are the consequences of periodic overpressure variations in the magma conduit and periodic magma flow rate. The period varies from a few hours to many years, depending on the volcano parameters. On the other hand, volatile components exsolve from an ascending magma by forming bubbles. The strong dependence of the melt viscosity with the volatile concentration generates a positive feedback on the magma flow. We consider here the effect of the growth of volatile bubbles on the dynamics of a magmatic flow in a shallow volcanic system. Various expressions for the bubble growth rate are treated, thus generalizing previous work. In particular, a growth rate law derived from a recent many-bubble theory is considered. It is seen that, for a range of flow rate values at the base of the magma conduit, the system undergoes a Hopf bifurcation. Periodic solutions compatible with the observations are generated. This work shows that measurements of volcanic activity have the potential to test various bubble growth models in magmatic systems.

From magma ascent to ash generation: investigating volcanic conduit processes by integrating experiments, numerical modeling, and observations

Annals of Geophysics, 2017

Processes occurring in volcanic conduits, the pathways through which magma travels from its storage region to the surface, have a fundamental control on the nature of eruptions and associated phenomena. It has been well established that magma flows, crystallizes, degasses, and fragments in conduits, that fluids migrate in and out of conduits, and that seismic and acoustic waves are generated and travel within conduits. A better understanding of volcanic conduits and related processes is of paramount importance for improving eruption forecasting, volcanic hazard assessment and risk mitigation. However, despite escalating advances in the characterization of individual conduit processes, our understanding of their mutual interactions and the consequent control on volcanic activity is still limited. With the purpose of addressing this topic, a multidisciplinary workshop led by a group of international scientists was hosted from 25 to 27 October 2014 by the Pisa branch of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia under the sponsorship of the MeMoVolc Research Networking Programme of the European Science Foundation. The workshop brought together the experimental, theoretical, and observational communities devoted to volcanological research. After 3 days of oral and poster presentations, breakout sessions, and plenary discussions, the participants identified three main outstanding issues common to experimental , analytical, numerical, and observational volcanology: un

Temporal evolution of flow conditions in sustained magmatic explosive eruptions

The temporal evolution of fundamental flow conditions in the magma chamber plus conduit system–such as pressure, velocity, mass flow-rate, erupted mass, etc.–during sustained magmatic explosive eruptions was investigated. To this aim, simplified one-dimensional and isothermal models of magma chamber emptying and conduit flow were developed and coupled together. The chamber model assumed an homogeneous composition of magma and a vertical profile of water content. The chamber could have a cylindrical, elliptical or spherical rigid geometry. Inside the chamber, magma was assumed to be in hydrostatic equilibrium both before and during the eruption. Since the timescale of pressure variations at the conduit inlet–of the order of hours–is much longer than the travel time of magma in the conduit–of the order of a few minutes–the flow in the conduit was assumed as at steady-state. The one-dimensional mass and momentum balance equations were solved along a circular conduit with constant diameter assuming choked-flow conditions at the exit. Bubble nucleation was considered when the homogeneous flow pressure dropped below the nucleation pressure given the total water content and the solubility law. Above the nucleation level, bubbles and liquid magma were considered in mechanical equilibrium. The same equilibrium assumption was made above the fragmentation level between gas and pyroclasts. Due to the hydrostatic hypothesis, the integration of the density distribution in the chamber allowed to obtain the total mass in the chamber as a function of pressure at the chamber top and, through the conduit model, as a function of time. Simulation results pertaining to rhyolitic and basaltic magmas defined at the Volcanic Eruption Mechanism Modeling Workshops (Durham, NH, 2002; Nice, France, 2003) are presented. Important flow variables, such as pressure, density, velocity, shear stress in the chamber and conduit, are discussed as a function of time and magma chamber and conduit properties. Results indicate that vent variables react in different ways to the pressure variation of the chamber. Pressure, density and mass flow-rate show relative variations of the same order of magnitude as the conduit inlet pressure, whereas velocity is more constant in time. Sill-like chambers produce also significantly longer and more voluminous eruptions than dike-like chambers. Water content stratification in the chamber and the increase of chamber depth significantly reduce the eruption

Frequency and magnitude of volcanic eruptions controlled by magma injection and buoyancy

Nature Geoscience, 2014

Super-eruptions are extremely rare events. Indeed, the global frequency of explosive volcanic eruptions is inversely proportional to the volume of magma released in a single event 1,2 . The rate of magma supply, mechanical properties of the crust and magma, and tectonic regime are known to play a role in controlling eruption frequency and magnitude 3-7 , but their relative contributions have not been quantified. Here we use a thermomechanical numerical model of magma injection into Earth's crust and Monte Carlo simulations to explore the factors controlling the recurrence rates of eruptions of different magnitudes. We find that the rate of magma supply to the upper crust controls the volume of a single eruption. The time interval between magma injections into the subvolcanic reservoir, at a constant magma-supply rate, determines the duration of the magmatic activity that precedes eruptions. Our simulations reproduce the observed relationship between eruption volume and magma chamber residence times and replicate the observed correlation between erupted volumes and caldera dimensions 8,9 . We also find that magma buoyancy is key to triggering super-eruptions, whereas pressurization associated with magma injection is responsible for relatively small and frequent eruptions. Our findings help improve our ability to decipher the long-term activity patterns of volcanic systems.

Volcanotectonics: the tectonics and physics of volcanoes and their eruption mechanics

Bulletin of Volcanology, 2022

The physical processes that operate within, and beneath, a volcano control the frequency, duration, location, and size of volcanic eruptions. Volcanotectonics focuses on such processes, combining techniques, data, and ideas from structural geology, tectonics, volcano deformation, physical volcanology, seismology, petrology, rock and fracture mechanics, and classical physics. A central aim of volcanotectonics is to provide sufficient understanding of the internal processes in volcanoes so that, when combined with monitoring data, reliable forecasting of eruptions, vertical (caldera) and lateral (landslide) collapses and related events becomes possible. To gain such an understanding requires knowledge of the material properties of the magma and the crustal rocks, as well as the associated stress fields, and their evolution. The local stress field depends on the properties of the layers that constitute the volcano and, in particular, the geometric development of its shallow magma chamber. During this decade an increasing use of data from InSAR, pixel offset, and structure-from-motion, as well as dense, portable seismic networks will provide further details on the mechanisms of volcanic unrest, magma-chamber rupture, the propagation of magmafilled fractures (dikes, inclined sheets, and sills), and lateral and vertical collapse. Additionally, more use will be made of accurate quantitative data from fossil and active volcanoes, combined with realistic numerical, analytical, and machine-learning studies, so as to provide reliable models on volcano behaviour and eruption forecasting.