Biomarkers in acute kidney injury: Evidence or paradigm? (original) (raw)

Biomarkers for the prediction of acute kidney injury: a narrative review on current status and future challenges

Clinical Kidney Journal, 2012

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is strongly associated with increased morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients. Efforts to change its clinical course have failed because clinically available therapeutic measures are currently lacking, and early detection is impossible with serum creatinine (SCr). The demand for earlier markers has prompted the discovery of several candidates to serve this purpose. In this paper, we review available biomarker studies on the early predictive performance in developing AKI in adult critically ill patients. We make an effort to present the results from the perspective of possible clinical utility.

Biomarkers of acute kidney injury

Jornal brasileiro de nefrologia : ʹorgão oficial de Sociedades Brasileira e Latino-Americana de Nefrologia

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common condition with a high risk of death. The standard metrics used to define and monitor the progression of AKI, such as serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels, are insensitive, nonspecific, and change significantly only after significant kidney injury and then with a substantial time delay. This delay in diagnosis not only prevents timely patient management decisions, including administration of putative therapeutic agents, but also significantly affects the preclinical evaluation of toxicity thereby allowing potentially nephrotoxic drug candidates to pass the preclinical safety criteria only to be found to be clinically nephrotoxic with great human costs. Studies to establish effective therapies for AKI will be greatly facilitated by two factors: (a) development of sensitive, specific, and reliable biomarkers for early diagnosis/prognosis of AKI in preclinical and clinical studies, and (b) development and validation of high-throughput innovative technologies that allow rapid multiplexed detection of multiple markers at the bedside.

Early detection of acute kidney injury: Emerging new biomarkers (Review Article)

Nephrology, 2008

Acute kidney injury (AKI) has recently become the preferred term to describe the syndrome of acute renal failure (ARF) with 'failure' or 'ARF' restricted to patients who have AKI and need renal replacement therapy. 1 This allows capture of the broader clinical spectrum of modest reductions in creatinine, which are themselves known to be associated with major increases in both short-and long-term mortality risk. 2-5 It is hoped that this change in nomenclature will facilitate an expansion of our understanding of the underlying pathophysiology and also facilitate definitions of AKI, which allow comparisons among clinical trials of patients with similar duration and severity of illness. This review will cover the need for early detection of AKI and the role of urinary and plasma biomarkers, including enzymuria. The primary message is that use of existing criteria to diagnose AKI, namely elevation of the serum creatinine with or without oliguria, results in identification that is too late to allow successful intervention. New biomarkers are essential to change the dire prognosis of this common condition.

Acute Kidney Injury Biomarkers - Needs, Present Status, and Future Promise

Nephrology self-assessment program : NephSAP, 2006

In the last decade, great progress has been made in dissecting the molecular mechanisms of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI; Also known as Acute Renal Failure, ARF)); however, translation of these findings to therapeutics of clinical utility has lagged. Development of therapeutics for AKI is has been slow and garnered limited industry interest because AKI is poorly characterized and difficult to diagnose early. Additional challenges include an inability to predict severity, measure progression, or response to therapy, all of which add complexity and risk to clinical trials. A standard definition of AKI is being developed, which will facilitate progress greatly. However, the over-reliance on serum creatinine as a marker of renal function and injury and the absence of additional disease markers has hampered clinical trials for AKI. Serum creatinine in AKI has poor sensitivity and specificity; patients are not in steady state, hence serum creatinine lags behind both renal injury and renal recovery. Conventional urine markers (casts, fractional excretion of sodium) are non-specific and insensitive. Reliance on traditional markers slows recognition of AKI and hence delays nephrologic consultation and discontinuation of nephrotoxic agents, and complicates drug development.

Biomarkers of acute kidney injury and their role in clinical patient management

Biomedical Reviews, 2020

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common public health problem and has a significant impact on cardiovascular disease, mortality and increased hospital costs. Also, AKI can progress to chronic kidney disease (CKD). Therefore, early diagnosis is very important for AKI. Serum creatinine (SCr) is a well-known biomarker in the diagnosis of AKI. However, changes in SCr levels are insufficient in early diagnosis so, new biomarkers are needed. Because of that, the search for biomarkers for the early detection of AKI is an ongoing process. In recent years, early diagnosis, prognostic and predictive biomarkers have been discovered to replace or support SCr in the diagnosis of AKI. New biomarkers can help early diagnosis and effective management of AKI. Since there are many biomarkers, when and under which condition these biomarkers should be used cause confusion. In this review, we aimed to construct and ease to use classification of these AKI biomarkers and summarize the current literature. We have divided the biomarkers into two main categories: renal and non-renal origin. Then, we have classified the biomarkers of renal origin as glomerular, tubular and unknown renal site. We have also described the clinical use of these biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis.

New Biomarkers for the Quick Detection of Acute Kidney Injury

ISRN Nephrology, 2013

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common and strong problem in the diagnosis of which based on measurement of BUN and serum creatinine. These traditional methods are not sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of AKI. AKI is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients and a quick detection is impossible with BUN and serum creatinine. A number of serum and urinary proteins have been identified that may messenger AKI prior to a rise in BUN and serum creatinine. New biomarkers of AKI, including NGAL, KIM-1, cystatin-C, IL-18, and L-FABP, are more favourable tests than creatinine which have been identified and studied in several experimental and clinical training. This paper will discuss some of these new biomarkers and their potential as useful signs of AKI. We searched the literature using PubMed and MEDLINE with acute kidney injury, urine, and serum new biomarkers and the articles were selected only from publication types in English.

Novel Biomarkers of Acute Kidney Injury in the General Adult ICU: A Review

Renal Failure, 2013

Acute kidney injury is one of the most frequent problems occurring in the critically ill patients of the intensive care units and it is well established that it increases both morbidity and mortality in these patients. Moreover, despite technological and pharmaceutical advances during the last decades, the incidence as well as the mortality associated with acute kidney injury in these patients remains unchanged. Creatinine, the most common renal dysfunction biomarker in use, has many disadvantages, such as time delay in its increase and the influence by other factors on its serum concentration, such as age, gender, muscle mass, etc. Hence, the need for better renal biomarkers in order to timely intervene for acute kidney injury prevention is imperative. The lack of an early biomarker is an obstacle for the development of new acute kidney injury prevention strategies. With the incidence of acute kidney injury reaching epidemic dimensions, the need for novel markers is urgent. During the last years, the research for finding such biomarkers has been intense. The purpose of the present article is to review the studies which have tested the predictive ability of those markers (in urine and/or plasma) for early detection of acute kidney injury in the mixed adult intensive care unit population and underline the potential limitations encountered in the various studies.

Clinical review: Biomarkers of acute kidney injury: where are we now?

Critical Care, 2012

The recognition that acute kidney injury (AKI) is a signifi cant independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality has resulted in a substantial number of publications over the past 5 years or more. In no small part these have, to a degree, highlighted the inadequacy of conventional markers of renal insuffi ciency in the acute setting. Much eff ort has been invested in the identifi cation of early, specifi c AKI markers in order to aid early diagnosis of AKI and hopefully improve outcome. The search for a 'biomarker' of AKI has seen early promise replaced by a degree of pessimism due to the lack of a clear candidate molecule and variability of results. We outline the major studies described to date as well as discuss potential reasons for the discrepancies observed and suggest that evolution of the fi eld may result in success with ultimately an improvement in patient outcomes.

Biomarkers in acute kidney injury (AKI )

Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, 2017

biomarkers biomarkers of function biomarkers of damage risk diagnosis prognosis Acute kidney injury is common in critically ill patients and portends a significant impact on mortality, progressive chronic kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease and mortality. Though most physicians alter therapy depending on changes in serum creatinine, this often represents delayed intervention. Various AKI biomarkers have been discovered and validated to improve timely detection, differentiation and stratification into risk groups for progressive renal decline, need for renal replacement therapy or death. This chapter will review AKI biomarkers validated over the past decade. We also describe the clinical performance of the biomarkers. We suggest that using AKI biomarkers to complement serum creatinine (or cystatin C) and urine output will better integrate patient care through earlier recognition and clinical outcome prediction after AKI.