Labour and Old Age in Austria around 1900: Conditions, and Restrictions of Labour Force Participation of the Elderly before the Welfare State (original) (raw)

Arbeit und Alter in Österreich um 1900


During the 20th century 'retirement' became a constitutive pattern of 'old age' in western industrialized societies. Although sometimes classified as a recent phenomenon, the decline of labour force participation rates of elderly people is a long-term trend starting at the end of the nineteenth century. How did it come that 'age' and 'work' are seen as an antagonism? There is a lack of convincing answers in how to explain this long-term trend. Based on statistics from the Censuses since 1890 and on statistical data on the age structure of the work force of individual industrial companies and economic sectors the article reconstructs the long-term trend of declining labour force participation rates of the elderly for Austria. The study analyses the impact of average job tenure as well as common shifts over the life course between self-employment and wage employment. The results indicate that the proportion of the workforce over 50 years of age was quit...

Arbeit und Alter in Österreich um 1900: Merkmale, Bedingungen und Begrenzungen der Erwerbstätigkeit im Alter vor Etablierung einer Ruhestandsphase

Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 2011

Labour and Old Age in Austria around 1900. Patterns, Conditions, and Restrictions of Labour Force Participation of the Elderly before the Welfare State. During the 20 th century ‚retirement' became a constitutive pattern of ‚old age' in western industrialized societies. Although sometimes classified as a recent phenomenon, the decline of labour force participation rates of elderly people is a long-term trend starting at the end of the nineteenth century. How did it come that ‚age' and ‚work' are seen as an antagonism? There is a lack of convincing answers in how to explain this long-term trend. Based on statistics from the Censuses since 1890 and on statistical data on the age structure of the work force of individual industrial companies and economic sectors the article reconstructs the long-term trend of declining labour force participation rates of the elderly for Austria. The study analyses the impact of average job tenure as well as common shifts over the life course between self-employment and wage employment. The results indicate that the proportion of the workforce over 50 years of age was quite minimal in many industrial sectors. Especially in larger companies, an individual worker's average term of employment was far lower than after 1945. Wage-earning em ployees clearly dominated in the younger age groups, but self-employment came to the fore with increasing age, so that by approximately age 40, a majority of men were self-employed.

[Investigating Work, Age, Health and Work Participation in the Ageing Work Force in Germany]

Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)), 2015

Working life in Germany is changing. The work force is ageing and the number of people available to the labour market will - from now on - shrink considerably. Prospectively, people will have to work longer; but still today, most people leave employment long before reaching official retirement age. What are the reasons for this? In this report, a conceptual framework and the German lidA Cohort Study are presented. The "lidA conceptual framework on work, age, health and work participation" visualises determinants of employment (11 "domains") in higher working age, e. g., "work", "health", "social status" and "life style". The framework reveals 4 key characteristics of withdrawal from work: leaving working life is the result of an interplay of different domains (complexity); (early) retirement is a process with in part early determinants in the life course (processual character); retirement has a strong individual component (...

Knocking-off time instead of retirement? About the meaning of reti-rement in the working classes and the labour movement in Germany, c. 1880–1914


The main hypothesis about the relationship of retirement and working classes is that a category of ‘retirement’ among workers did not exist until modern welfare pension systems were installed in the 20th century. This article argues that ideals and practices of retirement as a work-free period after crossing an age limit already occurred in the late 19th century among German workers in the context of the debate about the first old age- and invalidity act in 1889. In addition, by looking at work in its ambivalent meaning of delight and burden it becomes evident that workers could imagine to leave work and start a retirement in their life course while the labour movement was trapped between the position of admiring work as means for gaining respectability and condemning work as exploitation.The main hypothesis about the relationship of retirement and working classes is that a category of ‘retirement’ among workers did not exist until modern welfare pension systems were installed in th...

Alte Hasen zum Alten Eisen? Beiträge zur Fachtagung 'Alte Hasen zum Alten Eisen? Zur Situation älterer Menschen am Arbeitsmarkt' vom 21. Juni 2004 in Wien


Der vorliegende AMS report 43 beinhaltet Beiträge anläßlich der von der Abteilung Berufsinformations-und Qualifikationsforschung des AMS Österreich (nunmehr Abteilung Arbeitsmarktforschung und Berufsinformation des AMS Österreich) gemeinsam mit der Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten (GPA-Interessengemeinschaften) veranstalteten Fachtagung »Alte Hasen zum Alten Eisen?-Zur Situation älterer Menschen am Arbeitsmarkt«. Die Tagung fand am 21. Juni 2004 in Wien statt. Den Veranstaltern war es ein Anliegen, durch die Tagung einen kritischen Austausch von VertreterInnen aus Erwachsenenbildung, Personalberatung, Bildungspolitik und Bildungsforschung über die verschiedenen Aspekte der Situation von Älteren am Arbeitsmarkt zu fördern.

Die Produktion besonderer Arbeitskräfte. Auseinandersetzungen um den häuslichen Dienst in Österreich (1880-1938)

Der tiefgreifende Wandel von Arbeit seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts machte vor dem häuslichen Dienst nicht halt. Aber was Dienst konkret sein, wie er geregelt und praktiziert werden sollte, blieb umstritten: Waren Hausgehilfinnen untergeordnete Mitglieder des Haushalts, Teil der Familie oder Arbeiterinnen? Diese Frage beschäftigte Parlamente, Behörden und Dienstgeber*innen wie Hausgehilfinnen selbst. Die Auseinandersetzungen um den Dienst fanden etwa in Kämpfen für (oder gegen) verbriefte soziale Rechte des Hauspersonals statt, befeuerten Kontroversen über eine Neugestaltung des Dienstrechts, prägten Wohltätigkeitsaktionen, die Praxis der Stellenvermittlungen und das alltägliche Leben und Wirtschaften im fremden Hause. Alle, die mit häuslichen Diensten zu tun hatten, waren an ihnen beteiligt. Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit diesen Auseinandersetzungen in Österreich von etwa 1880 bis 1938. Die Autorin geht Veränderungen des häuslichen Dienstes nach. Sie erforscht die Unterschiede von Positionen, Perspektiven und Einsätzen und untersucht, wie Hausbedienstete und andere Arbeitskräfte zueinander ins Verhältnis gesetzt wurden. Dabei stützt sie sich auf vielfältige Materialien wie Behördenakten, lebensgeschichtliche Aufzeichnungen, Nachlässe, politische Veröffentlichungen und populäre Literatur, die sie systematisch miteinander vergleicht.

Arbeit und Altern


In the 2020s, the number of the over 60s in the workforce will continue to increase. The book ‘Arbeit und Altern 2020’ (Work and Ageing 2020) takes stock of the state of knowledge on work and age and ageing, and on progress in the areas of work design and human resources. It presents academic findings, practical design models as well as company and wage regulations. ‘Arbeit und Altern 2020’ provides a comprehensive overview of the job market, human resources management, learning and motivation, work design, gender and social inequality, health as well as company and wage agreements. The German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin) has been conducting research into healthy ageing at work for over 20 years.