Etika Bertransaksi Jual Beli (original) (raw)

Etika Perdagangan Dalam Islam


Islam memang menghalalkan usaha perdagangan, perniagaan dan atau jual beli. Namun tentu saja untuk orang yang menjalankan usaha perdagangan secara Islam, dituntut menggunakan tata cara khusus, ada aturan mainnya yang mengatur bagaimana seharusnya seorang Muslim berusaha di bidang perdagangan agar mendapatkan berkah dan ridha Allah SWT di dunia dan akhirat.

Iktikad Baik Dalam Transaksi Jual Beli Secara Online Melalui Media Sosial

Zaaken: Journal of Civil and Business Law

The purposes of this study are: 1) To find out and analyze the form of seller's good faith in buying and selling online through social media. 2) To find out and analyze the legal consequences of sellers who do not have good intentions in online buying and selling transactions through social media. Problem formulation: 1). What is the form of seller's good faith in online buying and selling transactions through social media. 2). What are the legal consequences for sellers who do not have good intentions in online buying and selling transactions through social media. Research method: the research method used is normative juridical law research. The results of the study are: 1) Good intentions in starting activities, namely delivering goods according to the agreement, providing correct information on the conditions and guarantees of goods or services. 2). As a result of the law against sellers who do not have good intentions in online buying and selling transactions through soc...

Etika Bisnis Dan Transaksi Ekonomi Syariah


Transaksi bisnis merupakan perkara yang dihalalkan dalamIslam, karna kegiatan bisnis merupakan salah satu kegiatanpemenuhan kebutuhan hidup. Islam merupakan ajaran yangsempurna, karna tidak hanya mengatur masalah ritual ibadah saja,akan tetapi juga mencakup kegiatan muamalah, salah satunyabisnis. Transaksi bisnis dalam Islam diatur sedemikian rupa,sehingga transaksi yang berjalan bukan saja menguntungkansebelah pihak saja, akan tetapi ada kepuasan kedua belah pihak.Dalam melakukan segala aktivitas terutama dalam bentuk kegiatanusaha ada etika yang mengatur. Sehingga dalam kegiatan tersebutdapat menimbulkan keharmonisan dan keselarasan antar sesama.Etika bisnis ini terdapat penjelasannya dalam al-Qur’an danteladan yang dipraktekkan Nabi Muhammad Saw

Etika Bisnis Dalam E-Commerce

Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Tambun Bungai, 2017

Globalization and free trade supported by advances in telecommunications and informatics technologies have provided wider space. This shows that in Indonesia also gives a good impact for the economy with the advances in technology. Therefore, this technological advancement needs to be supported by the existence of business ethics that have principles that can create trust to consumers so as to provide wider space to the fulfillment of the quality of goods / services in accordance with the desires and capabilities of consumers.

Transaksi Akad Istishna’ Dalam Praktek Jual Beli Online

Along with the development of technology in making transactions that are increasingly developing, there are many conveniences for people to shop. such as selling bells online known as e-commerce. By concluding that buying and selling transactions on shopee, tokopedia, lazada, bibli, bukalapak e-commerce have been widely used by the public today. Online buying and selling is buying and selling with a purchase system by ordering and paying at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end with a predetermined grace period using technological sophistication. There are also contracts used such as istisna contracts in carrying out this transaction. The purpose of this study is to examine more deeply the istisna contract in online buying and selling transactions. This paper uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The analysis used uses content analysis, with more depth to the information found. The results of this study found out buying and selling transactions in Islam with i...

Etika Kegiatan Berproduksi


One important aspect of the economy is the production. Islam strongly encourages the production activities for the welfare of society. Production as a pillar of the economy and serves as a supplier of goods and services for consumption. The production is intended to meet consumer demand. Where there is demand, there are the production activities. Production does not have a rule that doesn not bring benefit, but instead plunge the human in the gap contempt. Departing from the above phenomenon, then Islam as al-'alami rahmatan lil alamin it should have a formula to address this. So in this paper the author tries to examine how the Islamic organization of the production. From the results of this study concluded ethics that is very urgent in production activities. Because, if you do not pay attention to ethics, the production goals will not be achieved. The purpose of production is to the prosperity of life in the world. However, the opposite is true, namely the destruction of the w...

Implementasi Etika Transaksi Jual Beli Dalam Islam Pada Pasar Tradisional DI Watampone

Jurnal ilmiah Al-Tsarwah, 2021

This research is entitled the implementation of the ethics of buying and selling transactions in Islam at traditional markets in Watampone, with indicators of Islamic ethics, namely not reducing the scale or measurement, not containing elements of fraud, no coercion,khiyar, do not take perjury and prohibition on hoarding. This study aims to answer the problem of how the knowledge of sellers and buyers about the ethics of buying and selling transactions in traditional markets in Watampone and how to apply the ethics of buying and selling transactions in Islam in traditional markets in Watampone. This research is a qualitative field study using a sociological normative economic and theological approach. The results showed; First, both sellers and buyers are mostly aware of the ethics of buying and selling transactions in traditional markets, especially in the Watampone area. Second, Islamic ethics in buying and selling transactions at traditional markets in the Watampone area have not been fully implemented, because there is still fraud or fraud in transactions. Research implication: Local government and related parties are expected to play an active role in providing counseling and supervision to sellers in traditional markets about the importance of ethics in transactions, so that the seller's knowledge of Islamic ethics in buying and selling transactions can be improved. In addition, as Muslims, after knowing about ethics in transactions, it is better if sellers and buyers can apply ethics in buying and selling transactions in accordance with Islamic law, especially in traditional markets, so that transactions are carried out not only for profit, but still get blessings.

Etika Bisnis Islam Dalam Transaksi Jual Beli di Pasar Tradisional Ngronggo Kota Kediri

Jurnal At-Tamwil: Kajian Ekonomi Syariah, 2020

Buying and selling activities are the activity of exchanging goods or material ownership permanently. One of the places for buying and selling is the Market. Along with the times of very rapid economic development, business competition is increasingly high. With very high competitors, business people use various methods to get high profits, so business people often ignore Islamic business ethics in running their business. Ethics is a good behavior of human behavior that covers social values. Good ethics includes honesty, reliability, disciplined loyalty. This study analyzes more deeply about Islamic business ethics using qualitative descriptive methods because the data used are through observation, interviews and documentation. In this context the researcher wants to examine the application of Islamic business ethics in the sale and purchase transactions at the Ngronggo Traditional Market in Kediri City. The results of the study of the application of Islamic business ethics in the s...

Perspektif Etika dalam Insider Trading

Telaah Bisnis

Nowadays, the phenomena of insider trading is more attractive to be explored. Insider trading provides a great advantage for the perpetrators but can harm the others. The Law of Capital Market stated that insider trading is prohibited, however until now it is difficult to be proved. So, the decision to do insider trading is considered to be one of an ethical issue. The aim of this research is to examine the effect of personal benefit and fairness of law against insider trading. Further, this research will examine the ethical aspect by exploring ethical position as mediat­ing variable. This research used a questionnaire to collect data from investors as respondents. The results of this research showed that personal benefit in the form of possibility to obtaining personal gain significantly affect insider trading, while fairness of law had no effect on insider trading. In terms of ethics, an ethical position only able to mediate the relationship between fairness of law and insider tra...

Transaksional Budaya Belis

Jurnal Communio : Jurnal Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi

Belis merupakan suatu upacara dimana pihak laki-laki memberi mas kawin barang berupa hewan, uang dan kain kepada pihak peempun. Tujuan peneltiian ini untuk mengetahui pengalaman, motif, dan makna belis pada masyarakat Desa Gunung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman masyarakat tentang nominal belis yakni apabila pihak laki-laki tidak mampu melunasi semua belis pada saat upacara masuk minta maka pihak keluarga perempuan membuat suatu kesepakatan dimana mempelai laki-laki tinggal di keluarga perempuan sampai keluarga laki-laki melunasi belis atau pihak laki-laki boleh membawa mempelai perempuan dengan kesepakatan wajib membayar belis sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan. Dampak positif dengan adanya pemberian belis, martabat keluarga laki-laki terangkat, pihak keluarga wanita merasa dihargai, dan terbentuknya kekerabatan baru. Dampak negatifnya, pihak laki-laki merasa malu jika tidak melunasi belis karena menimbulkan...