Urgensi Whistleblower Dalam Pengungkapan Kasus Anti Persaingan Usaha DI Indonesia (original) (raw)

578 Perlindungan Hukum Whistleblower dan Jusce Collaborator dalam Upaya Penanggulangan Organized Crime di Indonesia Legal Proteccon of Whistleblower and Jusce Collaborator to Eradicate Organized Crime in Indonesia


Abstrak Tulisan ini mengkaji lebih detail model ideal perlindungan hukum Whistleblower dan Jusce Collaborator dalam upaya penanggulangan organized crime di Indonesia untuk masa yang akan datang (ius constuendum). Model ideal perlindungan hukum bagi Whistleblower dan Jusce Collaborator ini harus berorientasi kepada model hak-hak prosedural, parrsipasi langsung, atau akf. Model ideal ini juga berbentuk model pelayanan atau model parrsipasi dak langsung atau model pasif (the service model), model persuasif atau parrsipasi, model perlindungan komprehensif, model penjatuhan pidana bersyarat dan model perlindungan melalui teleconference. Kata Kunci: jusce collabolator, perlindungan hukum, organized crime, whistleblower, hak-hak prosedural. Abstract This paper examines the ideal model of legal proteccon of Whistleblower and Jusce Collaborator to eradicate organized crime in the future Indonesia (ius constuendum). The proposed ideal models shall refer to procedural rights model, direct or a...

Konsep Hukum Whistleblower dalam Hukum Positif Indonesia

Lambung Mangkurat Law Journal

Terminologi Whistleblower mulai diperkenalkan di Indonesia dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Dalam undang-undang tersebut, whistleblower dikenal dengan istilah Pelapor. Meski begitu, hingga saat ini Indonesia belum mengatur secara komprehensif terkait Pelapor sehingga memberikan implikasi terhadap sempitnya konsep hukum Pelapor. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui konsep Pelapor dalam hukum positif di Indonesia saat ini dan untuk diadakannya legal reform terhadap konsep hukum Pelapor di Indonesia. Metode penelitian adalah yuridis-normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan perbandingan hukum secara mikro pada tingkatan legal concept. Hasil penelitian ini (1) Konsep hukum Pelapor dalam aturan hukum positif di Indonesia saat ini menekankan Pelapor sebagai seorang yang mengetahui dan memberikan laporan terkait tindak pidana tertentu yang bersifat serius maupun tindak pidana lainnya yang ber...

Menggagas Konsep Dan Model Ideal Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Whistleblower Dan Justice Collaborator Dalam Upaya Penanggulangan Organized Crime DI Indonesia Masa Mendatang

Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan

Practice of whistleblower and justice collaborator law protection especially in the effort to destroy the organized crime in Holland, germany and Australia to institution and the protect orientation is variatif and partial. Protection practice in Holland uses witness agreements, it is the agreement between the public prosecutor and witness to give the testimony with reward especially to organized crime. In Germany, trough Witness Protection Law In Process Criminal Investigation and Protection Against Victims (Zeugenschutzgesetz/ZschG). Essentially, Zeugenschutzgesetz/ZschG rules the dimention for the witnesses, both witnesses and not the victims. Besides, it is also ruled about rights issues witnesses before the trial and during the trial process. On the aspect of witness rights before the trial include the examination of witnesses in the policemen and prosecution, the secret of witness identity and the changes of witness identity. Then, the witness right in the trial are separated ...

Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Whistle Blower Dalam Rangka Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Korupsi DI Indonesia


Dewasa ini permasalahan korupsi bukan lagi merupakan masalah lokal, tetapi merupakan fenomena transnasional yang membawa dampak bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat dan bagi perekonomian suatu negara. Terkait dengan pengungkapan kasus korupsi yang sulit pembuktiannya, aparat penegak hukum kadang kala mendapatkan bantuan dari para pelapor atau pengadu atau yang lebih populer dikenal dengan istilah whistle blower . Whistle blower adalah sebutan bagi karyawan, mantan karyawan atau pekerja, anggota dari suatu institusi atau organisasi yang melaporkan suatu tindakan yang dianggap melanggar ketentuan kepada pihak yang berwenang. Tidak jarang whistle blower memperoleh “serangan balik” dari pihak yang dilaporkan, akibatnya dirinya, keluarganya dan harta bendanya menjadi terancam. Permasalahan yang dibahas adalah kedudukan dari whistle blower dalam sistem peradilan pidana di Indonesia, perlindungan hukum terhadap w histle blower dalam penanggulangan perkara tindak pidana korupsi di Indonesia ser...

Urgensi Penegakan Hukum Terkait Kejatahan Tindak Pidana Suap Dalam Etika Profesi Advokat

As-Syar'i: Jurnal Bimbingan & Konseling Keluarga

In Indonesia, Law Enforcement Officials, Including Judges, Prosecutors, Police, And Advocates, Are Responsible For Delivering Justice. Advocates Are Law Enforcement Officers Who Assist Clients Seeking Justice In The Legal System And Provide Legal Aid Services. Assistance Is The Process Of Making It Easier For Clients To Solve Problems When Dealing With The Legal Process. Advocates Are Obliged To Uphold Human Rights And Devote Themselves To The Interests Of Society Rather Than Themselves, Making Their Profession A Noble One. However, It Turns Out That Many Advocates Have Stated That They Have Committed Crimes Since 2005, At Least 22 Advocates Have Been Charged With Corruption Cases, 16 Advocates Have Committed Bribery, Two Advocates Have Provided Inaccurate Information, And Four Others Have Obstructed Investigations. The Results And Discussion Of The Research Show That Criminal Cases Of Bribery Committed By Advocates Can Be Tried By The State Through Law In Statutory Regulations As...

Urgensi Amandemen Uu Tentang Persaingan Usaha DI Indonesia: Problem Dan Tantangan

Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan

This article discusses about how urgent for the holding of an amendment to the Act No. 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition, known as Competition Law. Since the effective force in 2000, the Business Competition Act has given many benefits to the economic development of Indonesia. However, there are also a lot of criticism both from academics, practitioners and commissioners of the Business Competition Supervisory Commission. This research conducted based on normative or library research using secondary data. In addition, this research was also based on a field research through interviews and focus group discussions with stakeholders. The results of the research found that there was an urgent interest for the amendment of Law No. 5 of 1999.

Asosiasi Usaha Dalam Tinjauan Hukum Persaingan Indonesia


Trade Association as a Cartel Operative Under Indonesian Competition Law, is normative legal research. This research try to analyze the relation among business entities who are competitors among themselves while they established a trade association. Some experts said that those trade association tends to established a cartel among themselves.This is a normative legal research with descriptive analyze research approach.This research showed if a trade association operated without control, they will become a cartel operative. Indonesian anti monopoly law, did not regulate trade association. Law no 5 year 1999 only regulate cartel.If a trade association become a cartel, it will give a big impact not only towards its competitors but also for national economy and also for market (consumers) Keywords : Business Entities, Cartel, Trade Association, Antimonopoly Law Naskah ini berasal dari penelitian yang berjudul “Menakar Operasional Asosisasi Usaha Sebagai Suatu Operasional Kartel Berdasar...

Urgensi Penerapan Leniency Programs Terhadap Penegakan Hukum Persaingan Usaha DI Indonesia

Jurnal Kawruh Abiyasa

Enforcement of business competition law in Indonesia has encountered problems in proving violation cases. This is because prohibited agreements made by business actors are not always born from a written agreement. UU no. 5 of 1999 does not regulate how to prove the existence of an agreement. The purpose of this study is to find out how to overcome obstacles in enforcing business competition law in Indonesia by analyzing whether these leniency programs are suitable for adoption in Indonesian business competition law products. This study uses doctrinal research, with a statutue approach and a conceptual approach. The statue approach is carried out by examining all regulations that contradict the legal issues raised, while the conceptual approach is an approach that departs from the views and doctrines that develop in the field of law. The results of this study indicate that reflecting on the implementation of leniency programs in other countries, Indonesia is deemed necessary to adopt...