Algerian EFL Secondary School Students’ Attitudes towards Using Group Investigation Cooperative Learning Model for Teaching English School Projects (original) (raw)

Developing English Learning Material Using Implementation of Cooperative Learning Type Group Investigation Model

This study develops a model of English learning materials and learning tools using cooperative learning type group investigation models; this research produces Requirementbased English teaching materials. This study uses quantitative and qualitative model approach including development research and using the ADDIE model. It carried this research out in the Elementary Teacher Education Program (PGSD} program. Data analyzed used 1) test 2) model validation, 3) questionnaire and 4) observation. The results got are the increase student learning outcomes in English learning, with excellent categories, English teaching materials developed based on the results of expert validation in the very valid category, English teaching materials in being able to improve students' learning abilities and outcomes and lecturer activities in category learning is very good, the level of effectiveness in the category is very good for an increase in the learning outcomes of PGSD students after using the application of group investigation in learning.

Implementing Cooperative Project-Based Learning: Difficulties and Innovative Solutions

World Journal of English Language

Cooperative Project-Based Learning (CPBL) is a task-based approach to teaching and learning that enhances students’ motivation to learn cooperatively in groups, investigate and respond to engaging tasks to produce a final product when learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). However, motivating teachers to implement CPBL in their classrooms is challenging. The present study explored challenges and difficulties teachers of English encounter in their attempt to implement CPBL and provided practical solutions to enhance teachers’ motivation to adopt it. The participating teachers’ perceptions regarding the influence of CPBL on students’ English learning were also considered. Significantly, this study applied quantitative and qualitative techniques, which provide the means to determine whether there are connections among the study’s variables and, if so, how each one may influence the other. As part of the research process, and to identify the perceptions, attitudes, and opinions o...

English Teachers’ Beliefs and Attitudes Towards Project-Based Learning


Yapilandirmaci yaklasimin 2004 yilinda benimsenmesi ile birlikte, Proje Tabanli Ogrenme gibi ogrenci merkezli ogrenme modelleri onem kazanmaya baslamistir. Proje Tabanli Ogrenme, ogrencileri proje calismalari ve grup calismalari ile bilgi kesfetmeye tesvik eden bir yontemdir. Proje Tabanli Ogrenme, ogrenciler icin isbirligine dayali bir ogrenme ortami yaratarak surece aktif olarak katilmalarini saglayan, proje sonunda bir urunun meydana geldigi bir ogrenme yontemidir. Proje Tabanli Ogrenme ile ilgili bircok calisma olmasina ragmen, ogretmenlerin Proje Tabanli Ogrenmeye yonelik inanclarini ve tutumlarini arastiran calismalarin sayisi sinirlidir. Bu nedenle, bu arastirma, Ingilizce ogretmenlerinin Proje Tabanli Ogrenmeye yonelik tutum ve inanclarini arastirmayi amaclamaktadir. Bu calismaya toplamda 25 Ingilizce ogretmeni katilmistir. Calismada nitel bir arastirma deseni kullanilmis ve veriler yari yapilandirilmis gorusmelerle toplanmistir. Veri analizinde bolumunde icerik analizi yont...

The Effect of Project-Based Learning on Students' Attitude Towards English Classes

Journal of Education and Training Studies, 2018

The purpose of this research is to define the effect of project-based learning on students' attitude towards English classes. The study group of the research consisted of 51 students attending grade 10 at an Anatolian high school in the Western Black Sea region of Turkey. In the quantitatively designed research, the " control group pre-test– post-test design " , one of the experimental designs, was applied. The " Scale of Attitude towards English Classes " was used as the data collection tool. The scale consists of 20 items and three sub-dimensions. The research data were compared by applying the Mann Whitney U test and the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, calculating the standard deviation value and arithmetic average on the SPSS22 program. Results of the research indicate that there was a significant difference between the experimental group's pre-test and post-test scores in favour of the post-test. There was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups' post-test results in favour of the experimental group.

A Study of Student's Attitudes towards Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is a teaching approach in which students work cooperatively in small teams with individuals of different talents, abilities and background to complete a common goal. This study was set out to examine the views about cooperative learning in domain of group projects of graduating students of the Departments of Statistics and Economics of Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. A semi-standardized instrument measuring the attitudes on a three point Likert scale was adopted for data collection. Analysis of the data yielded that student was favorable to do work on group projects along with associated cooperative learning methods. The results of this study suggest that students could be developing different attitudes toward teamwork from their educational experiences. The challenge for University educators is to develop skills to facilitate positive teamwork experience among their students who will need to interact with each others in transnational teams in the workplace of the future.

The Application of Group Investigation Technique: The Views of the Teacher and Students

This study aims to determine the views of the teacher and students views on a practice carried out by using group investigation technique of cooperative learning method. The study was conducted with 20 students at 8th grade at a public elementary school in Trabzon during the spring term of 2008-2009 school year. Case study research method was used in this study. Data were collected via informal interviews and observation forms. The data gathered from the interviews were analyzed and presented in tables and networks whereas observation data were given in tables. In the light of the data collected from this study; during the group study, the students enjoyed working in groups, found the group investigation technique useful, undertook several roles and moved from an individual to a cooperative stance in the group. Based on these results, group investigation technique is recommended to be used in secondary and higher education mathematics courses.

Incorporating Cooperative Project-Based Learning in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language: Teachers’ Perspectives

Education Sciences

Cooperative Project-Based Learning (CPBL) is an instructional approach that enhances students’ motivation to learn cooperatively by investigating a range of tasks related to an authentic project. This study explores the impact of teachers’ age on CPBL implementation when teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and identifies teachers’ perceptions, views, and attitudes regarding this methodology. This research is exploratory in scope, quantitative in design, and correlational-factorial in nature. The quantitative method applied provides the means to determine the correlation between variables and how the implementation of CPBL is determined. To fulfil the aims of this research, questionnaires were distributed to a sample of 84 EFL teachers from primary and secondary schools. The factorial analysis revealed that the age of teachers had a significant impact on CPBL implementation (p < 0.001). Accordingly, younger age groups of 21–30 and 31–40 showed a greater predisposition for...

Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa SMP Melalui Pembelajaran Group Investigation Berbantuan Proyek

IndoMath: Indonesia Mathematics Education

The purpose of this study is to examine the differences in the improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilities in the classroom with investigation group learning assisted by projects and conventional learning classes. This study included quasiexperimental research with a non-equivalent control group research design. All mathematical problem-solving abilities of class VII students in one of the junior high Schools were the population in this study. Two classes were taken as samples, namely the experimental class applying the project-assisted investigation group and the control class that applied conventional learning. The question of mathematical problem-solving ability was used as an instrument in this study. Data on mathematical problem-solving ability from pretest and posttest then determined normalized gain average between two classes and analyzed using t-test. The results showed that the improvement of students' mathematical problem-solving abilities in the class applying project-assisted group learning was better than students in the class applying conventional learning, but the average increase in the two classes was in the moderate classification. So that project-assisted investigation group learning can be used as an alternative to improve the students' mathematical problem-solving skills in junior high school.

‘Group Investigation’: A Cooperative Learning Method for the 10th Grade Students in Speaking English Classroom


The GI or group investigation is one of the cooperative learning teaching method and little used in English language teaching classroom. In GI students take an active part in establishing their learning goals. A method which ask the students to choose the topic selection, plan, implement, analyze, present, and evaluate. This paper reports a study of implementing the GI method in teaching speaking for the 10th grade students‟ at SMAN 1 Paciran Lamongan. Here, the students still have difficulty in using their English orally. One of the reasons is the lack of confidence they have when they should speak in front of the classroom, so they hope to have a partner to discuss with in order to be more confident to speak up. GI is the right solution to solve the students‟ speaking problem. A descriptive research method is used to get the finding of the study, observation checklist, questionnaire, and practical test are the instruments used to collect the data. The data shows that students are ...

English Teachers' Perception of Implementing Project-Based Learning in Secondary Schools

ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education

The aims of this study were to investigate English teachers’ perceptions in implementing Project-Based Learning and to analyze the English teachers’ challenges of implementing Project-Based Learning in Secondary Schools in Bengkulu City. 16 English teachers in Senior High Schools and 14 English teachers in Junior High Schools who have implemented Project-Based Learning in their class served as participants in this study. An explanatory sequential mixed method research applied to investigate the teachers’ perceptions in implementing Project-Based Learning for gathering quantitative data by using Questionnaire in the first phase. Then, in collecting qualitative data to analyze the challenges of the implementation of Project-Based Learning in English classroom, the researcher conducted interview which explained the result in the first phase. There are a total of 30 questions on the questionnaire, all of which pertain the internal factors and the external factors, also the challenges wh...