Residential Landscapes Sponsored by Companhia União Fabril (CUF) in Barreiro (1945-1972) (original) (raw)

PORTUGAL. Forty landscapes - photos & commentary.

PORTUGAL. Forty landscapes - photos & commentary., 2024

It is with great pleasure that I present 40 photographs of Portuguese landscapes in this small volume. Most were captured during the twelve months of 2023 in various areas of mainland Portugal. It is in no way intended as a survey of the Portuguese landscape. Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro is the most widely represented region because it could be considered the last stronghold of natural wilderness in the country and contains some extraordinarily beautiful landscapes. These images are part of my portfolio on the Landscape Photography Magazine website, some of which have been published in this magazine, the editors of which I thank for their professionalism and commitment to the culture and dissemination of this area of photography, by far one of the least considered in today’s times. Each photograph is accompanied by a comment, in which I express my feelings and ways of seeing that image. For me, each landscape photograph has a story associated with it that both complements it and helps with its interpretation.

Vernacular Heritage of Northwest Portugal: The valley and the mountain range farmhouse

Rehabend 2018, 8th Euro-American Congress on Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management, 2020

The editors does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided by any article published. The information and opinion contained in the publications of are solely those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors. Therefore, we exclude any claims against the author for the damage caused by use of any kind of the information provided herein, whether incorrect or incomplete.

Landscapes and Landforms of Portugal

World Geomorphological Landscapes, 2020

The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.

Beyond the Mountains: History and Landscape in North Portugal

Text to accompany a photographic exhibtion at the Macleay Museum, University of Sydney in 1991. The works related to The Vinhais Survey, a landscape archaeology project covering 3500 years of rural occupation in the National Park of Montesinho, in Tras-os-Montes, in northeast Portugal.

The vernacular house between the Cávado and the Ave, Portugal

With acknowledged authenticity and cultural heritage value, rural vernacular construction of Entre-Douro-e-Minho represents the results of the centuries-old relation between men and available natural resources. Abandoned or victim of armful interventions, this unique heritage acquired economical value by the growing interest on rural environment and life. It represents a mean to economical and social boosting of these depressed areas, but at the same time exposing them to the threatening lack of knowledge and property speculation. In order to protect and prevent future damages to this fragile heritage , it's fundamental the study and identification of its identity and technical-constructive key features. This paper presents the results of a fieldwork study performed between the Cávado and Ave rivers, which aimed to identify morfo-typologies, materials and construction techniques of the existent schist heritage. The data collected aims to contribute to its preservation and to assist technicians in future rehabilitation projects in the area.

Historic anthropogenic factors shaping the rural landscape of Portugal's Interior Alentejo


I-INTRODUCTION 15 1.1-Context for the study 15 1.2-Reasons for the study 20 1.3-Study structure 22 1.4-Definition of the study area 24 1.4.1-The Alentejo region 24 1.4.2-High Alentejo (Alto Alentejo) 28 L4.3-Littoral Alentejo (Alentejo Litoral) L4.4-Interior Alentejo (Alentejo Interior) 1.4.5-Justification of the study area n-INTERIOR ALENTEJO'S RURAL LANDSCAPES n. 1-Identification of the main Interior Alentejo rural landscapes n. 1.1-Forest n. 1.2-Montado n. 1.3-Permanent crop landscapes n. 1.4-Open fields II.2-Geographic distribution of landscape types in Interior Alentejo ... TABLE OF CONTENTS-Continued m-THE EVOLUTION OF INTERIOR ALENTEJO'S LANDSCAPES 66 in. 1-Introduction 66 in.2-The territorial unit of study 68 in.3-Pre-Roman times 69 in.4-The Roman period 77 in.5-The Visigoth period 87 in.6-The Muslim period 91 IIL7-The Christian Reconquest 97 in.8-From the Christian Reconquest to the Liberal Revolution in.8.1-Poor counties III.8.2-Rich counties in.9-The Liberal period in. 10-The 20th century wheat campaigns in. 11-Rural exodus and mechanization in. 12-The 1974 Revolution and the Agrarian Reform in. 13-The EU accession and the Common Agriculture Policy in. 14-The 1992 CAP reform 191 m. 15-Evolution of the predominant agricultural landscape in Interior Alentejo between 1979 and 1999 216 Recenceamento Geral da Agricultura 1999. Livestock &rms can include fiinns without agricultural area.

SOARES, Ana Luísa, AZAMBUJA, Sónia Talhé; CASTEL-BRANCO, Cristina (2019) – “The role of the botanic garden of Ajuda in the affirmation of the new profession of landscape architecture in Portugal”

Lessons from the past, visions for the future: Celebrating one hundred years of landscape architecture education in Europe, 2019

SOARES, Ana Luísa, AZAMBUJA, Sónia Talhé; CASTEL-BRANCO, Cristina (2019) – “The role of the botanic garden of Ajuda in the affirmation of the new profession of landscape architecture in Portugal”. In GAO, Lei & EGOZ, Shelley (Eds.). Lessons from the past, visions for the future: Celebrating one hundred years of landscape architecture education in Europe. Ås: School of Landscape Architecture, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, pp. 145-147 (ISBN: 978-82-575-1642-0).

The landscape and management plan of ilhéu de Vila Franca do Campo (s. Miguel, Azores (Portugal)). An example of the reconcilement between nature conservation and public use in a protected area

Vila Franca do Campo’s Islet has about 6,2 ha and is located 500 m to the south of S. Miguel Island (Azores, Portugal). Classified under the designation of Natural Reserve since 1983, the Islet, a Quaternary volcanic cone, shelters a very rich and interesting biota: some of the native plants found in the dense vegetation cover are endemic to the Azorean Islands (e.g. Festuca petraea (Hochst.) D.A. Webb and Spergularia azorica (Kindb.) Lebel); migratory birds often come to the Islet to nest. Submarine ecosystems also offer opportunities for recreational as well as scientific diving. Human presence on the Islet has been a fact for the last five centuries, bearing its cultural testimonies. It’s peculiar origin and history establishes a great natural, aesthetic and cultural significance and provides numerous opportunities for public recreation and sightseeing. This trend has been increasing over the last few years, resulting in the increase of anthropogenic pressure over the territory a...

The Douro landscape heritage (NE Portugal): modernity and tradition in times of change

Miscellanea Geographica, 2018

As a consequence of its long history of more than 250 years, the Douro Demarcated Region (NE Portugal) boasts a distinct cultural landscape typified by terraces filled with the regional variety of grapevine – it is a region where famous wines are produced, in particular Port wine. Nevertheless, especially after the 1980s, the need to cover labour shortages and increase productivity led to a gradual change in the landscape, and today the traditional terraces are mixed with new types of vineyards, such as the “vinha ao alto” (vertical vines) and “vinha em patamares” (vines on terraces). Against this backdrop, and with a view to preserving the landscape in a sustainable and multifunctional way, UNESCO awarded the region the “Evolving Living Landscape, World Heritage” award. In this article we combine extensive documentary research with productive field work in order to question the relationship between the need to preserve an exceptional, cultural landscape and the need for regional su...

Vernacular architecture in the south of Portugal: The history of Mértola’s houses from a rural to an urban landscape

ITU J Faculty Arch., 2021

This article deals with permanence and change in the traditional architecture of southern Portugal, adopting the town and landscape of Mértola as a case study. This research conveys how the relationship between the vernacular architecture, the territory and the site is not immune to the course of history, reflecting a pro- found change in the ways of living over time. In methodological terms, the re- search focuses on surveying and characterizing architectural diversity in both the rural context (with the definition of various landscape subunits) and the urban context (delimiting the various urban subunits). This concludes that the architec- tural specificity, in both contexts, is subordinate to the same processes of historical change which nevertheless acquire a circumstantial dimension. These processes include the readable influences of models and ways of living arriving from abroad and contemplate: the transition of the courtyard house from the Islamic medieval period to the compact house of the Christian medieval and modern periods; the consolidation, diversification and ennobling of different housing types during the Ancien Régime; and the profound transformations of domestic architecture following the advent of Liberalism.