Memaknai Kekerasan Ilahi dalam Narasi Air Bah: Sebuah Kajian atas Kejadian 6:1-9:19 (original) (raw)
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The purpose of the study is for everyone to understand the meaning of why God sent down the flood in the days of Noah's life, so that everyone can live righteously in this day and age. The story of Noah and the occurrence of the flood is to tell how God saved life on earth when the people who lived in it grew evil from time to time. God told Noah to build the Ark according to the details that God gave as a means of salvation when the flood destroyed life on earth. The flood was God's way of reconstructing the earth and life on it without re-creating, by saving Noah and his family as pious people at that time. This research was conducted with a qualitative method by collecting data from various bibliography such as Bibles, books and journal manuscripts. Through this research, it is hoped that everyone will understand God's love and plan for His people, even in the event of a disaster.
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Pembacaan Eco Hermeneutic terhadap Narasi Air dalam Kejadian 26:12-33
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Conscientia Jurnal Teologi Kristen, 2023
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Indonesian Journal of Arabic Studies, 2020
Syarah Muqoddimah al-Imam Bafadal al-Hadrami By al-Haitami is a single manuscript. The problem in this study is to find out the sound of the text of the manuscript and the content or discourse of the text, as well as to apply the hadith in the text of the manuscript with Gracia's Hermeneutic theory about the interpretation function theory. The method used in this study is the diplomatic method and a critical or standard method that is by rewriting the contents of the text accompanied by improvements to the text limited to errors in writing. The results of this study are that the manuscripts generally contain fiqh books with various discussions. In terms of content analysis based on historical functions found asbabul wurud from the hadith which discusses these three things from various narrators, then the function of the meaning of the hadith is to always maintain impurity, while the implicative function is to obtain implications for modern life today to be more careful in purification.
DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani
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Kajian Teologis Frasa Anak-anak Allah dan Anak-anak Manusia dalam Narasi Kejadian 6:1-4
Rezeki Putra Gulo, 2022
The narrative of Genesis 6:1-4 is one of the parts of the Book of Genesis that has caused a lot of controversy. Each verse (phrase) has its own uniqueness, making it a challenge for interpreters to find and discover the true meaning. The theological study of the phrase sons of God and sons of men in Gen. 6:1-4 is a study that is quite challenging and attracts attention because the narrative is so complicated that it results in several alternative interpretations. The correct interpretation certainly stands on a solid theological foundation and does not contradict the Bible. The method used by the author in writing this article is a study method with a literature approach. The author's conclusion about the theological study of the phrase sons of God and sons of men is that the sons of God are titles for the righteous descendants of Seth and the sons of men are titles for the wicked descendants of Cain.