Atti XXIV Convegno Nazionale Tabagismo e SSN - Update on new tobacco and nicotine products (original) (raw)
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On 4 May 2016, the ECJ delivered three judgments concerning the validity of the “Tobacco Products Directive”. This article focuses on the legal basis of this controversial act and on the fundamental rights’ restrictions provided for therein. As for the legal basis, the ECJ's judgments found that, in order to avoid the negative impact of divergent national legislations on the internal market, the EU is allowed to exercise its harmonizing competence in the field of public health, despite this policy being essentially reserved to the Member States. This finding was essentially based on ECJ’s previous case law. With regard to the issue of the fundamental rights’ restrictions raised by private parties in two of the judgments, the Court found these restrictions to be justified under the general limitation clause of art. 52 of the Charter. In more specific terms, the Court affirmed that, in the cases at hand, the EU was allowed to strike a fair balance between the need to respect funda...
Diritto di Internet, 2020
L’ordinanza qui commentata stabilisce che le pubblicazioni di informazioni e immagini volte a promuovere il consumo di sigarette elettroniche e contenitori di ricariche liquide su siti web e social network da parte delle società produttrici/distributrici di questi stessi prodotti, costituendo “comunicazioni commerciali nei servizi della società dell’informazione”, sono da ritenersi vietate ai sensi del d.lgs. 12 gennaio 2016, n. 6 (che ha recepito la direttiva 2014/40/UE), essendo a tal fine rilevante esclusivamente il loro effetto promozionale e non il fatto che queste abbiano anche natura informativa e che gli utenti accedano spontaneamente ai siti web e alle pagine social in cui queste compaiono. Secondo tale provvedimento, inoltre, anche la mera attività di ricondivisione/richiamo da parte delle società produttrici/distributrici di informazioni e immagini riguardanti le sigarette elettroniche e le relative ricariche autonomamente create da soggetti terzi (c.d. user generated contents) è allo stesso modo vietata, trattandosi di una forma di pubblicità c.d. indiretta. The herein commented order states that the publications of information and images aimed at promoting the use of electronic cigarettes and liquid refill containers on websites and social networks by the manufacturers/distributors of these goods are “commercial communications in Information Society services” and, thus, are forbidden by Italian Legislative Decree no. 6 of 12 January 2016 (which transposed Directive 2014/40/EU), since only the promotional effect of such publications is relevant to this purpose, but not the fact that such publications have also an informative nature and that users spontaneously access the websites and social pages where they appear. According to this order, moreover, also the mere sharing/linking activity by the manufacturers/distributors of information and images relating to electronic cigarettes and relevant refills independently created by third parties (i.e. so-called user generated contents) is likewise forbidden, since it is a form of indirect advertising.