Seasonal incidence of insect pests and natural enemies of mustard in relation to meteorological parameters (original) (raw)


Significance of statements: This study showed that Temperature and humidity like abiotic factors play key role to control mustard aphid population and Biotic factors like Coccinella Septempunctata and Syrphid fly like predators helpful for decline the aphid population. Abstract To determine the populations build up of mustard aphid and their natural enemies in relation to biotic and abiotic factors. Field experiment was conducted C.S.A. University of Agriculture and technology Kanpur during the rabi season (October-March) of 2013-14 and 2014-15 respectively. The maximum aphid population 270.18 aphids /10 shoot was recorded in the first week of February and at the fourth week of March. Synchronization in the appearance of mustard aphid predators Coccinella spp. and Syrphid larvae was population maximum 11.25 beetles/ 10 shoot and 5.90 larvae/10 shoot, respectively in fourth week of February that was one of the main reasons for the low multiplication of aphid population in 2013-14. During Rabi 2014-15 Maximum aphid population was recorded third week of February 385.12aphids/10 shoots with its predators population Coccinella spp. and Syrphid larvae 10.15 beetles/10 shoot and 4.80 larvae/10 shoot, respectively. Simple correlation studies to evaluate the instantaneous effects of the meteorological variables revealed that of the abiotic factors (Temperature, relative humidity and rainfall), the temperature had the biggest role in the buildup of the mustard aphid population. The appearance of Coccinella spp. and the larvae of Syrphid flies were positively correlated with temperature, while there was negative correlation with the incidence of mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi. There was positive correlation between the population of aphid and relative humidity.


A field experiment was conducted at research station Ambikapur, (C.G.) during Rabi season, 2017-18 to assess the insect-pests succession in mustard crop and their natural enemies and its correlation with weather parameters. The incidence of Aphid and Flea beetle population commenced from 1 st week of December with 1.32 aphid/ plant 5cm apical twig and 2.4 beetle/plant. The peak infestation of aphid occurred in 7 th SMW which was favored by min. temp. of 11.6 0 C and max. temp. of 24.3 0 C with morning 91% and evening 44% humidity. Flea beetle was recorded attained its peak level of 15.8 beetle/plant/m 2 in 1 st week of February (6 th SMW) which was favoured by max. temp. 26.5 0 C and min.temp.11.6 0 C with morning 85% and evening 35% relative humidity. The Diamond back moth was observed 2 nd week of December and saw fly was recorded from third week December and reached its peak activity 1.96 adult/plant in the 2 nd week of February (7 th SMW). Painted bug was observed 4 th week of December with peak activity (3.8 bug/plant) 2 nd week of February (7 th SMW) which was favoured by max. temp. 24.3 0 C and min. temp. 11.4 0 C with morning 91% and evening 44% relative humidity. Bihar hairy caterpillar commenced from 2 nd week of December in (50 th SMW) and Semilooper commenced from 1 st week of January in (1 st SMW). While various natural enemies were found on mustard crop. The lady bird beetle (Coccinella septumpunctata) and Syrphid fly found on mustard on 4 th week of December to 2 nd week of March. The Diaretella rapae was noticed on mustard crop on second week of January to first week of March.

A B S T R A C T Relationship between the population of mustard aphid, (Kaltenbach) and weather parameters on different cultivars of Indian mustard ( L.) Lipaphis erysimi Brassica juncea


1 Wajid Hasan and C. P. Singh 2 1 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agri. Science, A.M.U., Aligarh 202 002 2 Department of Entomology, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263145, Uttarakhand (India),Email: The experiments were conducted during season (2007-08 & 2008-09) at Crop Research Centre of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand to investigate the population dynamics of the mustard aphid, Kalt. on different 42 cultivars of Indian mustard ( ). The results revealed that the population of exhibited negative correlation with maximum and minimum temperature, rainfall, wind velocity, evaporation and positive with afternoon and morning relative humidity. The values of coefficient of determination (R ) were high (0.92 to 0.99), indicated that the population of governed significantly with the weather parameters. It concluded that the temperature (max. 18.7 and min. 5.0 C), relative humid...

Modeling of aphid complex and its associated natural enemies in rapeseed-mustard in relation to climatic factors

Journal of Agrometeorology

Effect of climatic factors on population build-up of aphid complex of rapeseed-mustard viz. mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus), and green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and associated natural enemies (coccinellids, syrphids and a parasitoid, Diaeretiella rapae M’Intosh) was studied at Experimental Farm of CSK HPKV Palampur over a period of three years. Correlation coefficients indicated that the temperature favoured build-up of aphid population and their natural enemies while rainfall exerted negative impact. The population of coccinellids was negatively correlated with the population of L. erysimi and M. persicae while, positive correlation with B. brassicae was observed. On the other hand, population of syrphids was found to be positively correlated with aphid population. Predictive model using stepup regression analysis revealed that a weak relation in aphid population was attributed by weather parameters particular...

Population Dynamics of Mustard Aphid in relation to Humid Thermal Ratio and Growing Degree Days

To determine the relative role of weather variables and accumulated heat units on mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt) population, field experiment was conducted at research farm of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) during the rabi season (October-April) of 2006-07. The study revealed that throughout the ascending phase of the aphid population right up to its observed peak, the maximum temperature showed downward trend till peak aphid population reached. During the descending phase of the aphid population, weather parameters were not found to be congenial. The maximum temperature started increasing after 27 th January and later remained around 25 C. Initially when aphid population started building up, HTR ranged from 2 to 3. The population started increasing gradually from 2 nd 0 week of December, reached peak population around last week of January in both of the varieties in 15 th October sowing. In 30 th 1 October sowing aphid population started building up from 1 week of January and reached peak population around 1 week of February. It was observed that HTR as well as the aphid population increased, but as aphid population reached its peak the HTR values reduced. In both early (15 th October) and late sown (30 st October) crop the aphid population had a significant negative correlation with growing degree days (GDD), but positively correlated with humid thermal ratio (HTR). As the growth and development of insects mainly depends upon the accumulated amount of heat, GDD and HTR computation could be used for prediction of aphid population build up

Seasonal incidence of pests of bell pepper (Capsicum annum var grossum Sendt) and their correlation with weather parameters

Field experiments were conducted during rabi season of 2015-16and 2016-17 at Barasat II block, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal to study the seasonal occurrence of pest complex of bell pepper vis-à-vis the effect of weather parameters on their incidence. During the study, whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn), aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover), chilli mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks), thrips (Scirthothrips dorsalis Hood) and fruit borer (Helicoverpa armigera Hubner) appeared as principal pests of bell pepper. Whitefly infested the crop from first fortnight of November to first week of April with peak population during end of March. Aphid was active from November till April with peak population during first week of April. Thrips appeared on the crop during last week of January that continued till April, with its peak population during end of March to first week of April. Fruit borers were active from first week of February to first week of April, showing peak population during first fortnight of March. Chilli mite was active during November to first fortnight of January with its peak during first fortnight of December. Among the weather parameters, maximum and minimum temperature, wind speed, rainfall and sunshine hour had positive correlation with thrips, aphids, white fly and fruit borer population, but had negative correlation with mite population. Morning and evening humidity showed positive correlation with mite population but negative correlation with thrips, aphids, white fly and fruit borer population.

Study the correlation of insect pests with weather parameters in pea crop

International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies, 2021

The present research work was carried out at the department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V, Jabalpur during rabi session 2016-17. Correlation between Aphis craccivora population with maximum temperature was non-significant (r= 0.332). Similarly no correlation was observed between its population and minimum temperature (r =0.114). Population of Aphis craccivora indicated positive correlation with morning relative humidity (r = 0.685) and the regression equation was y = 2.776 x-221.9. Population of Aphis craccivora did not show any correlation with evening relative humidity. Population of Acyrthosiphon pisum indicated significant positive correlation with morning relative humidity, with r value of 0.768 and the regression equation obtained was y = 0.205x-16.40. Its population did not show any correlation with evening relative humidity (r =-0.06). Population of H. armigera was very low during the crop season. Its population did not show significant correlation (r =-0.45) with maximum temperature and minimum temperature (r = 0.217).