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Les ouvrages spécialisés décrivant les monnaies byzantines ou les catalogues de ventes aux enchères ont coutume d'utiliser un jargon très particulier pour décrire la tenue portée par les empereurs sur les monnaies.
This paper analyses the munya-s, i.e., the country houses of the Naṣrid elites in the outskirts of the Islamic cities in Granada, between the XIIIth and XVth centuries and their relationship with the royal patrimony. The munya-s were part of the properties of the royal household and were mainly used for leisure, productive, political and administrative purposes, as well as temporary court seat. These country houses were also found in the Cordova of the emirs and caliphs and they were still common at the end of the Islamic presence in the Iberian peninsula. Their management and exploitation were the responsibility of the King and of administrative authorities. The munya-s served also to support the royal household and the court. KEYWORDS: Al-Andalus, Naṣrí Kingdom of Granada, munya, royal patrimony.
Coutumes funéraires en Nubie au Nouvel Empire
This paper deals with the question of the egyptianisation of Nubia during the New Kingdom from the viewpoint of funerary practices. By recording and studying Nubian graves inasmuch as they have been recorded as Egyptian ones when discovered, it would appear that the only typical features of Egyptian burial customs are: the shape of the grave, the extended position of the body, and the presence of certain specific objects included among the burial furniture, when it still exists, especially coffins, canopic jars, shabtis, etc., the whole of them relating to Egyptian mortuary ritual. The location and frequency of these typical finds have been recorded ; so, it appears that two sites of Upper Nubian, namely Saï and Soleb, situated between the 2nd and the 3rd cataracts, are of special and meaningful interest. Cet article est une contribution à l'histoire de l'égyptianisation de la Nubie au Nouvel Empire par le biais de l'étude des coutumes funéraires. Après recensement et examen des tombes nubiennes dans lesquelles des coutumes funéraires égyptiennes ont pu être décelées par les fouilleurs, il apparait que les seuls traits vraiment caractéristiques des inhumations de type égyptien seraient : le type de tombe, la position allongée du corps et — lorsque, par chance, le matériel a subsisté — la présence en son sein de certains objets directement lies au rituel funéraire égyptien (cercueils, canopes, chaouabtis...). Localisation et fréquence de ce type de matériel sont presentées sous forme de tableaux, dont l'examen révèle notamment la richesse significative de certains sites de Haute Nubie, tels que Saï et Soleb entre 2e et 3e cataracte.
La noblesse de la Nouvelle-France : un fait social accaparé par le pouvoir royal
Histoire, économie et société, 2018
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Armand Colin. © Armand Colin. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
The long-lasting rivalry between the Roman Empire and the Sassanid Persians began as soon as they appeared on the limes in the mid third century AD. It is traditionally considered as having been especially intense during the sixth century, with the campaigns of the reign of Anastasius and even moreso during the Justinian times, even if the war periods were relatively brief. But the situation was probably more complex. It has to be kept in mind that neither Kavadh nor Khosrô, nor the Byzantine emperors had any strong interest in conquering any territories from their enemies; they apparently preferred peace, while preparing the war with measures intended to impress the enemy. The Sassanid apparently preferred to wage short campaigns and razzias, which brought them immediate tributes and prestige. And Justinian was certainly more interested into the preservation of the status quo. Both Empires usually hired Arab tribes on the front line and the territories nearby, and most of the time signed treaties, which were supposed to last. In the peace concluded in 562, they even agreed on places where the commercial relations were authorized. Nevertheless Justinian undertook to forge strong religious and diplomatic relations with potential enemies of the Persians and took the occasions of the peace periods to reinforce the cities on the limes. This line was in fact a double one, an occidental one being along the middle Euphrates valley. The small fortress of Zenobia is a good example of this policy. Procopius’s description in his De Ædificiis has often been criticized, especially when he ascribes the works on the city walls to Justinian. A Syrian-French mission, working on the field since 2006, has continued Jean Lauffray’s the exploration of the site undertaken during the 1940’. Its results seem to confirm that the city walls were indeed partly rebuilt during the reign of Justinian and conjecture a restitution of the former fortification.
La couronne est à Dieu. Neagoe Basarab et l’image du pouvoir pénitent
L’Empereur-hagiographe. Culte des saints et monarchie byzantine et post-byzantine. Textes réunis et présentés par Petre Guran, avec la collaboration de Bernard Flusin, Bucarest, 2001, p. 186-224, 2001
Les Enseignements de Neagoe Voïvode pour son fils Théodose constitue sans doute, le plus important traité théologico-politique du Moyen Âge roumain. Nous nous proposons d'analyser dans cette étude l'oraison funèbre, dédiée par Neagoe aux ossements de sa mère, Neaga (IIe partie, chapitre III). L'oraison constitue, sinon une pièce séparée par rapport à l'ensemble de l'oeuvre, au moins un texte autonome, à des propos bien précis. Il aurait été écrit et prononcé à l'occasion du second