PENGARUH TEMPAT PEMBUANGAN AKHIR SAMPAH PUTRI CEMPO SURAKARTA TERHADAP KUALITAS AIR SUMUR DANGKAL PENDUDUK SEKITAR (The Influence of Putri Cempo Solid Waste Disposal Site of Surakarta City on Quality of Shallow Groundwater Around the Resident) (original) (raw)

Pengaruh Jarak Sumur Dari Tempat Pembuangan AkhirSampah Putri Cempo Terhadap Kualitas Air SumurWarga Sulurejo


Leachate from Garbage Dump of Putri Cempo is potential to pollute Dusun Sulurejo citizen’s well water. Dusun Sulurejo is located near TPAS Putri Cempo. This study is conducted to know the effect of distance between well and TPAS Putri Cempo to the Sulurejo citizen’s well water quality. This study was an observational analytical with cross sectional approach. This study was conducted with the taking of Sulurejo citizen’s dug well water. Sampel of this study was taken from 24 point by considering the distance of well from TPAS. Kruskal wallis and one way anova statistic test were used as bivariate analysis, with significance 0,05. The result of bivariate analysis showed that there is no influence of the well distance from TPAS Putri Cempo against well water quality on turbidity parameter (p=0,269), color (p=0,269), smell (p=0,408), taste (0,408), pH (0,063), nitrate (p=0,152), and organic substance (p=0,177). There is influence of the well distance from TPAS Putri Cempo against well w...

Kualitas Air Sumur Gali Dan Perilaku Pemanfaatannya Oleh Masyarakat DI Sekitar Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah Jeruklegi Cilacap


KUALITAS AIR SUMUR GALI DAN PERILAKU PEMANFAATANNYA OLEH MASYARAKAT DI SEKITAR TEMPAT PEMROSESAN AKHIR SAMPAH JERUKLEGI CILACAP. Pencemaran air tanah merupakan salah satu permasalahan lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh lindi di TPA. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji kualitas air (fisik, kimiawi, dan mikrobiologi) sumur gali, perilaku pemanfaatan air sumur gali oleh masyarakat, dan mengkaji pengaruh kualitas air sumur gali terhadap perilaku pemanfaatan air sumur warga di sekitar TPA Jeruklegi Cilacap. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Juli 2013 di dalam TPA yaitu pada kolam lindi dan sumur pantau, serta di luar TPA yaitu pada sumur warga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas fisik air (warna, kekeruhan, suhu, bau, rasa) pada setiap lokasi penelitian yang memenuhi syarat berkisar antara 3- 5 dari 5 parameter kualitas fisik air yang diperiksa. Kualitas kimiawi air (BOD, COD, DO, Nitrat, Cd, pH) pada setiap lokasi penelitian yang memenuhi syarat berkisar antara 1-5 dari 6 p...



Penelitian tentang kualitas air tanah berdasarkan kandungan tembaga [Cu(II)], mangan [Mn(II)], dan seng [Zn(II)] di dusun - dusun sekitar Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) sampah Ngronggo, Salatiga. Data dianalisa di Laboratorium Kimia Lingkungan, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, menentukan kualitas air sumur berdasarkan kandungan tembaga [Cu(II)], mangan [Mn(II)], dan seng [Zn(II)] dalam sumur di dusun – dusun sekitar TPA dalam radius kurang dari 1 km dan lebih dari 1 km ditelaah dengan PP No. 82 Tahun 2001. Kedua, menentukan tingkat pencemaran air sumur dengan menggunakan Indeks Pencemaran (IP). Contoh air sumur diambil dari 37 lokasi secara acak stratifikasi disproporsional di dusun – dusun sekitar TPA dalam radius kurang dari 1 km dan lebih dari 1 km. Data hasil analisis logam berat, parameter kimiawi dibandingkan dengan PP No. 82 Tahun 2001, sedangkan parameter fisiko dan bakteriologis dibandingka...

Studi Kualitas Air Tanah Dangkal Dan Pendapat Masyarakat Sekitar Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah Suwung Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar

ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science), 2016

Research has been conducted to determine the quality of shallow groundwater (dug-wells and shallow bore-wells) and the local communities opinions around the landfill Suwung. The method of determining the station was done by purposive sampling, where the station sampling was determined by selecting a place which was expected to represent the whole area.Water sampling of dug-wells was conducted by using a water sampler and the shallow bore-wells using a 2-liter bottle. Data was analyzed by descriptive comparative referenceto class I water quality of the Bali Governor Regulation No.8 of 2007. The public opinion data was obtained by using aquesioner filled by respondents who have and use wells and shallow bore wells for their daily needsand it was analyzed by using frequency distribution tables.The results showed that the quality of shallow groundwater (dug-wells and shallow bore-wells) did not meet water quality standards in accordance with the rules of the class defined in the Governor of Bali Regulation No. 8 of 2007. The water pollution index (PI) of dug-wells at a distance of 1-400 meters was in hearily polluted category, while water fromshallow bore-wells drilled at a distance of 1-200 meters was in the category of hearily polluted and at a distance of 201-400 meters was in the category of medium polluted.There was an increasing range of groundwater quality deterioration in 1997, 2008 and 2014. In 1997, contaminated shallow groundwater has occured at a distance of 80 meters, while in 2008, the pollution has occurred up to a distance of 375 meters and in the year of 2014 the contamination occurred from a distance of 1 meter to 400 meters. The average of score Pollution Index (PI) of Water wells in the year of 2008 amounted to 14.55, while in 2014 up to 15.44. It is estimated that the water quality of dug-wells and bore-wells will meet the quality standards in accordance with the value of the pollution index at a distance of over 5000 meters and 750 meters of the Suwung landfill waste.Most of the respondents who live in the vicinity Suwung landfill waste tend to give an opinion that the shallow groundwater (dug-wells and shallow bore-wells) has decreased quality as drinking water. Approximately 75% of respondents thought that the well water in their environment has been reduced in quality.


Water quality in urban areas in Surakarta has decreased nowadays. The increase of industrial development, its poor sewage treatment, and some other factors cause this urban problem. The result of water quality monitoring system with K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm on this research certainly will help the laborers' duty of PDAM (Local Government Owned Water Utilities) in analyzing water quality. For the consideration of majority output in this method, the system works by taking the nearest distance to the assigned number of K. The training data for this research was taken in March 2016 form the report of water monitoring result in PDAM'S laboratory of Surakarta. The identification result is divided into eligible (MS) and ineligible (TMS). The testing data result is applied in algorithm performance testing with confusion matrix having accuracy level 82,5%.