Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in Turkey: History of Translations (original) (raw)

Dostoevsky in Kazakhstan: History of Study, Results, Prospects

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism

The article is devoted to the analysis of the Semipalatinsk and Kuznetsk periods in the life and work of F.M. Dostoevsky. The purpose of the study is to reveal the Kazakh-Siberian periods in the fate of the Russian writer, their reflection in the letters and works of art by F.M. Dostoevsky. In the year of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer, we cannot talk about the complete study of the indicated periods of the life of the prose writer, which, of course, to one degree or another, were reflected in his prose. This determines the degree of novelty of this article. Dostoevsky is dear to Kazakhstan. He not only served his exile, but also found a friend here, sincere and quivering - the historian, orientalist, ethnographer Ch. Valikhanov. The stories Uncle's Dream and The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitant, the first chapters of Notes from the Dead House were written in Semipalatinsk. The story The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants (1857-1859...

Legends and Facts About the Life of M. A. Dostoevsky in Darovoe (1837—1839)


The history of the Dostoevsky estate Darovoe, which is an important period in the life of Fyodor Dostoevsky, still contains unresolved issues. The most ambiguous is the fate of the writer's father, who ended his days in Darovoe. The cause of the tragic death of M. A. Dostoevsky and the place of his burial are still controversial. The document from the State Archive of the Tula region, published for the first time, allows to dispel all doubts about the location of the grave of M. A. Dostoevsky. The article examines the history of the issue, including oral tradition, analyzes well-known documentary sources, and the entry in the metric book of the Holy Spirit Church of the village Monogarovо in 1839 confirms the testimony of A. M. Dostoevsky about the burial of his father in the churchyard. The fact of M. A. Dostoevsky's affair with the house serf Ekaterina Alexandrova is questioned, since it was based on rumors and undocumented. The author analyzes the oral tradition phenomeno...

Ф.М. Достоевский и Восток | F. M. Dostoevsky and the East

Монография П.В. Алексеева посвящена изучению концепции Вос-тока в художественном творчестве и публицистике Ф.М. Достоевского 1854-1878 гг. На широком материале автор доказывает, что ориентализм Достоевского был стройной системой представлений, связанных с имперскими дискурсами Европы и России, а также участвовал в формировании его художественного языка, мировоззрения и философии. Монография адресована филологам, культурологам, историкам, философам, а также тем, кто интересуется проблемами русской словесности и межкультурного взаимодействия.

Under the Sign of Fyodor Dostoevsky

Quaestio Rossica

The agenda of moral crime and punishment, of death and eternal life, entered Christianity-centred Russian literature through Holy Scripture. Since early Rus, Russian literature has not merely touched upon these concepts; they became key themes centred on the salvation of the soul (Problema voluminis section). An attitude towards death as a new birth into the life eternal is symbolic for Russian Orthodox believers. Elena Konyavskaya (Institute of Russian History of the RAS, Moscow) explores the perception of the transition to another world in the vitae of Feodosii Pecherskii and Avramii Smolenskii in comparison with those of Greek saints. She shows that reflections on the end of earthly life and the posthumous destiny of the soul are inherent only in the Russian text of St Nestor, despite its narrative similarity with a number of Byzantine vitae. The researcher concludes that medieval Russian hagiographers reflected the mysticism of their era, along with the understanding of the human soul's mysterious transition from earthly life to another world and the expectation of the Second Coming by educated people of the times. Aleksander Uzhankov (Moscow State Institute of Culture; D. S. Likhachev Russian Scientific Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, Moscow) considers the moral aspect of crime and punishment in three works about Prince Igor Svyatoslavich's campaign against the Polovtsians in 1185. The campaign of Prince Igor, caused by pride and a desire for glory, ends with humiliating captivity. Medieval Russian writers interpreted this campaign and its result in different ways. In the Laurentian Chronicle, the blame for the subsequent devastation of the Russian land by the Polovtsians is laid on Prince Igor, who undertook a campaign of conquest and was defeated. The Kiev Chronicle, on the contrary, defends Igor Svyatoslavich, shows his courage, and tries to reveal God's Providence in him. Igor, having suffered defeat, conceptualizes his fate as an Orthodox prince ought, understanding it as a punishment for former sins. The prince repents and undergoes a spiritual transformation: the Lord saves him from captivity. The Tale of Igor's Campaign, which is close to the Kiev Chronicle, poetically describes the campaign and shows Igor's spiritual path; he passes from light into darkness and then returns through the prayers of his wife Yaroslavna. The following two articles look at the role of women in the history of the 18 th-century Russian Empire. Empress Elizabeth was the first ruler in Europe to introduce a moratorium on death penalty, which had an impact not only on life in the empire, but also on the formation of a wider European attitude towards the death penalty and its abolition in Italy in 1786 by Duke Leopold I

Decadence: the first English translation of Maxim Gorky's Delo Artamonovykh

Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2018

Рассмотрены особенности первого перевода романа «Дело Артамоновых» на английский язык. Автор рассказывает об истории перевода, вышедшего в 1927 г. под названием «Decadence», о причинах его появления, обусловленных личностью переводчика. В статье также представлен анализ последующих переводов «Дела Артамоновых» на английский язык. Статья является итогом исследования, проведенного автором в архиве Ньюхем-колледжа (Кембриджский университет) и Кембриджской университетской библиотеке в 2015-2016 гг. Результаты данного исследования впервые вводятся в научный контекст.

Lithuanian Semiotic Studies: From the History of Dostoevsky’s Theatrical “Translations” in Lithuania

PRAXEMA. Problemy vizualʹnoj semiotiki, 2018

In the article it is investigated the place of a literary heritage of Dostoevsky in the Lithuanian verbal and visual culture. We chose two directions for our research: 1) the translations of books of the writer on the Lithuanian language; 2) "translations" (adaptations) of novels of Dostoevsky in the Lithuanian theatrical tradition. In the first part of article authors analyze different approaches to the translations of texts of Dostoevsky on the Lithuanian language. It is shown that in modern Lithuania almost all works of the great writer are translated; however there are problems and perspectives. In the second part of article we reconstructed in a historical retrospective the experience of theatrical experiments with texts of the writer in Lithuania. It is obvious that the Lithuanian national theater used on available literary translations. It is shown that the history of the Lithuanian theater isn't thought without Dostoevsky's heroes today. It is possible to tell surely that many performances according to Dostoevsky's books were included into gold fund of theatrical tradition of Lithuania and World Theater.

Diwan Lughat at-Turk, Mahmud al-Kashghari (in Russian). Introduction of the translator

Судьба первого в истории тюркской лексикографии словаря Д в н Лу т ат-Турк складывалась удивительным образом. Его автор Ма м д ибн алусейн ибн Му аммад ал-К ш ар явился свидетелем небывалого военного триумфа тюрок на огромном пространстве мусульманской цивилизации XI века. "Д в н" создавался как энциклопедический словарь, знакомивший мусульман с языком и культурой тюркских завоевателей, пришедших к власти. Автор видел в языке тюрок силу, равную силе языка мусульманского Откровения -арабского. Д в н Лу т ат-Турк обращен из недр языка, истории и культуры тюрок во внешний мир, его жанр -двуязычный словарь, написанный тюрком на объединявшем мусульманский мир арабском языке.

Рецепция творчества Ф.М. Достоевского в татарской литературе и литературоведении

Рецепция творчества Ф.М. Достоевского в татарской литературе и литературоведении, 2022

The article examines the appeal of Tatar writers to the work of F.M. Dostoevsky, the dialogue with the writer in their works. It also analyzes the translation of the novel Crime and Punishment into the Tatar language. The study of dialogical relations of Tatar writers with the work of F.M. Dostoevsky by modern Kazan literary critics helps to identify the complex and multidimensional history of interaction of Tatar writers of the twentieth century with Russian classics. Having studied the scientific works of V.

Russian Hero in Argentina: Reception, Influence and Translations of F. M. Dostoevsky’s Work

Literature of the Americas, 2021

This article analyses the perception, influence, interpretation and translation of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s life and work in the Republic of Argentina. First, it describes how the Argentines have interpreted the author of The Brothers Karamazov from biographical, philological, historical, psychological, religious, theological and philosophical perspectives, from his first appearance in the early 1880s to the present (2021). References are made to studies published both in the press and in strictly academic circles (articles, books, dissertations). Dostoevsky’s influence is manifested secondarily in the novelistic and poetic work of the great Argentine writers of the twentieth century (Roberto Artl, Ernesto Sabato, Julio Cortázar and Jorge Luis Borges). It follows a brief history of Spanish translations (directly or through other languages) of Fyodor Mikhailovich’s novels and short stories in Argentina, with particular emphasis on the most widely read and studied of all his w...

The Moscow Branch of the Family Tree of F. M. Dostoevsky: New Archival and Printed Sources

Неизвестный Достоевский, 2023

The article introduces into scientific circulation new archival and printed sources related to the Moscow branch of the family tree of F. M. Dostoevsky. They pertain to five generations of the writer᾽s ancestors and relatives-from the great-great-great-grandfather of the priest Andrey Grigoriev to the mother of Maria Fedorovna Nechaeva-Dostoevskaya. The certificates of M. F. Nechaeva᾽s birth, her brother Mikhail's (Dostoevsky᾽s uncle) birth and death, the wedding of the grandfather and grandmother of the writer Fyodor Timofeevich Nechaev and Varvara Mikhailovna Kotelnitskaya, the birth and wedding of Alexandra Fedorovna Nechaeva-Kumanina (Dostoevsky᾽s aunt), the death of grandfather F. T. Nechaev, etc. are published for the first time. For the first time, the names of the brother of Dostoevsky᾽s great-great-great-grandfather, the archpriest of the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin, John Grigoriev, the great-grandmother of the writer Nastasia Kotelnitskaya and some other relatives are established. Clarifications and corrections have been made to the information previously published in genealogical works about members of the Dostoevsky family. The authors of the article paid special attention to the establishment of the Moscow addresses of the ancestors and relatives of the writer, laying the foundation for the creation of the "Dostoevsky᾽s Moscow" map in the future.