El Embarazo en Adolescentes Como Factor De Riesgo Asociado Al Incremento De La Morbilidad Neonatal en Pacientes Que Acudieron Al Servicio De Obstetricia De La Clinica San Sebastián De Ambato De Enero a Diciembre / 2013 (original) (raw)

Factores asociados a Embarazos en Adolescentes atendidas en el Puesto de Salud Francisco Real de la Comunidad Valle La Laguna- Masaya, Enero a Diciembre 2017


La Organizacion Mundial de la Salud (OMS) indica que la tasa media de natalidad mundial entre las adolescentes de 15 a 19 anos es de 49 por 1,000 muchachas. Aproximadamente 1 millon de ninas menores de 15 anos dan a luz cada ano. Dicha situacion pone en riesgo la salud materno-fetal, ya que las complicaciones durante el embarazo y el parto son la segunda causa de muerte en estas menores. (OMS, 2014) La presente investigacion pretende describir los factores asociados a embarazos en adolescentes atendidas en el Puesto de salud Francisco Real de la comunidad Valle La Laguna Masaya, Enero a Diciembre 2017. Para ello se realizo un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en 81 pacientes registradas en el censo de embarazadas entre las edades de 10 a 19 anos del Puesto de Salud Francisco Real de Valle La Laguna, Masaya – Nicaragua, en el periodo de enero a diciembre del 2016. La mayoria de las pacientes en estudio tenian entre 17 a 19 anos de edad, escolaridad primaria, estado civil acomp...

Perfil Obstétrico de Adolescentes Embarazadas atendidas en un Hospital Público de la Ciudad de México

Enfermeria Universitaria, 2013

Introduction: Despite the efforts to decrease its prevalence and consequences, pregnancy in adolescents is still a health problem worldwide. This study represents the first stage of a wider research on the issue. Objective: To characterize the obstetric profile of pregnant adolescents who attend a public hospital in Mexico City for prenatal monitoring. The profile includes biological, psychological and social risk factors Methodology: Basic descriptive study developed in the period of September-November 2011 from a sample of 100 adolescents at the second half of their pregnancies. The instruments used were the Previgen II and III of SERP CIMIGen (1995) Results: 96% were at moderate risk for the 15-19 years old age group. 27% were single. 23% were in the low socioeconomic level. Two thirds reported 9 or less years of education. Four out of ten were at moderate or high risk in relation to their weight (35% weighted between 41 and 50 kilograms, and 6.1% weighted 40 or less kilograms). The majority had never delivered before 12% were tobacco users, 16% were at risk of abortion, and 11% were at risk of premature delivery. Urinary infection was an important problem, and while 28% were controlled, 10% were not. Discussion and Conclusion: These results are similar to those of other studies. The overall obstetric profile is characterized by having a moderate risk, but it is necessary to gather information on the risks and damages after delivery as well as on the baby in order to complement this profile.

Embarazo adolescente como factor de riesgo para complicaciones obstétricas y perinatales en un hospital de Lima, Perú

Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil, 2014

Objetivos: analizar el riesgo de complicaciones obstétricas y perinatales en adolescentes embarazadas en un hospital de Lima, Perú. Métodos: estudio de cohorte retrospectiva de 67.693 gestantes atendidas en el período 2000-2010. Se evaluó complicaciones obstétricas y perinatales. Las adolescentes se clasificaron en tardías (15-19 años) y tempranas (< 15 años) y se compararon con las adultas (20-35 años). Se calculó OR ajustados por educación, estado civil, control prenatal, gestaciones previas, paridad e IMC pregestacional. Resultados: se encontró mayor riesgo de cesárea (OR=1,28; IC95%=1,07-1,53) e infección puerperal (OR=1,72; IC95%=1,17-2,53) en las adolescentes menores de 15 años, así como mayor riesgo (OR=1,34; IC95%=1,29-1,40)de episiotomía en las adolescentes tardías. Asimismo, se identificó un menor riesgo del embarazo adolescente para preeclampsia (OR=0,90; IC95%=0,85-0,97), hemorragia de la 2da mitad del embarazo (OR=0,80; IC95%=0,71-0,92), ruptura prematura de membrana...

Morbilidad materno-fetal en adolescentes: experiencia en un hospital suburbano de México

Anales Médicos de la Asociación Médica del Centro Médico ABC, 2013

Objective: To determine the frequency and rate of maternal and fetal complications of pregnancy in adolescent girls in the General Hospital «Fernando Quiroz» during January-June 2008. Material and methods: We performed an observational descriptive cross-sectional, retrospective analysis of the patient population. Using non-probability sampling of consecutive cases, we included all the obstetric events resolved in the hospital among women under 20 years old. We analyzed the sociodemographic, clinical, pregnancy termination, and perinatal outcomes. Results: 373 cases of pregnancy were identified in women between 13 and 19 years of age. Of these, 25% were in observed in patients of under 16. There was moderate correlation (Pearson 0.72) between age at pregnancy and the onset of sexual activity. Of the total number of pregnancies, 12% resulted in spontaneous abortion and 30% were resolved by cesarean birth. The percentage of abortions was higher in women under 16 years, showing statistical significance. Maternal and fetal complications occurred in 9.5 and 12.3% respectively. Conclusions: In this sample there was no greater number of fetal and maternal complications in adolescent girls with exception of higher frequency of spontaneous abortion in women under 16 years.

"Incremento del Embarazo Adolescente"

A través de este proyecto se darán a conocer como el incremento de embarazo adolescente se ha convertido en un problema social y de salud pública en Chile, lo que ha implicado un

Embarazo en Adolescentes

Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia, 2015

OBJETIVO: Analizar las características perinatales en mujeres gestantes adolescentes. DISEÑO: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo. LUGAR: Hospital Nacional Rebagliati Martins, EsSalud, hospital docente. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se analiza todos los partos en adolescentes atendidos durante el período enero 2000 a diciembre 2004. RESULTADOS: Hubo un total de 443 partos en adolescentes, con edad promedio de 18,3 años, 16,3% de ellas (72) con 17 años o menos y 83,7% (371) entre 18 y 19 años. Para 81,3%, era su primer embarazo; el parto pretérmino ocurrió en 17,1%; la tasa de cesárea fue 41,5%; 84,4% de los recién nacidos pesó entre 2 500 y 3 999 g y 12% menos de 2500 g. CONCLUSIONES: Hubo más partos pretérmino y mortalidad perinatal en las adolescentes que en la gestante en general, principalmente en las adolescentes de 17 años o menos, convirtiéndose en el grupo de mayor riesgo. El parto vía vaginal fue más frecuente en la adolescente, pero la incidencia de cesáreas aumentó en la adolescen...

Embarazo en adolescentes y sus complicaciones materno perinatales


Introduction The pregnancy during adolescence has been associated to a higher number of complications and poor perinatal results, such as low weight, and prematurity, increasing the maternal and perinatal morbidity. Material and methods A transversal study with control group was done in the Juan I. Menchaca Civil Hospital of Guadalajara with 330 postpartum women and a control group (20 to 30 years old); Socio-demographical, prenatal attention, information about the evolution and the termination of the pregnancy, somatometry, and appraisal of the newborn, as well as the complications presented on the mothers or their newborns with the objective of comparing the maternal morbidity and perinatal among the groups. The statistical Chi2 test was used for the qualitative variables to know the statistical significance, considering p ≤0.05 significant. Results The most frequent marital status was civil union, as well, the majority were first-time mothers and homemakers. Among the most freque...

Factores Sociales Asociados Al Embarazo en Adolescentes en La Microred San Gaban


The present study was done with the objective of determine the social factors associated to adolescents pregnancy in the San Gabán Microred, during 2016, this study was quantitative of descriptive non-experimental, transversal cut desing, the population and sample included 31 pregnant-Adolescents, the instrument was the questionnaire "associated social factors to pregnancy in adolescents in the San Gabán Microred" getting the following results: the group of pregnant adolescents, dominated that were between the ages of 14 and 17 years (midadolescence) with 80.65% civil estatus living together with 67.74%, grade of incomplete secondary education with 83.87%. Related to social factors: 35.48% come from mono-parental families and reconstituted with 29.03%, where raw material the disfunctionality with 58.06%, they have suffered psychological violence within their families by 45.16%.

Prevalencia De Embarazo en Adolescentes, Hospital Leonardo Martínez Valenzuela

Revista Científica de la Escuela Universitaria de las Ciencias de la Salud, 2019

Teen pregnancy is a physiological state of high risk for the mother and child, it occurs between ten to nineteen years old. Objective: Determine the prevalence and clinical characteristics of pregnant adolescents seen at the Hospital Leonardo Martinez Valenzuela during the period 1 January to 31 December 2014. Patients and Methods: no experimental study of cross section, with quantitative approach, performed in the maternity ward of Hospital Leonardo Martinez Valenzuela during the period described. The data collection method was through the file obtained directly from the Department of Statistics of the hospital mentioned secondary data. The data were tabulated with the computer program Excel 2010. Results: A total of 14,008 births were attended in the maternity ward during 2014, of which 4,035 corresponded to adolescent mothers, with a prevalence of 28.8%. Of pregnant women,

Comportamiento de las Complicaciones en Adolescentes Embarazadas en la E.S.E Hospital la Divina Misericordia Magangué Bolívar, Durante el Año 2015

Revista Cuarzo

Introducción. El embarazo en adolescentes es una condición que mundialmente va en aumento; se considera que esto se debe a múltiples factores entre los cuales se podría mencionar: la constitución de la familia, las condiciones sociales y culturales y de los medios de comunicación. Las tasas de fertilidad adolescente en la región de América Latina y el Caribe no han descendido en la misma proporción que las de nivel global. De hecho, la División de Población del Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales de Naciones Unidas prevé que serán las más altas del mundo y se mantendrán estables entre 2020 y 2021 (1). Objetivo. identificar las complicaciones frecuentes y los factores de riesgo en las adolescentes embarazadas, en el ESE Hospital la Divina Misericordia Magangué bolívar, año 2015. Materiales y Métodos. como muestra, se tomaron 30 gestantes adolescentes, de un total de 484, mediante el análisis de historias clínicas, el cual incluyó mediciones antropométricas (peso, talla, ed...