Jerzy Popieluszko: la resistenza nella Polonia comunista (original) (raw)

La Repubblica popolare di Polonia in traduzione russa e inglese. Il caso di Lubiewo di Michał Witkowski

Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny, 2021

Lubiewo (2005) by Michał Witkowski presents a particularly high number of cultural elements related to the last decades of the Polish People's Republic (1952-1989), which far from serving exclusively as a historical background, turn the latter into one of the novel's main characters. The present paper aims at investigating and comparing the way these elements, whose translation is known to be problematic, have been transferred into the Russian (Любиево 2007) and English (Lovetown 2010) translations.

La missione del sacerdote nel pensiero del beato don Jerzy Popiełuszko – un martire contemporaneo della Polonia

The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II, 2023

The study entitled: La missione del sacerdote nel pensiero del beato don Jerzy Popiełuszko-un martire contemporaneo della Polonia ("The Mission of the Priest in the thought of Bl. Jerzy Popiełuszko, a modern priest-martyr from Poland") explores the theology of priesthood in the light of the thought and example of Bl. Father Jerzy Popiełuszko. The essay covers the following issues: 1) Fr Jerzy Popiełuszko in the context of the times he lived in; 2) The mission of the priest is to be close to God and to people; 3) The mission of the priest is to proclaim the Good News; 4) The mission of the priest is to minister the Sacraments; 5) The mission of the priest is to nurture hope; 6) The mission of the priest is to die for the Faith. The Author concludes that the phenomenon of Fr Jerzy Popiełuszko, which came into its full force after his martyr's death, allows us to see him as a clear model for modern priests. The blessed martyr from Warsaw reminds us that sanctity can be attained and lived in all historical contexts. Fr Jerzy also comes across as an exemplar of a very engaged shepherd of souls who walked the path to holiness whilst also working closely with many lay people who showed a special readiness to work with him and solicitude for the good of the Church in a world at war against God, the Church and its priests.

Lo slogan nei manifesti propagandistici della Repubblica Popolare di Polonia

Scritture brevi nelle lingue moderne, 2012

In the People’s Republic of Poland posters represent an important vehicle for political propaganda, especially during the post-­‐‑war reconstruction period. One of their favourite themes is that of the class enemy, subjected to a wide range of manipulations ranging from demonization to parody. Two different types of posters focusing on this issue are identified in this article. The first type fulfils a persuasive role and shows an unidentified character who constitutes a hazy but pervasive threat. The second one performs a distorting role and deals with the typical exponents of socio-­‐‑political systems deemed to be hostile to socialism. An analysis of propaganda slogans shows how their communication dynamics and linguistic aspects (such as vocabulary, syntax, figures of speech, punctuation) strictly depend on the types and the functions of the posters in which they appear.

Machiavelli in Polonia

Le ricerche sulla prima fortuna delle opere di Niccolò Machiavelli in Polonia non hanno mai fornito un quadro complessivo del fenomeno come è accaduto per altri contesti culturali europei a lungo investigati, come l'Inghilterra elisabettiana o la Francia durante le guerre di religione 1 . Fra quanti si sono impegnati a ricostruire l'eredità polacca di Machiavelli spicca il nome di Jan Malarczyk, che 24 Maggio 1961 tenne, presso l'Accademia polacca di scienze e lettere di Roma, una conferenza dal titolo La fortuna di Niccolò Machiavelli in Polonia, poi divenuta un saggio ancora oggi utile per gli studi su questo argomento 2 .

La questione nazionale polacca in Alta Slesia (1918-1921)

La questione nazionale polacca in Alta Slesia (1918-1921) , 2023

The essay focuses on the historical and political aspects which led to the ethnic conflict in the Upper Silesia region. The aim is to understand the reasons why the Polish nationalism-with particular reference to the thought of Roman Dmowski-has found in Upper Silesia a breeding ground for spreading.

Jadwiga Miszalska, Padova nei periodici polacchi tra la fine del XIX sec. e il 1939

Italica Wratislaviensia, 2021

Italy, seen as the cradle of European culture and the destination of the wanderings of Polish intellectuals and artists, often appears in the Polish press of the late-19th and early-20th centuries. Among the cities described, Padua is present, although it appears less frequently than Venice or Rome. Articles dedicated to this city, however, have a particular character, because not only is “Padova la dotta” famous for the cult of Saint Anthony, but it is most often presented in the contexts of centuriesold Italian-Polish relations linked mostly to the University and of the Paduan polonica. There are in fact two moments that find a particular resonance in the Polish press: the first, in 1922, for the seventh centenary of the University, and the second, in 1931, for the celebrations of the seventh centenary of Saint Anthony’s death. This article offers a review of the texts that have appeared in various periodicals and includes a brief presentation of the authors—scholars, artists, or journalists active in the promotion of Italian culture. From the texts published both in newspapers and in cultural magazines or even scientific periodicals, the image of the city emerges as strongly marked by the presence of Poles, who were students, university professors, or pilgrims.

L'eco della Grande Guerra nella stampa polacca contemporanea aGnieszka WocH

La Grande Guerra nella stampa mondiale , 2020

Riassunto: Lo scopo della presente ricerca è di analizzare l'eco della Grande Guerra nella stampa polacca mettendo a confronto il discorso delle riviste e dei giornali polacchi di attualità. Saranno sottoposti ad un'analisi i meccanismi di valutazione positiva o negativa negli articoli scritti sul tema della cosiddetta Marcia dell'Indipendenza or-ganizzata ogni anno l'undici di novembre nelle strade della capitale polacca. Parole chiave: analisi del discorso, valutazione positiva e negativa, argomentazione, Grande Guerra, Marcia dell'Indipendenza. Abstract: The aim of the present research is to study the echo of the Great War in the current Polish magazines and newspapers. Our contribution will examine a selection of articles written on the theme of the so-called March of Independence held annually in the Polish capital in order to identify the rhetorical devices and to track the evaluation in the journalistic discourse.

La sinistra polacca nella transizione al capitalismo

Analisi della situazione politica che caratterizza la Polonia nel momento dell'adesione alla NATO e all'Unione Europea. L'articolo dedica particolare attenzione alle forze politiche di sinistra ed ex-comuniste, impegnate a ritagliarsi uno spazio nella fase di transizione al capitalismo. L'analisi non è strettamente politologica, ma aperta anche a considerazioni di tipo sociologico.