Interaction Patterns of Students at the Cipasung Tasikmalaya Islamic Boarding School (original) (raw)
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This study discusses the role of Islamic Boarding Schools in training santri's interpersonal skills at the Ittihadul Ummah Gontor Poso Modern Islamic Boarding School. This study used a case study qualitative research method. Data was collected through direct observation, in-depth interviews and analysis of written documents. Then the data were analyzed with a thematic approach by building themes from the data obtained in the field. The results showed that the role of Pondok Modern Ittihadul Ummah Gontor Poso in training students' Interpersonal skills can be seen in three forms, namely in intra-curricular activities which include: 'UluumulIslamiyah, 'UluumulLughoh and 'Uluumul 'Aammah.Then the role of the pesantren is also seen in the Ko Curricular activities which include the implementation of Charity Worship. Implementation of Practice and Guidance in the formation of organizations, Scouts, and the development of interests and talents.Supervision of intra-cu...
Students’ Character in Social Interaction at SDI-Qu Al Bahjah Boarding School
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The purpose of this research was to reveal the kinds of character that being developed in schools and social interaction. A qualitative case study design was employed in this study. The subjects of this study were the principle of the school, students' supervisor, and students. This research used interviews, observations, and documentary study. Interactive models of analysis was used to analyze the the data. The findings of this research are (1) characters that are being developed in SDI-Qu Al Bahjah Boarding School Cirebon are religious character, discipline, and autonomy; (2) Strategies that used to develop students' characters in the boarding school are habit development, modeling given by the principles and students' supervisors, and students' motivation building; (3) three interactions found in the boarding school namely interaction between murokibahas students 'supervisors and students, interaction between murokibahand SDI-Qu Al Bahjah, and interaction amo...
The existence kiai of the islamic boarding school in the community
ATTARBIYAH: Journal of Islamic Culture and Education
Many consider that Islamic boarding schools are lagging behind the times and are unable to meet the needs of the community. In contrast, Islamic boarding schools are considered as social education institutions, where Kiai plays a central role in uniting boarding school and community. Therefore the purpose of this study is to explore how the part of Kiai in the community. This study uses qualitative approaches and descriptive methods. The data in this study obtained through participant observation, interviews with Kiai, administrators, principals, surrounding communities, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that Kiai can establish strong relationships without stopping with people who are far from religious understanding. Kiai is an influential figure who can integrate all existing social institutions with the institutional boarding school he leads. Further, Kiai is used as a primary role model in thinking, acting, and behave. So that the community recognizes the exi...
This research based from the fact that, pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) is always hooked; or correlated and even identically with various extreme idea form and radical action on behalf of religion. So that many medial circle of society owning social prejudice to existence of maisonette of pesantren. Even though that way this research of bertuujuan see relation between social prejudice and rebellion behavior Maisonette santri (students) of Pesantren Modern of Gontor Darussalam (PMDG) [in] East Java. Three theory which is used in this research is: (1) Theory prejudice soosial. (2) Theory rebellion (specially in adolescent context) considering all santri generally included in adolescent category. this Research population counted 2067 people of santri. Really that way sampel in this research counted 335 people. As for formula used to measure size measure besaran of sampel [is] : n = N / 1+e2. Withdrawal of sampel use stratified random simple. As for data collecting technique conducted with psychology scale and of questioneer and also documentation study. Technique of analyse data by using pearson of correlation (product momment) to see relation between variable. Result of this research discover there were no significant relation between social prejudice and rebelionl behavior of santri at PMDG Islamic Boarding School. This Matter is proved to pass] acquirement of value of r calculate = 0.328. and t of tables of = 1,64 and also p (value) = 0.90 > 0.05.
Paedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan
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Communication Building between Islamic Boarding School in Surakarta: A De-radicalization Strategy
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
The radical stigma among Islamic boarding schools still becomes a negative opinion among the people. This is reinforced by a press released by National Counter Terrorism Agency, called BNPT, in which there are nineteen Islamic boarding schools indicated radicalism in Indonesia. For this reason, deradicalization needs to be applied. Based on the problem, this research aimed at finding out how to deradicalize among Islamic boarding schools. This was a kind of qualitative research using an in-depth interview to collect the data. The research was conducted in Al-Muayyad Boarding School, Assalam Boarding School, and Al-Mukmin Boarding School. The findings revealed that Al-Muayyad Boarding School had communication between leaders and Islamic boarding schools, and also there was the spirit of maintaining unity. From Assalam Boarding School, it revealed that it implemented the curriculum of the religious department and work a lot by writing ideas about radicalism in the media. While the rep...
Positive Peace Culture in Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) in Bandung-Indonesia
The aim of this study is describing history and development Islamic boarding schools, madrasa and integrated Islamic school. This research is descriptive-analytic literature research. Research concludes that Islam can be developing and be accepted by Indonesian society through existence an institution that pioneered by the scholars and character education that has spirit religion, development institution education experience install it recede in his journey. Proven by existence effort positive for developing institution Islamic education and shade Ministry of Education and Culture. Since the madrasa was developed together with the emergence of the Islamic reform movement in Indonesia, the madrasa curriculum has always been done the renovation. Initially, the madrasa curriculum only consisted of religious knowledge than experience innovation corresponding with demands the times. Effort massive do by the Ministry of Religion in developing Islamic education institutions. so as Ministry Education and Culture give away opportunity for Integrated Islamic School for designing curriculum education for meet National Education Standards.
Interdisciplinary Social Studies
Pesantren is a Faith Based Organization (FBO) that is based on religion that has concern for human development. Empowerment in the Islamic boarding school area through the development of community and Santri potential in an integrated manner can improve and create a prosperous society in the economic sector in particular. This research aimed to describe and explain the development of students at the Al Baghdadi Islamic Boarding School in order to increase the potential of the community, the stages and steps of the school in increasing the community's potential, and the outcome of increasing the potential of students and the community. The method used in this study is a qualitative type with a phenomenological approach. This research was carried out at the Al Baghdadi Islamic Boarding School on Proklamasi Street, Sasak Hamlet, Amandari Village, Rengasdengklok District, Karawang Regency, West Java. As for data analysis with open codding, axial codding, and selective coding. The Al...
Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura, 2019
This article would like to discuss the neglected role of Islamic Boarding School (IBS) in one of the biggest Muslim country in the world. As a case study of Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan (HSS), South Kalimantan-Indonesia, both of primary and secondary data were obtained from the local HSS government, IBS stakeholders and the HSS's community. This study used Focus Group Discussion, in depth interview, and collect secondary data. Using the descriptive qualitative approach, this study is attempted to examine the role of IBS in national education system. This study tries to answer some question e.g. why the education index has been stagnant around 6 years, what are the differences between two types of IBS, how the Policy Affirmation of IBS graduate can improve the system, and what is the implication of the school formalization. Hence, as the research result, this paper proposes the Flowchart Design of IBS Education.