Effect of early visual restriction on later visual intensity discrimination in rats (original) (raw)

Pattern evoked response deficiency in pattern deprived cats


Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1973

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Pattern evoked response deficiency in pattern deprived cats Cover Page

Effect of visual deprivation on development of depth perception in the rat

Richard Tees

Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 1974

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Effect of visual deprivation on development of depth perception in the rat Cover Page

The effects of lesions of the superior colliculus on locomotor orientation and the orienting reflex in the rat

Robert Murison

Brain Research, 1975

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The effects of lesions of the superior colliculus on locomotor orientation and the orienting reflex in the rat Cover Page

Mechanisms of Functional Recovery Following Lesions of Visual Cortex or Superior Colliculus in Neonate and Adult Hamsters

G. Schneider

Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 1970

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Mechanisms of Functional Recovery Following Lesions of Visual Cortex or Superior Colliculus in Neonate and Adult Hamsters Cover Page

The effect of an electroconvulsive shock on retention of a spatial discrimination or its reversal

Lauren K Gerbrandt

Physiology & Behavior, 1968

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The effect of an electroconvulsive shock on retention of a spatial discrimination or its reversal Cover Page

Spatial Contrast Sensitivity of Dark-Reared Cats with Striate Cortex Lesions

Stephen Lehmkuhle

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Spatial Contrast Sensitivity of Dark-Reared Cats with Striate Cortex Lesions Cover Page

Techniques and Basic Experiments for the Study of Brain and Behavior

Joseph P . Huston

Elsevier eBooks, 1976

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Techniques and Basic Experiments for the Study of Brain and Behavior Cover Page

Early Adolescent Emergence of Reversal Learning Impairments in Isolation-Reared Rats

Asma khan

Developmental Neuroscience, 2015

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Early Adolescent Emergence of Reversal Learning Impairments in Isolation-Reared Rats Cover Page

Detection of visual stimuli after lesions of the superior colliculus in the rat; deficit not confined to the far periphery

Paul Overton

Behavioural Brain Research, 1988

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Detection of visual stimuli after lesions of the superior colliculus in the rat; deficit not confined to the far periphery Cover Page

Assessing learning and memory in pigs

Elise Gieling

Animal Cognition, 2011

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Assessing learning and memory in pigs Cover Page

Adrenocortical, β-endorphin and behavioral responses to graded stressors in differentially reared rats

R. Holson

Physiology & Behavior, 1988

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Adrenocortical, β-endorphin and behavioral responses to graded stressors in differentially reared rats Cover Page

Age-related deterioration in conditional avoidance task in the SAM-P/10 mouse, an animal model of spontaneous brain atrophy

Ichiro Akiguchi

Brain Research, 1993

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Age-related deterioration in conditional avoidance task in the SAM-P/10 mouse, an animal model of spontaneous brain atrophy Cover Page

Behavioral effects of prenatal ethanol exposure and differential early experience in rats

Kristina Fernandez

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 1980

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Behavioral effects of prenatal ethanol exposure and differential early experience in rats Cover Page

Global motion detection is impaired in cats deprived early of pattern vision

Kalina Burnat

Behavioural Brain Research, 2002

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Global motion detection is impaired in cats deprived early of pattern vision Cover Page

Effects of posterior neocortical lesions on wavelength, light/dark and stripe orientation discrimination in ground squirrels

Michael Loop

Brain Research, 1977

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Effects of posterior neocortical lesions on wavelength, light/dark and stripe orientation discrimination in ground squirrels Cover Page

Assessment of the contact eye cover as an effective method of restricting visual input

Donnell J Creel

Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 1978

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Assessment of the contact eye cover as an effective method of restricting visual input Cover Page

Behavioral symptoms following serial or simultaneous septal-forebrain lesions: Similar syndromes☆

Donald Stein

Physiology & Behavior, 1980

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Behavioral symptoms following serial or simultaneous septal-forebrain lesions: Similar syndromes☆ Cover Page

How Many Ways Can Mouse Behavioral Experiments Go Wrong? Confounding Variables in Mouse Models of Neurodegenerative Diseases and How to Control Them

R. Brown, Heather Schellinck

Advances in the Study of Behavior, 2010

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How Many Ways Can Mouse Behavioral Experiments Go Wrong? Confounding Variables in Mouse Models of Neurodegenerative Diseases and How to Control Them Cover Page

Recovery of pattern discrimination ability in rats receiving serial or one-stage visual cortex lesions

Helen Barbas

Brain Research, 1975

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Recovery of pattern discrimination ability in rats receiving serial or one-stage visual cortex lesions Cover Page

Separation-induced early malnutrition: Maternal, physiological and behavioral effects

M. Gruenthal

Physiology & Behavior, 1981

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Separation-induced early malnutrition: Maternal, physiological and behavioral effects Cover Page

Recovery of visual pattern discrimination by rats without visual cortex when trained by fading procedure

eliana guic

Physiological Psychology, 1982

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Recovery of visual pattern discrimination by rats without visual cortex when trained by fading procedure Cover Page

Gender differences in visual discrimination by rats in response to malnutrition of varying durations

JR Galler

Developmental Psychobiology, 1980

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Gender differences in visual discrimination by rats in response to malnutrition of varying durations Cover Page

Isolation rearing reveals latent antisnake behavior in California ground squirrels (Otospermophilus becheeyi) searching for predatory threats

Richard Coss

Animal Cognition, 2015

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Isolation rearing reveals latent antisnake behavior in California ground squirrels (Otospermophilus becheeyi) searching for predatory threats Cover Page

GM1 ganglioside treatment reduces visual deficits after graded crush of the rat optic nerve

Revital Duvdevani

Brain Research, 1991

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GM1 ganglioside treatment reduces visual deficits after graded crush of the rat optic nerve Cover Page

The effects of posterior parietal and posterior temporal cortical lesions on multimodal spatial and nonspatial competencies in rats

Richard Tees

Behavioural Brain Research, 1999

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The effects of posterior parietal and posterior temporal cortical lesions on multimodal spatial and nonspatial competencies in rats Cover Page

Enduring effects of environmental enrichment on novelty seeking, saccharin and ethanol intake in two rat lines (RHA/Verh and RLA/Verh) differing in incentive-seeking behavior

Luis Gil

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2002

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Enduring effects of environmental enrichment on novelty seeking, saccharin and ethanol intake in two rat lines (RHA/Verh and RLA/Verh) differing in incentive-seeking behavior Cover Page

Effects of social rearing conditions on conditioned suppression in rats

Malgorzata Wesierska

Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 2002

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Effects of social rearing conditions on conditioned suppression in rats Cover Page

"Parâmetros da escototaxia como modelo comportamental de ansiedade no paulistinha (Danio rerio, Cyprinidae, Pisces)"

Caio Maximino

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"Parâmetros da escototaxia como modelo comportamental de ansiedade no paulistinha (Danio rerio, Cyprinidae, Pisces)" Cover Page

Analysis of the superior colliculus auditory space map function in guinea pig behavior

Eva von Linstow Roloff, Euan MacPhail

Neuroscience Research Communications, 1998

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Analysis of the superior colliculus auditory space map function in guinea pig behavior Cover Page

Orienting behavior by rats with visual cortical and subcortical lesions

Richard Tees

Experimental Brain Research, 1981

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Orienting behavior by rats with visual cortical and subcortical lesions Cover Page

Neonatal exposure to a high level of ACTH4–10 impairs adult learning performance

Chris Berka

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 1987

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Neonatal exposure to a high level of ACTH4–10 impairs adult learning performance Cover Page

ORIGINAL PAPER Perception of the Ebbinghaus illusion in four-day-old domestic chicks (Gallus gallus

Rosa Rugani

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ORIGINAL PAPER Perception of the Ebbinghaus illusion in four-day-old domestic chicks (Gallus gallus Cover Page

Perception of the Ebbinghaus illusion in four-day-old domestic chicks (Gallus gallus)

Orsola Salva

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Perception of the Ebbinghaus illusion in four-day-old domestic chicks (Gallus gallus) Cover Page

Comparison of compound and cross-modal training on postoperative visual relearning of visual decorticate rats

Tuan Tran

Behavioural Brain Research, 1996

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Comparison of compound and cross-modal training on postoperative visual relearning of visual decorticate rats Cover Page

Facilitation of acquisition and retention in preweanling but not postweanling rats by the presence of familiar home-nest material

Norman Spear

Behavioral and neural biology, 1989

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Facilitation of acquisition and retention in preweanling but not postweanling rats by the presence of familiar home-nest material Cover Page

Documentation of the Development of Various Visuomotor Responses in Typically Reared Kittens and Those Reared With Early Selected Visual Exposure by Use of a New Procedure

Donald Mitchell

Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2021

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Documentation of the Development of Various Visuomotor Responses in Typically Reared Kittens and Those Reared With Early Selected Visual Exposure by Use of a New Procedure Cover Page

Early rearing environment and dorsal hippocampal ibotenic acid lesions: long-term influences on spatial learning and altenation in the rat

Chantal Pacteau

Behavioural Brain Research, 1989

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Early rearing environment and dorsal hippocampal ibotenic acid lesions: long-term influences on spatial learning and altenation in the rat Cover Page

Effects of anticholinergic drugs on learning and memory

Harbans Lal

Drug Development Research, 1983

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Effects of anticholinergic drugs on learning and memory Cover Page

Varying deficits in visual discrimination performance associated with different forms of malnutrition in rats

JR Galler

The Journal of nutrition, 1980

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Varying deficits in visual discrimination performance associated with different forms of malnutrition in rats Cover Page

Critical Period Window for Spectral Tuning Defined in the Primary Auditory Cortex (A1) in the Rat

Michael Merzenich

Journal of Neuroscience, 2007

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Critical Period Window for Spectral Tuning Defined in the Primary Auditory Cortex (A1) in the Rat Cover Page