The Brazilian Psychology Postgraduate System and the Internationalization Process: Critical Aspects, Evaluation Indicators and Challenges for Consolidation (original) (raw)
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This article aims to analyse the process of internationalisation of scientific output in Brazilian psychology and its subfields and compare them with other countries from 2011 to 2020. Two other objectives were taken into consideration: to describe the collaboration networks formed by national psychology researchers and their influence on the impact of scientific output while analysing the relationships in the North–South and South-South axes and to reflect on the advance of the quality of the scientific output over time, considering the indicators of its scientific impact. We used SciVal, based on the Scopus database. The main result is that cooperation on the South-North axis was dominant compared to cooperation on the South-South and South-East axes. The paper also discusses the importance of public funding agencies and the growth of graduate programs in Brazil, enabling the increase in output and the internationalisation of national psychology. The final part addresses the limit...
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 2015
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The Psychology Postgraduate System in Brazil: Current Characteristics and Challenges for the Area
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 2015
This text is a characterization of the Psychology Postgraduate System in Brazil, presenting indicators of its growth in recent years, of its current geographical distribution, of its research lines, and of the grades awarded in the last Triennial evaluation of 2013. This characterization underlies a set of reflections regarding the challenges for the area from the guidelines established by the National Postgraduate System Plan (PNPG) 2011-2020. These challenges include: internationalization, interdisciplinarity, the link with basic education, the reduction of regional disparities, and the differentiation between academic and professional qualification. The text also focuses on the continuous and necessary improvements in the evaluation process conducted by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). These reflections seek to provide a basis for the management of the Psychology Postgraduate System in Brazil in the coming years.
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 2015
This article presents a brief overview of the history of psychology in Brazil. It highlights how the Brazilian Association of Research and Postgraduate Studies in Psychology (ANPEPP – Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Psicologia) has fulfilled its mission of fostering discussion on scientific policy and stimulating interchange among researchers. First, it provides a retrospect of ANPEPP meetings, considering both: 1) the thematic working groups, which have served to bring together researchers, and to inspire the emergence of thematic associations and journals; 2) the discussion forums, which have contributed in the critical review of scientific policy, and the mission of postgraduate studies. Second, it focuses on the history of psychology in Brazil, from colonial times to the recent national commitment to postgraduate studies. The paper argues that the plans and strategies led by national funding agencies have been successful and that their results are evidenced by the role played by Brazil in the international arena, both in scientific production and the training of its researchers. By sustaining current policies, it seems certain that, even with the oscillations in the national economy, postgraduate education will grow steadily in its advance of the psychological sciences; and will be working towards a better quality of life, social justice and ecological sustainability. Keywords: ANPEPP, CAPES, CNPq, history of psychology, postgraduate studies, Brazil.
Paidéia, 2017
There is considerable variability among psychology journals in Brazil, in terms of presence on the international stage. However, research as to why is very scarce. This study empirically examined the relationship between several indices of internationalization and real-world internationalization, among these journals. 661 articles from the top-17 psychology journals in Brazil were coded for: English-language text, editorial board makeup, lead author institution, and article type. Analyses revealed that successful internationalization was associated with: (a) lead author institution from a native English-speaking country; (b) empirical articles; and (c) editorial board members from a native English-speaking country. Use of English-language text was not associated with successful internationalization. These findings suggest that the path to internationalization for psychology journals in Brazil may depend on increased publishing of findings from English-speaking countries; or at the very least: increased collaboration between Brazilian and native English-speaking scholars.
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 2015
In the current century, English is the language for the research and dissemination of scientific findings. But for many scholars, English is a foreign language. This is especially true among the emerging and developing nations (EDNs), such as the BRICS nations, encompassing Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The present study conducted a survey examining the translational integrity and overall impression of translated summary materials (abstracts and titles) from the five highest ranking (SCImago Journal Rank) Brazilian journals in the field of psychology. Analysis proceeded with two models. In the first model, translated summary materials from 12 randomly-selected articles from four of the five journals were evaluated by a panel of three native English-language scholars. Findings indicated an inverse relationship between the overall impression of the materials and their: abstract errors, r(34) = -0.61, p < .001; and total errors, r(34) = -0.62, p < .001; suggesting a direct relationship between the translational integrity of these EDN materials and the overall impression they leave with native English-language scholars. A second model added 3 additional articles from the fifth journal (English-language only) to the materials described. The findings from this second model suggested that for EDN journals, an investment in language resources may substantially improve the impression they leave with native English-language scholars, and thus promote wider dissemination of their findings. Keywords: English, translation, Brazil, lost science, lingua franca
The internationalization process of graduate studies in Brazil
The article presents, through bibliographical research and historical analysis, the role of Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education-CAPES in the process of internationalization of graduate education in Brazil, as a fomenter of access for training of Doctors, researchers and students abroad. For this, it is necessary to understand politics with basis on bilateral agreements with the World Bank, WTO, OECD and others. This discussion is based on a collection of important historical events that led Capes to propose goals, democratizing the access to graduate education. The study is relevant as it reflects the current government's attention with the conduction of public policies in relation to technological scientific interests and, consequently, economics of the country. Despite the social and political history of the country and, consequently, from difficulties for an active internationalization of higher education, it is concluded that recent initiatives of the Brazilian state have increased the possibility of strengthening the capacity of scientific production and circulation of knowledge between academic pairs, because the research and graduate education re evaluated by the degree of internationalization of their programs and outcomes.
Internationalization of graduate education in Brazil: rationale and mechanisms
Educação e Pesquisa, 2017
Along the past two or three decades, the international dimension has become an integral part of education activities and scientific research, giving rise to the notion of internationalization. In this article, the internationalization rationale and mechanisms implemented by the top graduate programs in Brazil those which have received scores 6 and 7 in the 2010 triennial evaluation of recognized graduate programs are examined. Graduate directors of 322 programs were asked to respond to a web questionnaire organized in three content sections that deal with different aspects of their internationalization efforts, namely: meaning(s) and justifications; strategies, initiatives and partners; and facilitating and inhibiting factors. After validation, 66 remained valid questionnaires and form the dataset used to develop the study. A prevalence of an activity-oriented conception of internationalization was detected amongst those programs. Outward mobility is seen as the main mechanism to boost international experience, network building and research collaboration. Albeit incipient, initiatives to attract foreign scholars and efforts towards " internationalization at home " are gaining momentum. The presence of faculty members who are trained abroad, and can mobilize their networks to establish scientific exchanges and partnerships, is considered a key condition for internationalization. However, the lack of a national strategy, appropriate administrative systems and institutional policies in most Brazilian higher education institutions hamper the development of those connections into more meaningful and sustained cooperation.
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The literature indicates several advantages and difficulties associated with international scientific cooperation. Due to the need to identify possible areas for cooperation between researchers in Latin America—a way of strengthening cooperation networks—the present qualitative study investigated the meaning of cooperation among Latin American authors and proposals to pursue this endeavor. A purposive sample of 26 researchers responded to 2 open questions. The responses were subjected to thematic analysis. Regarding the meaning of partnerships with other Latin American authors, 7 themes were proposed with focus on identifying the advantages and scope of cooperation and its long-term influence on the scientific and educational fields. The proposals for facilitating Latin American cooperation in psychology were arranged into 8 thematic groups. Based on the researchers’ responses, the study results show the meaning of international cooperation in Latin America and proposals for its development; in addition, they reveal the complexity of regional cooperation, which involves not only scientific research, but also educational cooperation and the organization of scientific events.
Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, 2010
Objective: Developed by the Ministry of Education, the Qualis evaluation criteria have strongly impacted the scientific production of Post-Graduation Programs. A new set of more stringent criteria has been proposed for Qualis. Our aim was to evaluate the impact of the new Qualis criteria on the scientific production of Post-Graduation Programs in psychiatry over the last 10 years. Method: We extracted data from annual reports published between 1998 and 2008, and compared performance measured in terms of the old Qualis rating criteria and the new set of criteria. Results: There was a 25% increase in the number of Information Science Institute-indexed articles in the second five-year period, which rose from 1,213 to 1,518. While, according to the old Qualis criteria, 84% of the Information Science Institute production would have been classified as highly-rated (IF > 1), only 17% of the papers were classified as highly-rated (A1) according to the new Qualis rating criteria. Most papers (65%) were assigned to intermediate categories (B1 and B2) with an IF < 2.29. Discussion: All psychiatric Post-Graduation Programs have increased their production, but by favoring quality over quantity, the new rules have proved to be more useful for discriminating among the scientific production. Resumo Objetivo: Nosso objetivo foi analisar o impacto dos novos critérios de avaliação de publicações científicas (Qualis) sobre a produção científica de Psiquiatria ao longo dos últimos 10 anos. Os critérios de avaliação do Ministério da Educação têm refletido em forte impacto na produção científica dos Programas de Pós-Graduação. Método: Extraímos dados dos relatórios anuais publicados entre 1998 e 2008 e comparamos os desempenhos medidos em termos dos antigos critérios de avaliação Qualis e dos novos conjuntos de critérios. Resultados: Houve um aumento de 25% no número de artigos indexados no Information Science Institute no segundo período de cinco anos, que passou de 1.213 para 1.518. Embora, de acordo com os critérios de anteriores do Qualis, 84% da produção Information Science Institute tenha sido classificada como de alta qualificação (IF > 1), apenas 17% dos trabalhos foram classificados como de alta qualificação (A1), de acordo com os novos critérios de avaliação Qualis. A maioria dos trabalhos (65%) foi atribuída a categorias intermediárias (B1 e B2), com IF < 2,29. Discussão: Todos os Programas de Pós-Graduação de psiquiatria aumentaram sua produção, porém, favorecendo a qualidade ao invés da quantidade, as novas regras provaram ser de mais utilidade para discriminar a produção científica.