The Analysis of Self-Efficacy and Classroom Management as Contributors to Teacher Personality of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2018
This research paper aims to identify the relationship of personality with the self-efficacy of Islamic Education Teachers (GPI) in primary schools in three districts on Terengganu state. There were 33 GPIs in Besut, Setiu, and Kuala Nerus being selected randomly as the research respondents. This research was conducted through the quantitative approach by using the instrument adapted from the Big Five Inventory Scale by John and Srivastava (1999) and Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale by Tschannen-Moran & Hoy (2001). The data that involves score means and the correlation was analysed by the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) software, version 22.0. The descriptive analysis findings indicate that the personality value (M=3.68) and self-efficacy (M=3.87) are rated on the medium-high level. Meanwhile, the agreeableness dimension stated as the most dominant personality with the record of the highest score (M=4.32), followed by the dimension of conscientiousness (M=3.84), extraversion (M=3.78), openness (M=3.53) and neuroticism (M=2.99). the finding also indicates the highest self-efficacy level belongs to the dimension of class management (M=3.91), followed by the student's management (M=3.90) and teaching strategy (M=3.79). The result from the Pearson correlation indicates the presence of a significant relationship between the dimension of openness (r=0.616**), conscientiousness (r-0.605**) and agreeableness (r=0.364*) with self-efficacy. However, the dimensions of extraversion (r=0.068) and neuroticism (r=-0.171) are showing the absence of significant correlation towards the self-efficacy. Henceforth, this conducted research able to become as the foundation towards understanding the personality trait in order to elevate the self-efficacy amongst GPI.
Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2020
The paper aimed to investigate the influence of teacher's self-efficacy and perception on his or her job to performance through ICT ability. The research is a quantitative description using path analysis methods. The population is 1500. They are the Islamic religious teachers in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia The researcher used Isaac & Michael's table to determine the number of samples. Based on the table, the samples are 290. The Findings are the teachers' self-efficacy and perception greatly affect to their performance, while perception is also being the critical factor influences teachers to use ICT in the classroom, but self-efficacy is not the vital thing for teachers ability to use ICT. The finding recommends that self-efficacy and perception of Islamic teachers are vital aspects of the quality of performance. The use of ICT in the classroom is the critical variable for the quality of teacher performance. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh self-efficacy dan persepsi guru pada pekerjaannya terhadap kinerja melalui kemampuan TIK. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode analisis jalur (path analysis). Populasinya 1500 orang. Mereka adalah para guru Pendidikan Agama Islam di Semarang, Indonesia. Peneliti menggunakan tabel Isaac & Michael untuk menentukan jumlah sampel. Berdasarkan tabel tersebut, sampelnya adalah 290. Temuannya adalah self-efficacy dan persepsi guru sangat berpengaruh terhadap kinerja mereka, sedangkan persepsi juga menjadi faktor kritis yang mempengaruhi guru untuk menggunakan TIK di kelas, tetapi self-efficacy bukan hal yang vital bagi kemampuan guru menggunakan TIK. Temuan ini merekomendasikan bahwa self-efficacy dan persepsi guru Islam merupakan aspek penting dari kualitas kinerja. Penggunaan TIK di kelas merupakan variabel penting untuk kualitas kinerja guru.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Life, Innovation, Change and Knowledge (ICLICK 2018), 2019
Personality competence is a strong, stable, mature, wise, and authoritative personality ability, as well as being a role model for students. The teachers were not discipline in terms of time when the learning process takes place and in terms of being honest with colleagues about information related to the material interests of teaching. This study aimed to describe the competence and efforts to develop the personality of the teacher in increasing the student learning interest of Christian subject in Class XI.1 Students of Palangka Raya Senior High School 1. This study used descriptive method which described recent valid issues when the research is carried out. Data collection techniques in this study were using observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study. interview, documentation, and literature study method.
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An assessment model of Islamic religion education teacher personality competence
Research and Evaluation in Education
The study is aimed at developing an assessment model of Islamic religion teacher personality competence consisting of: (1) instrument constructs; (2) instrument characteristics; and (3) assessment characteristics. The method implemented in the study was research and development, developed by Borg & Gall. The instrument validation was conducted by experts through expert judgement continued by means of V-Aiken formula. The first experiment of the instrument involved 50 Islam religion education teachers, 50 non-Islamic religion education teachers and 50 students. The results from the first experiment were analyzed by means of EFA in order to prove the validity of the instrument construct. The second experiment of the instrument involved 200 Islamic religion education teachers, 200 non-Islamic religion education teachers and 200 students. The results of the second experiment were analyzed by means of CFA in order to prove the validity of the instrument constructs. The results of the st...
Asian People Journal (APJ)
This study aims to identify the level of self-efficacy of teachers in applying Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The survey involved 174 Islamic education teachers that were randomly selected among secondary schools in Penang. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. Overall, the study results show that the level of self-efficacy of Islamic Education teachers through ICT is moderate. However, Islamic Education teachers have high effectiveness in the dimension of teaching strategy. These findings indicate that Islamic Education teachers have a moderate level of confidence in managing the teaching and learning process through information and communication technology. The results of this study have implications that schools and the Ministry of Education Malaysia need to design continuous training programs for Islamic Education teachers to increase self-efficacy in the use of ICT in teaching and learning.
The Importance of Self-Efficacy: A Need for Islamic Teachers as Murabbi
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
This research is commencing from the role and huge responsibility held by the teachers especially those teaching the Islamic Education. These Islamic Education Teachers (IET) are not only responsible to teach the content of the subject but also are burdened with the responsibility to educate students. Therefore, these teachers not only function as mu'allim or mudarris (teachers) but as murabbi who educate with the rabbani approach where Allah s.w.t is the key reference. Executing this heavy responsibility will definitely need a form of inner confidence or belief in self ability and effort known as self-efficacy (SE), which is a personal belief on the ability to teach and educate in consistent with the Islamic Education Philosophy (IEP). This view is supported by Abd Ghafar Mahmud (2011) that the task of 52, 641 IET not only to teach, but to educate and guide students to ensure they have excellent knowledge and personal excellence. This is to ensure that when they are in the real world, the effect of environmental changes does not damage the nature of the students' life. Education is also a missionary; IET requires a greater sense of responsibility to the students and with integrity in their work. This means that the IET cannot deny their role as murabbi. Thus, thi reseacrh aimed to look at the needs of SE in an IET as a murabbi. : This paper is a conceptual in nature. Basically this research applies document analysis method. Among the issues discussed in this working paper are the needs and role of IET as murabbi, the concept of SE, teachers SE in teaching, the importance of SE to the role of IET as murabbi. Looking at the current scenario of adolescent behavior, it is clear that the role of IET in educating and molding an individual of academic excellence and character in this world and the hereafter is more challenging than ever. This heavy responsibility as murabbi should be carried out by teachers by appreciating the concept. Murabbi require a strong preparation of teachers mentally and physically. This can only be executed if the IET has high SE.
The Relationship between Personality Types and Self-efficacy Perceptions of Student Teachers
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
This study aims to analyze the relationship between personality types and self-efficacy perceptions of student teachers. To collect the data, teacher sense of efficacy scale and The Keirsey Temperament Sorter-II were used. The Cronbach's Alpha coefficients were computed as 0.940 and 0.762 respectively for these scales. In addition to descriptive statistics, chi-square test and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data. According to the results of the study, self-efficacy perceptions of student teachers were found high. In terms of personality types, most of the student teachers were found to be guardians and this personality type was followed by idealists, artisans and rationals respectively in this study. The student teachers, being guardians, had higher levels of self-efficacy perceptions than other personality types. The results also indicated that there are positive moderate and high levels of relationships between personality types and self-efficacy perceptions of student teachers.