Hybrid Learning of ESP in Agriculture Field: Students’ Perceptions and Learning Experiences (original) (raw)
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ESP Needs Analysis of Agricultural Engineering Students
The present study attempts to examine the English language needs of the engineering students majored in agricultural studies in IAV-Complexe Horticole d'Agadir (CHA) in Morocco. The study was conducted in the third semester in the academic year 2018-2019. The use of a mixed-method research design allowed us to collect data from various stakeholders including 39 students, 30 alumni, 13 specialty-subject teachers and the ESP teacher. Three data collection instruments were used, namely questionnaires, interviews and a placement test. The SPSS software was used to code and analyse the quantitative data of the questionnaires, whereas the qualitative data collected from the interview was described, interpreted and summarized. The findings of the study emphasized the importance of English for agricultural engineering students. Besides, the study determined the students' English language needs and depicted their learning preferences with regard to the ESP course. In the end, a number of implications and recommendations are drawn for the stakeholders.
ESP Needs Analysis of Agricultural Engineering Students (2021)
The present study attempts to examine the English language needs of the engineering students majored in agricultural studies in IAV – Complexe Horticole d’Agadir (CHA) in Morocco. The study was conducted in the third semester in the academic year 2018-2019. The use a mixed-method research design allowed us to collect data from various stakeholders including 39 students, 30 alumni, 13 specialty-subject teachers and the ESP teacher. Three data collection instruments were used, namely questionnaires, interviews and a placement test. The SPSS software was used to code and analyse the quantitative data of the questionnaires, whereas the qualitative data collected from the interview was described, interpreted and summarized. The findings of the study emphasized the importance of English for agricultural engineering students. Besides, the study determined the students’ English language needs and depicted their learning preferences with regard to the ESP course. In the end, a number of implications and recommendations are drawn for the stakeholders.
Juraj, Datko; Jana, Puschenreiterová (szerk.) e-TEFL : Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie : Proceedings from the International Scientific Conference, 2014
Higher educational institutions face new requirements in the competition for students. First, employees, especially professionals, should acquire new knowledge and train themselves to maintain up-to-date, to be able to meet new demands and challenges. On the other hand, people can spend less time (and sometimes less money) on studying: traditional classroom teaching does not often suit the needs of adult learners, including higher educational students. Moreover, generation Y, who study in higher education and work as young employees, prefer using digital technology to acquire new information to browsing heavy books. It is essential to them to download materials on their smart phones or tablets and read, listen and learn during journeys. Although traditional learning and teaching forms are still play significant role in overall education, non-traditional or atypical forms are becoming well-known, wide-spread and appreciated especially in higher and adult education. Second, speaking in English seems to be essential for employees in professional positions: employers expect employees to have and apply language knowledge and skills adequate to the particular job. To achieve suitable skills non-native English students should develop their knowledge of understanding and speaking English in specific context. Focusing on these requirements, universities should offer e-learning courses to save time for their students and ESP (English for Specific Purposes) courses to improve their students’ proficiency in specific disciplines so that they could be more successful in the labour market. Many higher educational institutes have recognised the requirements of the labour market: it wants employees who can speak not only general English but they also know specific vocabulary. If ESP courses are offered even online, it matches the expectation of the new generations and fits the timetable of busy professionals. The College of Dunaújváros, Hungary has recognised these double needs and started to develop ESP e-learning courses in the Social Renewal Operative Program 4.1.1.C. This study intends to present e-learning materials developed by the College of Dunaújváros from two points of view: on the one hand, focusing on the structure and the elements of the e-learning course, on the other hand, as an ESP course, i.e. how it helps students to improve their language skills in specific fields.
In the modern time, technology is taking over all sectors. The life of human beings are too much dependent on modern technology that thinking of doing something without the help of technology is impossible to think. This paper attempts to find out the assistance of technology in present educational sectors, especially for young learners. To show how blended process of using technology in the classroom can be incorporated in teaching learning process as the most outcome-oriented and effective is the sole purpose of this paper. Regarding this issue, a survey has been done by selecting 100 students of high beginners proficiency level and 20 teachers from four different schools. The findings from the survey were analyzed using the mixed method comprising both quantitative and qualitative research. All the data from the survey conveyed that use of technology is really the most effective tool for getting a proper outcome with successful language learning. Most of the teachers and students had agreed with all the statements that were in favour of using technology. Rather following a single method, blended or Hybrid classroom has the potential to make students more motivated towards their learning. This study is important for all educationalist along with students to get the proper idea of the effectiveness of Hybrid classrooms in lower intermediate student level. Besides this paper also suggested some recommendations for the teacher to acknowledge own-self with the language of modern technology. Few drawbacks are found during conducting the survey, which are discussed in the tangible points.
IJELTAL (Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics), 2021
The development of industry in the modern era has led to the growth of vocational schools in Indonesia. for that reason, vocational schools need to adapt or change the general English (GE) learning materials into English learning materials for specific purposes (ESP). therefore, this current study aims to investigate the need for ESP materials for agriculture students at Indonesian vocational schools. This study employed descriptive research to describe the agriculture students’ need for ESP materials. The participants of this research were 25 students of XI grade agriculture students at vocational school. This research used a questionnaire that was developed to find out the ESP needs of agriculture students. Moreover, the data from the questionnaire were analyzed by seeing the frequency of participants’ answers then the data were presented in the form of a chart or figure. The results of the study showed that the English learning objective of the agriculture students should make ...
Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal, 2020
Industrial Revolution 4.0 has influenced many sectors, which are now a lot changes entering to human life by the presence of information technology.The use of power and data in the massive digital technology has become unlimited caused by its development at this present time. This study is aimed at developing the appropriate blended course materials of English for Specific Purposes for students of English Education Study Program, Languages and Arts Faculty, Universitas Negeri Medan. This study is focused on ESP Blended Learning Course Materials for Students of Seventh Semester of English Education Study Program. Research and Development (R & D) design is applied through six stages, there are 1). collecting information and data, 2). data analysis, 3). new materials design based on the needs analysis, 4). experts validation, 5). new material revision, and 6). final product. The instruments of collecting data are by applying two strategies: interview and questionnaires. The results sho...
This study aimed at designing an ESP course for the Life Sciences students at the Faculty of Sciences and Arts, King Khaled University, Saudi Arabia using the participatory approach. Learners’ needs were analyzed through a needs analysis questionnaire administered to: (1) 60 students at the Life Sciences Section in Dhahran Aljanoub Faculty of Sciences and Arts by the end of the first term 2011/ 2012, and (2) 12 subject matter specialists teaching them. During the participatory sessions which were attended by six students, six subject matter specialists and six English language instructors during the second term, results of the needs analysis were presented and discussed till a consensus was reached. In addition, the participatory approach was used for identifying course goals, selecting topics, developing and evaluating materials and activities. The course was taught to 60 Life Sciences students by the beginning of the academic year 2012/2013and lasted for a whole term. Results of t...
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture, 2021
While English for Specific Purposes has been dealt with by researchers all over the world, the insertion of educational technology and online environment is a relatively new concept. This article explores the main aspects of an effective online ESP learning process during the 2019-2020 academic year within the split frame generated by the pandemic context. It also aims at setting the educational frame for the future of ESP classes from the standpoint of the freshmen of Agricultural Sciences. An online questionnaire was answered, its structure being underlined by aspects such as content and skill-related tasks, accessibility, motivation, engagement, educational environment, media and assessment. The use of specialization-related materials is positively adjusted towards the online ESP classes, whereas frequency usage of skill-related tasks shows more balanced values between on-site and online ESP classes. In terms of schedule flexibility, the online medium is the more manageable of th...
Material Development and Collaborative Teaching for Englishfor Agriculture (Esp)
Teaching English for Specific Purpose has been a controversy in the sense should it be taught after they master at least intermediate level of English or it can be taught at the early stage of the learning process (Elementary level). The success of ESP teaching partly depends on the material used by the teacher besides on the basic language ability of the students. This paper aims at describing (1) the process of material evaluation to suit the needs and the level of English of the students, (2) that the teaching of ESP can be taught in the early stage of university education, (3) it is done at the same time with the teaching of general English, (4) the description will also be done by giving the example of the text to describe the language, (5) the classroom procedures of using the material, and (6) how this learning proces can be the learning for both teacher and students. The text for illustration is taken from Agriculture.
Students’ Perception of the ESP Courses at the University of Prishtina
ILIRIA International Review, 2014
It is widely accepted that three main factors that have contributed to the growth of English for specific purposes (ESP) are the increased demand for English to suit particular needs of learners on the one hand, and on the other the developments in linguistics and educational psychology, factors that brought about the need for increased specialization in language learning (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987).Considering the diversity of study fields offered at the University of Prishtina, the paper in general investigates the English courses offered in different academic units, including the status, the content, as well as the outcomes of these courses. In particular, in their research the authors focus on ESP courses offered in two University of Prishtina academic units: Faculty of Philology and Faculty of Economy.The paper presents the analysis of the course content, its delivery, as well as outcomes, highlighting similarities and differences, as well as various interrelated factors that i...