Evaluation of biofilm formation activity of standard microorganism strains (original) (raw)

Potasyum metaborat'a ait in vitro biyolojik aktiviteler; antioksidant, antimikrobiyal ve antibiyofilm özellikleri

Journal of Boron

Bu çalışmada potasyum metaboratın (KBO2) antioksidan, antimikrobiyal ve antibiyofilm aktiviteleri incelenmiştir. Potasyum metaboratın antioksidan aktivitesi beta-karoten ağartma (BCB) analizi ve hidroksil radikal giderim aktivitesi olarak belirlenmiştir. Potasyum metaboratın antimikrobial aktivitesi, seçili Gram-pozitif bakteri, Gram-negatif bakteri ve maya suşlarına karşı tüp dilüsyon metodu ile incelenmiştir. Potasyum metaboratın test edilen mikroorganizmaların biyofilm oluşturma özelliği üzerine etkinliği MTT (3- [4, 5- dimethyl-2-thiazolyl]-2, 5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium-bromide) testi ile belirlenmiştir. Biyofilm inhibisyon kapasitesi ayrıca Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu (SEM) ile görüntülenmiştir. Potasyum metaboratın hidroksil radikallerini giderim kapasitesi 100 mM konsantrasyonda % 71.13 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Aynı konsatrasyonda BCB aktivitesi daha yüksek sonuç vererek % 86.96 olrak belirlenmiştir. Minimum İnhibisyon Konsantrasyonu (MİK) hesaplamalarına göre potasyum metabora...

Çiğ Süt Kökenli Bacillus cereus İzolatlarının Biyofilm Oluşturma, Antibakteriyel Direnç ve Genotiplerinin Belirlenmesi

Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2023

Bacillus cereus is a foodborne pathogen that has a widespread presence in the environment and frequently found in foods especially in dairy products. Raw milk contaminated with B. cereus could be the cause of its widespreadness in the environment. In this study, it was aimed to determine the genotypes, biofilm formation, antimicrobial susceptibilities, and antibiotypes of B. cereus isolates from raw milk. For this aim, B. cereus isolated and identified from 10 of 250 raw milk samples were investigated. Biofilm forming abilities were determined in vitro by Congo Red Agar Method. Kirby Bauer Disc Diffusion Method was used for determining the antibiotic susceptibilities of the isolates. According to the antibiotic susceptibility results, quantitative antibiotyping was implemented. Genotyping of the isolates were performed by RAPD-PCR. Biofilm formation was determined in 40% of the isolates. The resistances against amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, gentamicin, erythromycin, vancomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole were determined in 100%, 0%, 30%, 0%, 0%, 0%, and 50% of the isolates, respectively. In the quantitative antibiotyping, the isolates showed similarity between 0.75 to 1.00. The phylogenetic similarities were calculated between 29% to 82%. In conclusion, raw milks might threat the public health because of having potential of containing the antibiotic resistant B. cereus.

Atık Sudan İzole Edilen Bakteri Suşlarının Biyofilm Oluşumu ve Genişletilmiş Spektrum Beta Laktamaz (ESBL) Üretimi

Acta Aquatica Turcica, 2020

The production extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) and metallo-beta lactamase of strains grown biofilm that were isolated from Kilis State Hospital sewage water were investigated in this study. Congo red agar, tube adherence, tissue culture plate tests and SEM analysis were performed for the detection of biofilm production. The extended-spectrum beta lactamase and metallo-beta lactamase expression of biofilm producing bacteria were tested by using Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method according to CLSI guidelines. 5 clinical isolates were revealed to be biofilm producers. From of these isolates, Enterococcus spp. (C2) and E. coli strains showed strong biofilm producing. One of Enterococcus isolates, SEM micrograph of C1 has viewed the weak adherence on glass surface. Only one from 5 isolates, Enterococcus spp. (C2) the strain was determined to synthesis ESBL enzyme. None of the strains was observed to produce metallo-beta lactamase. ESBL and biofilm production provide an important pathogenic character allowing protection against antibiotic treatments to Enterococcus spp. (C2).

Aktivitas in Vitro Antibiofilm Dari Bakteri Asal Air


Biofilm involvement in chronic infections and on the surface of medical equipment have been considered as public health concern worldwide. Bacterial biofilm is related to antibiotic resistance, making the diseases difficult to treat. An effective control strategy should be implemented, for example, by applying antibiofilm agents. The use of aquatic environment as potential sources of bioactive compounds, including the antibiofilm compounds, is recently of concern. This study aimed to screen and characterize bacteria with antibiofilm activity that were isolated from waterfall and marine environment and obtained from several locations in Indonesia. The isolates were firstly evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against six bacterial pathogens and followed by antibiofilm screening. Eleven out of 65 isolates showed quorum sensing or quorum quenching activity, and one of them showed both activities. Supernatants of 11 isolates inhibited biofilm formation of at least one pathogen by ...

Hubungan Pembentukan Biofilm Oleh Bakteri Gram Negatif Dengan Resistensi Antibiotik Pada Wanita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

AVERROUS: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Malikussaleh

Diabetes melitus (DM) memiliki efek jangka panjang terhadap sistem genitourinari yang menjadi faktor predisposisi terjadinya infeksi saluran kemih (ISK) pada pasien wanita dan umumnya bersifat asimtomatik. Bakteri gram negatif merupakan mikroorganisme penyebab tersering yang dapat membentuk biofilm sehingga sering menyebabkan resistensi antibiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan hubungan antara pembentukan biofilm bakteri gram negatif dengan resistensi antibiotik pada wanita diabetes melitus tipe 2 (DMT2). Menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional dengan teknik total sampling. Jumlah sampel penelitian adalah 45 orang wanita DMT2 anggota Program Pengendalian Penyakit Kronis (PROLANIS). Pada semua responden dilakukan kultur urin porsi tengah, uji sensitivitas dan pemeriksaan biofilm terhadap isolat bakteri yang teridentifikasi. Hasil kultur urin menunjukkan bakteriuria signifikan 14 (31%) responden. Identifikasi koloni menunjukkan bakteri penyebab ISK antara lain Esch...

Studi Pendahuluan Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM): Pembentukan Biofilm, Motilitas Geser, Dan Pola Kepekaan Antibiotik

Mandala Of Health, 2018

Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) adalah mikrorganisme yang banyak dijumpai di lingkungan, namun, baru-baru ini dianggap patogen karena kejadian infeksinya meningkat secara signifikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pembentukan biofilm isolat NTM, korelasinya dengan sifat motilitas geser, dan untuk menganalisis pola kepekaan antibiotik. Strain NTM yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah 10 isolat klinis NTM yang diperoleh dari laboratorium TB, Departemen Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran UGM Yogyakarta. Kemampuan pembentukan biofilm dideteksi dengan menggunakan uji mikrotiter dan pewarnaan dengan kristal violet 1%. Uji motilitas geser dilakukan pada medium motilitas, terdiri dari 0,3% Middlebrook 7H9-agar tanpa suplemen. Pola kepekaan antibiotik diteliti dengan teknik dilusi sesuai metode CLSI. Dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 7 dari 10 isolat NTM merupakan penghasil biofilm kuat, sementara 1 isolat sebagai strain penghasil biofilm moderat, dan 2 isolat ti...

{"__content__"=>"Relationship of cell surface hydrophobicity with biofilm formation and growth rate: A study on and .", "i"=>[{"__content__"=>"Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus,"}, {"__content__"=>"Escherichia coli"}]}

Iranian journal of basic medical sciences, 2018

This study was designed to determine the relationship of and isolates in multispecies biofilms and their individual phenotypic characters in biofilm consortia. The subject isolates were recovered from different food samples and identified on the basis of growth on differential and selective media. Tube methods, Congo-red agar method, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to study biofilms phenotypes. The hydrophobicity of the strains was evaluated by the adhesion to apolar solvent. The results showed that dominated the pre-biofilm stage. It has been observed that adopted biofilm life much before and . However, after adopting biofilm lifestyle, slowly and gradually, dominated the consortia and dispersed other stakeholders. The subject isolates of produce cis-2-decanoic acid to disperse or inhibit and biofilms. Gas-chromatography and mass spectrometry results showed that cis-2-decanoic was higher in the co-culture condition and increased at late log-phase or at stationary p...

Yeni İzole Edilen Bacillus licheniformis KG9’dan β- Galaktozidazın Üretimi, Kısmi Saflaştırılması ve Karakterizasyonu


Batman’da (Taslidere, Turkiye) kaplica sularindan izole edilen, Bacillus licheniformis KG9 yeni bir ekstraselluler β-galaktozidazin uretimi icin buyuk bir potansiyele sahiptir. Kultur kosullari ve ortam optimizasyonu NB (Nutrienth broth) βgalaktozidaz enziminin uretimi icin gerekli oldugunu ortaya cikarmistir. Termostabil ekstraselluler bir enzim olan β-galaktozidaz amonyum sulfat cokturmesi ve diyaliz ile kismen saflastirilmistir. Enzimin spesifik aktivitesi 1631 U/mg proteinden 19030.45 U/mg proteine yukseltilmistir. Kismi saflastirilmis enzimin molekuler agirliginin nondenature poliakrilamid jel elektroforezi ile 116 kDa’dan az oldugu tespit edilmistir. Laktoz iceren ve icermeyen ortamlarda, calkalama siselerinde buyumenin daha sonraki asamalarinda (96 saat) enzim aktivitesinde onemli bir uretim seviyesi belirlenmistir, bunlar sirasiyla (2.45 U/mg protein) ve (3.25 U/mg protein)’dir. Enzim icin optimum pH ve sicaklik 8.0 ile 55 °C’dir. Kullanilan cesitli karbon ve azot kaynaklari...