Кресін О.В. Резолюції Генеральної Асамблеї ООН: характер і значення у контексті війни РФ проти України: монографія. Київ: Норма права, 2024. 236 с. / (original) (raw)
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Агресивна війна Російської Федерації проти України і основні принципи міжнародного права
Unpublished. Not to be cited. Агресивна війна, розв’язана Російською Федерацією проти України, зумовлює необхідність консолідованих зусиль міжнародного співтовариства для припинення війни, притягнення агресора до відповідальності, здійснення реституції порушених прав, міжнародно-правової компенсації нашій державі завданої шкоди. Водночас, нинішні події актуалізують потребу всебічної та обґрунтованої оцінки дій РФ з міжнародно-правового погляду, яка обов’язково повинна передбачати ретельний, повний, об’єктивний, неупереджений аналіз природи, сутності, нормативного змісту, сучасних підходів до тлумачення основних принципів міжнародного права, при акцентуванні уваги саме на співставленні відповідних приписів із поведінкою Росії.
The article deals with the formation of the concept of "people" in European political and legal thought and international law, systematized elements of the definition of the people in acts of international law, including through social and territorial meaning of the term, characteristics (features) of the people, correlation of the people and other social and political phenomena (nation, extraterritorial groups (racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious minorities), indigenous peoples, State). Categories of peoples in international law are considered (people-nation, peoples of non-self-governing and trust territories, including nations that are fighting for the exercise of their right to self-determination and independence, peoples, whose territories have distinct constitutional legal status in domestic law, indigenous peoples). The authors analyze the capacity of peoples (as subjects of political, cultural development, interaction and mutual influence) in international law. On the basis of the study authors articulate own definition of people in international law – as one of the primary subjects of international law, a special type of human community that covers all permanent population of the defined territory (geographically, administratively or politically singled out), has a subjective unity (constant consciousness of its social difference and connection to the territory, a special identity and desire for its preservation and development), which may be based on objective factors (common historical tradition, culture, language, economic life, constant social structure features, racial, ethnic, confessional composition of the territory population) and also common to all community institutions or other means of expression common features, solidarity and aspirations, aims to become a separate society and capable of self-determination in the form of will expression in order to provide a common political development (in particular can independently or together with other peoples constitute the nation and the state, form foundations of the constitutional order, elect authorities), is subject of political, social, economic and cultural development of mankind and the bearer of popular sovereignty (which is realized through the right of people and the human and in democratic states can be implemented through national and state sovereignty). Key words: people, nation, state, indigenous people, national liberation movement, popular sovereignty, capacity of people.
«Территориальная целостность Украины в свете Резолюции 68/262 Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН»
Journal of Constitutionalism and Human Rights, 2014
On 27 March 2014, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 68/262 entitled «Territorial integrity of Ukraine». It provisions should be interpreted in the context of general international law. This article contains an analysis of key provisions of Resolution 68/262 and according practical recommendations as well as some more general conclusions pertaining, in particular, to international responsibility for assaults against States´ territorial integrity. The author arrives at the conclusion that the adoption of Resolution 68/262 may lay a foundation for the development of new norms of international law – in particular, of those establishing responsibility for patriacide.
ООН у протидії російській агресії в Україні
Geopolìtika Ukraïni: ìstorìâ ì sučasnìstʹ, 2023
The article highlights some problems of the UN functioning under the conditions of the crisis of the modern international security system caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The main stages of the diplomatic resistance around the issues of condemning the Russian invasion in 2014-2023 and restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine are shown. The reasons for the lack of support for Ukraine from individual UN member states are outlined. Violations of the UN Charter by the Russian Federation are not limited to neglecting the basic principles of international law. Blocking the work of the UN Security Council, preventing it from making any decisions regarding the cessation of aggression and occupation of Ukrainian territories. Special attention is paid to the work of the Eleventh Special General Assembly regarding Ukraine in 2022. Ukraine's initiative to deprive the Russian Federation of its status as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and to exclude it from the UN altogether is outlined. It is noted that this is not possible without changing the UN Charter while such changes are sure to be blocked by Russia. So, there emerges a "vicious circle" from which it is impossible to exit. Thus, the meaning of the creation of the UN is lost. The UN's activities in countering Russian aggression are of a contradictory nature. The Security Council proved its complete inability, due to the veto of the aggressor, its permanent member. Russia demonstrably ignores the decision of the UN International Court of Justice. During the years 2014-2023, the General Assembly supported the Ukrainian struggle and condemned the aggressor through its resolutions. However, the resolutions of the General Assembly are of a recommendatory nature. An absolute minority of countries openly sided with Russia, but quite a few countries abstained or did not vote at all. Countries that do not support Ukraine are in the minority, however, unfortunately, they represent the quantitative majority of humanity. The reasons for their non-support are different, but the main thing is that they deliberately ignore the UN Charter as a result. To a large extent, the modern Russian-Ukrainian war has an existential character for determining the future fate of human civilization and the future of the United Nations.