The formative didactic experiment from the perspective of developmental teaching theory (original) (raw)

Comparative study of the Theory of Developmental Instruction and the Theory of Didactical Situations: Selected questions

The theory of didactical situations, developed by Brousseau in 1970-90 became central to the whole study of didactics of mathematics. Currently used by many researchers around the world, this theory joins the constructivist view of learning initially proposed by Piaget. At the same period of time in Russia, Davydov (2008) and his colleagues built a theory of developmental instruction based on the Vygotskian idea of the cultural-historical nature of teaching and learning. Researchers in Russia and in many other countries successfully apply Davydov’s theory by creating instructional innovations. Although the philosophies behind the two theories are distinct, the subject matter in both theories is the same: the teaching and learning of mathematics. This leads us to compare some important propositions emerging from the two theories and their implementations in the design of teaching/learning activities. We identified several key ideas within the two theories which we would like to discuss. Both theories contribute to our understanding of this process and both propose important ideas about how it can be regulated in order to achieve better results. However, neither of these theories is complete in the sense that there are still many aspects of learning and teaching that are absent in these theories. For example, new developments in neuro-education challenge our understanding of how new knowledge is absorbed by the brain. We also lack in depth studies of teacher’s behavior during activities management in the classroom. Further theoretical work is necessary to connect different bodies of knowledge in order to understand the complexity of the teaching/learning process.

Topical directions of didactics development in the XXI century

SHS Web of Conferences

The paper analyzes challenges of modern society affecting changes in education that determines the current directions of didactics development. The authors establish that in didactics there are: 1) expansion of the set of objects studied by didactics (the study of general secondary education is supplemented by the study of higher, corporate, family education, education of students with different educational needs), consideration of the learning process in the context of digitalization; 2) the development of methodological approaches to didactic research (activation of empirical research, an increase in the role of research methods of the humanities in didactics, setting the task of developing evidence-based learning research); 3) activation of interdisciplinary research in education (consideration of didactic objects from the standpoint of related sciences - didactics, psychology, cognitive science, sociology). The paper consideres conceptual provisions in the development of didacti...

Didactics: Between Modernity And Tradition

The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences, 2013

Didactics tries to deduce teaching procedures from the structure of the object to be taught. It will work mainly on the organization of the knowledge to be taught by renewing the concepts of pedagogy and creating devices for learning. If the structure of the educational triangle remains invariable between the teacher, the pupil and knowledge, then, its forms are in continuous evolution. At present, didactics relies on new technology.In parallel, the main importance of teacher-pupil transfer movements that influence the learning process. The latteris also related to teachers' education and the contribution of new technology.

A Pedagogia Experimental e a Formação De Professores (1950-1970): Análise De Duas Experiências Didáticas Incomuns

Revista Práxis, 2016

O presente artigo tem como objetivo principal apresentar e analisar a experiência didática desenvolvida em duas instituições escolares brasileiras de destaque nos anos de 1950-1970: O Colégio Nova Friburgo e a Escola Guatemala. Para tanto, foram analisados documentos institucionais diversos e publicações sobre tais instituições. A perspectiva metodológica empregada foi a da História Cultural, que se caracteriza entre outras coisas, por relativizar o caráter de verdade absoluta contida em um documento, bem como em ampliar o conceito de fonte documental abarcando as dimensões culturais e políticas de sua produção. Ao fim do estudo, foi possível identificar dois elementos-chave: a) o papel da iniciativa privada na capacitação de professores em redes públicas de ensino; b) a emergência de um padrão de formação de professores baseado na noção de experiência educacional, o qual destinar-se-ia a multiplicar-se por todo o País por intermédio do Ministério da Educação e das redes de ensino.


Didactic training is a major component of the professional development of future teachers. However, the problem of the formation of their professional and didactic culture has not been sufficiently elaborated. A critical analysis of the literature has showed significant weakness of the culturological component of future teachers’ didactic training. This is due to the fact that the cultural approach has to play not a process-making but a subsidiary role in the pedagogical process. However, it is the cultural approach that includes systemic, competence-based, personal, axiological and other approaches to professional development. The paper actualizes the concept of “pedagogical responsibility” and considers the basic aspects of the professional and didactic culture of future history teachers. It also analyzes the possibility of forming the individual elements of the teacher’s professional and didactic culture. Under conditions of information abundance, an important feature of any human being is critical thinking as the ability to interpret and analyze facts, to build arguments and to draw conclusions. The article foregrounds the concept of “critical thinking” and the algorithm of its formation within the educational system.

From methodics to didactics: policy or a shift of paradigms

An intensive reform of education and studies is being carried out in Lithuania, as well as in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The aims and content of higher educational institutions undergo certain changes. Scientific issues have arisen from the ongoing process of changes in the sphere of education. One of the issues discussed in the article deals with the ways by which one gives reasons for a shift from the title of the same discipline methodics of subject education to that of subject didactics. A relationship between didactics (methodics) and the fundamental sciences – pedagogy and the corresponding study (geography) – has been examined in the present study. A multidimensional as well as multi-staged system of subject educological studies is proposed to be compiled as a perspective. One of its models is introduced.

RICARDO, elio C.; PIETROCOLA, Maurício [2010]. A Vigilância Epistemológica e os Livros Didáticos: demonstrando o processo de Transposição Didática do conhecimento físico. In: III International Conference on the Anthropological Theory of Didactic. Girona - Espanha. p.01-15.

This paper presents and discusses a Practical Activity developed with students in the physics education course (for future Physics teachers) from a State University in São Paulo, Brazil. The main objective of this activity was to analyze the Didactic Transposition process of knowledge in high school physics textbooks, with specific historical articles as a reference. The students were guided to identify the main processes that take place with knowledge until it is put into practice in the classroom, namely, depersonalizing, desyncretizing, decontextualizing and dogmatizing of science. The results show that this activity enabled prospective teachers to practice an epistemological vigilance of the knowledge to be taught, basic skills in situations of curricular innovations. Resumen: Este artículo presenta una actividad práctica diseñada con los estudiantes de un curso de física (para los futuros profesores de física) de una Universidad de São Paulo, Brasil. El objetivo principal de esta actividad fue analizar los procesos de transposición didáctica del conocimiento de física de secundária, con artículos históricos como referencia. Los estudiantes fueron guiados a identificar los procesos clave que sufren los saberes a enseñar, sobre todo la despersonalización, la desincretización, la descontextualización y la dogmatización de la ciencia. Los resultados muestran que esta actividad ha permitido a los profesores llevar a cabo la vigilancia epistemológica del conocimiento a enseñar, una herramienta básica en situaciones de innovaciones curriculares. Résumé : Cet article presente une activité pratique conçu avec les eleves dans un cours de physique (pour les futurs enseignants de physique) d´une Université de São Paulo, Brésil. Le but principal de cette activité était d´analyser les processus de transposition didactique des saviors physiques du secondaire, avec des articles historique comme une référence. Les élèves ont été guidés à identifier les principaux processus que souffrent des savoirs à enseigner, en particulier la dépersonalisation, la desincretisation, la décontextualisation et la dogmatisation de la science. Les resultats montrent que cette activité a permis aux futurs enseignants d´exercer une vigilance épistémologique du savoir à enseigner, un outil de base dans des situations d´innovations curriculaires.

The anthropological theory of the didactical (ATD): Peer reviewed papers from a Phd-course


This book presents the products of a doctoral course held in Copenhagen from January to June, 2010. Its aim was to introduce a new and exciting direction in research on educational subjects: the anthropological theory of didactics, founded by the French didactician Y. Chevallard (cf. 1985). While the aims of the theory have developed and expanded over the years (cf. Bosch and Gascón, 2006), the institutional perspective on knowledge has remained central to its objective. This means that the theory aims to study human practices and discourses as phenomena profoundly linked to the institutions that frame, enable, and constrain them.

EDUCATION SCIENCES & SOCIETY Enactivism and Didactics. Some Research Lines


Abstract: From the beginning of the new millennium several authors coming from various dif erent i elds have addressed the topics related to enactivism. h ese topics were introduced in the Eighties by Varela and then developed by h ompson and Rosch who worked on embodiment and embodied cognition. In the didactical i eld, the contributions by Proulx, Begg and Li explored the potentialities of the enactive approach to interpret the teaching and learning processes.h e present article aims at exploring experimenta-tion paths in the educational i eld, which are based on the enactivist approach, and at presenting the i rst results of those studies already started. After a short focus on the theo-retical aspects, to catch the topical elements of that approach, we will set the attention on the action and on the role of perturbation in the teaching/learning processes. Riassunto: Dall’inizio del nuovo millennio vari autori appartenti a campi di inda-gine dif erenti hanno af rontato ricerche c...