International students’ motivation to study abroad – “Why are you studying at a Hungarian university?” (original) (raw)

Students’ Motivations to Study Abroad: The Case of International Students at the University of Debrecen

Central European Journal of Educational Research, 2020

Today there is a growing demand among international students to study in Hungary, more specifically with the launching of Stipendium Hungaricumprogram in 2013. The number of international scholarship holders increases each year, but till now, we have no significant research results about their study motivations, research has focused only on institutional perspectives (Kasza, & Hangyál 2018). Themotivation of students is an important research field in higher education, particularly because there could be various factors to motivate students studying abroad. The motives can be categorised as intrinsic and extrinsic. Our research question is, what are the main intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors that encourage students to study in Hungary? We performed 15 qualitative interviews among international scholarship holders on postgraduate levels. We gathered semi-structured interviews with the help of an interview scheme with five main questions. The investigated dimensions include the following: 1. introduction and context of interviewees, 2. Reasons for leaving the country of origin, 3. Reasons for country choice, 4. Preliminary knowledge about Hungary, 5. Personal expectations. After the data collection, we analysed texts with open coding process in which line by line and word for word was analysed (Khandkar, 2009). Then we were able to form a typology of motivations and we found subcategories within the intrinsic and extrinsic classification.

Motivation of Students Studying Abroad: Case of Foreign Students in European University of Lefke (Eul)

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2015

The aim of this study is to explore the factors which determine students' motivation to study abroad and effective factors in choosing country. A survey was conducted to some international students at the European university of Lefke in Northern Cyprus. Hundred foreign students (non-Turkish students) at the European university of Lefke in Northern Cyprus were interviewed by applying convenience sampling and face to face method. The main findings of the research are as follows. The most important factors of studying abroad are "experiencing another student life in another country", "experience another culture", "future work possibilities", and "personal experience" respectively. The most important factors of choosing country in studying abroad are "It was important with a low crime rate in the country", "It was important with high education level in the country", and "It was important with the culture in the country" respectively.

Why study abroad: Differences in motivation between U.S. and international students

Journal of Global Education Research, 2021

Globally, collegiate students possess distinct drives, opportunities, and constraints that influence their choices regarding if, when, and where to study abroad. This research explored the study abroad motivations of US students who were studying in other countries as well as international students who were studying in the US. Data was collected using a cross-sectional survey constructed from pre-existing study abroad motivation instruments. Human capital theory and the push-pull model of international education flow were used as the theoretical frameworks grounding this study’s survey. A principal components analysis helped determine the most parsimonious number of latent motivation constructs in the survey. Using independent samples t-tests, significant differences were found in motivations related to language learning, academic enrichment, avoiding social limitations, and aspiration to work in host country; these factors were significantly higher among international students as compared to US students. An ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis found that when holding all other independent variables constant, international student status significantly predicted language learning as a study abroad motivation. This study’s results offer insight on how colleges and universities can craft global experiences suited to students’ desires to study outside their home country. It also brings awareness to the role of country of origin in motivational factors when studying abroad and encourages stakeholders to consider the importance of cultural and national background when engaging students in these opportunities.

The role of self-determined motivation and goals for study abroad in the adaptation of international students

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 2007

This article was originally published in a journal published by Elsevier, and the attached copy is provided by Elsevier for the author's benefit and for the benefit of the author's institution, for non-commercial research and educational use including without limitation use in instruction at your institution, sending it to specific colleagues that you know, and providing a copy to your institution's administrator.

Exploring the motivation of international students to learn Hungarian: A qualitative study

Hungarian Educational Research Journal

In today's globalized, multicultural and multilingual world, diverse social processes and macrocontextual factors are influencing people's motivation to learn a new language. According to OECD, the students' mobility to study abroad has increased more than two times during the past 2 decades, which plays a significant role in the world's future development. This paper aims to obtain a deeper understanding of international students' motivation for learning Hungarian in Budapest, Hungary. To achieve this aim, in-depth interviews were conducted with 17 international students who were awarded the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship and have achieved between A1 and B1 level in Hungarian as a foreign language. The interview guide was adapted from Dörney's L2 Motivational Self System and Taguchi, Magid, and Papi scales. The collected data was analyzed through thematic analysis. The findings revealed that international students have integrative and instrumental motivat...

The motivational disposition of international students learning foreign languages in Hungary: Testing the L2 motivation self system in the Hungarian context

Journal of Adult Learning, Knowledge and Innovation

While the L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS) (Dörnyei, 2005, 2019) has been researched extensively in the Hungarian context, it has not been used to test international students' motivational dispositions towards learning foreign languages. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to report a study that aimed to test the L2MSS on 34 international students who learned Hungarian or English as a foreign language (EFL) during their studies in Hungary. The pilot questionnaire contained nine scales adapted from Taguchi, Magid, and Papi (2009). Besides the ideal L2 self and ought-to L2 self, the scales measured other influential learning and environmental impacts that exert their influence on the L2 learning experience, the third constituent of the model, with a view to better understanding what motivates international students to learn foreign languages. The findings of the pilot revealed that the adapted instrument worked in the Hungarian context and that international learners'...

The Decision to Study Abroad at Hungarian University

GiLE Journal of Skills Development

Globalisation is driving the internationalisation of higher education, promoting open access to universities, enhancing educational programs with an international focus, and stronger presence in the international higher education market. Thus, globalisation stimulates the internationalisation of universities. For universities to attract international students successfully, it is necessary to understand general issues regarding the decision-making process. The study aims to analyse the benefits of studying abroad at a Hungarian university among international students. To fulfil the aim of this study, a questionnaire was administered to 100 international students, aged 18 to 38. The study results showed that international students had been looking for benefits while studying abroad, such as personal development, cultural experience, career prospects, and the possibility of travelling. Some benefits were also related to social and economic factors such as access to unique courses and ...



(India). The motivation behind going abroad in the wake of Foreign Education ranges from Career Building to quality of education, Gaining Knowledge to getting Permanent Residency status. The state of Punjab once known as land of well built hardworking youth, Agricultural Produce, Rivers etc. is now seeing a very astonishing phase of migration of youth (students) to foreign countries (especially Canada) in the name of Education with eventual objective of being settled there permanently. Studying abroad is undoubtedly a unique opportunity to see more of the world, which is itself a hugely rewarding educational experience. There is no doubt that seeing other parts of the world will greatly affect character and worldview, and helps to prepare for life in a global world. Very few studies exist to identify the reasons behind this paradigm transformation in the thought The global phenomenon of studying abroad in states like Canada is in trend these days in Punjab processes of the people involved to arrive at a concrete conclusion and to find out why students leave their domestic territory and aspire to settle abroad. There are many more reasons that can be discovered diving deep into the studies. The present study aims to bring in light majority of the factors


Lëvizshmëria e studentëve ka qenë një nga tendencat më të fundit në arsimin e lartë, ku nxënësit u janë bashkuar programeve të ndryshme të shkëmbimit në universitete të ndryshme në të gjithë botën. Qëllimi i studimit ishte për të hetuar shumëllojshmërinë e faktorëve të ndryshëm të motivimit të atyre studentëve të cilët studiojnë në Shqipëri dhe janë bërë pjesë e një programi shkëmbimi në universitetet në Turqi, Finlandë dhe SHBA.

Challenges of Hungarian Higher Education Institutes in Meeting International Student Needs

Dimension, Diversity and Directions in ELT, 2018

Multinational companies expect their employees to successfully cooperate with colleagues of different nationalities. HEIs should support their students to be prepared to meet these requirements. According to Nedulcu and Ulrich, „...studying abroad is an academic, intellectual, cultural, and emotional journey...” (2014: 91). International study programs give students better opportunities both in their higher education studies as well as on the labour market. As a consequence, the number of international students is sharply increasing. Studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages for students. HEIs should support foreign students to integrate and overcome culture shock. The research was carried out at the University of Dunaújváros, Hungary from November 2015 to March 2016, both with quantitative and qualitative methods: with a self-administered questionnaire and a semi-structured focus-group interview. The results show what students’ priorities are to study abroad, their evaluation of both the program and the host institute, and what competences they have acquired. Except for the advantage of taking a foreign degree, many students decided to study abroad because they wanted to know a foreign culture. Besides the high professional knowledge of teachers, students evaluate teachers’ friendly attitude, but there are some aspects which must be improved, such as professors’ English knowledge. After the first funny or a bit shocking experience, many students get used to living in Hungary, but they still mentioned some elements that should be developed. International study programs give students better opportunities in their higher education studies and on the labour market. The results of the research, which was carried out at the University of Dunaújváros, show what students’ priorities are to study abroad, and their evaluation of both the program and the host institute.