현대건설(주)현장 안전경영 실천사례 (용인 죽전3차 1단지 현장) (original) (raw)
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The Korean Society of Industry Convergence, 2019
The estimated on-site accident rate in Forestry is relatively high. According to statistics of the accident, in the recent 5 years, from 2014 to 2018, forestry accidents have resulted in 98% of injuries and 87% of fatalities. Especially, there are significant geographical constraints to access to the scene in case of an accident. Even though the capacity of first aid capacity is notably emphasized its importance to minimize the scale of damages, the relevant employees have been educated only basic first aid, which is not considered circumstances or geographic limitations, by Occupation Safety and Health Acts. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to derive a direction for a forest emergency service system to increase forestry workers' survival and prevent secondary injury through securing 'Golden Time.' This study conducts analyzing relevant laws and regulations in domestic and international settings as well as looking at several concerned accident cases. The outcome of analysis presents an issue regarding the implementation of onsite first aid in forestry and existing risk factors depending on the working process. Finally, we suggest two ways to improve the forest emergency service that are 1) an appropriate curriculum and kit for forest first aid; and 2) a system for emergency transfer through sharing information between National Fire Agency (NFA) and emergency medical service center, and emergency and rescue mission using helicopter from NFA and Korea Forest Service.
건설안전교육 효율성 향상을 위한 기능성게임 적용에 대한 연구
Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2014
Construction safety training has mostly relied on one-way transference of instructors' knowledge to trainees through traditional media such as textbooks and lecture slides. However, safety knowledge could be more effectively acquired in experiential situations. The authors proposed a serious game to provide a comprehensive safety training environment. Trainees who assume the roles of safety inspectors in the game explore a virtual construction site to identify potential hazards and learn from the contents of feedback created by the game as a result of trainees' input. The paper reports details of the game design and development process. The test results indicated that trainees were motivated to refresh their safety knowledge, increased their learning interests, and enjoyed the learning process. In addition, trainees showed positive attitudes towards using the game scoring as a way of evaluating their safety knowledge. The test results encouraged the continuous development of the game.
친환경건축물인증 발주자업무 수행역량 제고를 위한 IDEF3 모델기반 관리체계 구축
Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2013
Owners' efforts to acquire Green building certification, which started in 2002, have been rapidly increasing since 2006. The causes of the increased owners' interests are due to various incentives, legal obligation, and purpose of advertising. As project owners generally are deficient in capabilities and knowledge on how to deal with administrative works on certification, they tend to fulfill the minimum requirements for certification. However, effective administration process need capabilities of identifying individual making decision point and review information. The implementation of green building certification system is expected to provide comfort to both occupants and potential users. Furthermore it contributes to reducing energy costs throughout the phase of O&M. In addition, technology innovation in green industry can be obtained. Therefore, this study is intended to support owners in order that they can clarify certification tasks and make a rational decision-making in time. For this purpose, first of all, the major decision points were selected as the gateways of green building certification process. And then management system based on IDEF3 modeling was developed for supporting owners'decision-making performance. This management system will improve owners'overall capacity in handling all the tasks regarding the certification of Green building.
The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, 2011
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Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society, 2015
Them traffic accidents have been increased every year due to increasing of vehicles numbers as well as the gravitation of the population. The carelessness of drivers, many road weather factors have a great influence on the traffic accidents. Especially, the number of traffic accident is governed by precipitation, visibility, humidity, cloud amounts and temperature. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the effect of road weather factors on traffic accident. We use the data of traffic accident, AWS weather factors (precipitation, existence of rainfall, temperature, wind speed), time zone and day of the week in 2013. We did statistical analysis using logistic regression analysis and decision tree analysis. These prediction models may be used to predict the traffic accident according to the weather condition.
말콤 볼드리지 모형을 이용한 2차 의료기관의 전사적 품질관리와 성과 간의 인과관계 연구
Journal of the Korean society for quality management, 2015
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to lay groundwork for future research on the outcomes of national quality awards for secondary-care healthcare organizations. Methods: For this study, a secondary-care hospital was selected through a convenience sampling method and all of its organizational members participated in complete enumeration survey using 109 survey questions derived from the MBNQA criteria for healthcare through structural equation modeling (SEM) Results: As a result, Leadership was shown to drive Foundation and Direction, which affect System that creates Results with 12 hypotheses supported out of 18 hypotheses established. Conclusion: The findings of this study will provide valuable implications to the top management of secondary-care hospitals for self-examining quality management and promoting sustainable competitiveness
고용위기와 일자리 나누기 -독일 폭스바겐 모델을 중심으로
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스마트경기장 환경에 따른 위치기반서비스 품질이 구단애착심 및 미래행동에 미치는 효과 분석
The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology (JCCT), 2020
The main purpose of this current study was to identify the structural relationships between the variables of team attachment, location-based service, and future fan behaviors by utilizing Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Among the 10 KBO franchises, SK Wyverns and KT Wiz were qualified to have their own smart applications programs and the relevant infrastructure at their home venues. Thus, a total of 500 surveys were collected from SK Wyverns and KT Wiz games during September of 2019 and a total of 448 were used for data analysis after deleting 52 surveys due to the missing data. According to the results of a structural equation modeling, 12 positive (+) causality out of 14 hypotheses were confirmed that there must be causal relationships among the variables of location-based service at the smart stadium, TAM, fan attachment, and future fan behavior. It is hoped that this study can be contributing to the foundational developments of marketing strategies by adopting the new technological advancement in the Korean sport industry in the future.
Design and Implementation of Real-Time Vehicle Safety System based on Wireless Sensor Networks
The Journal of the Institute of Webcasting, Internet and Telecommunication, 2008
Wireless sensor networks achieve environment monitoring and controlling through use of small devices of low cost and low power. Such network is comprised of several sensor nodes, each having a microprocessor, sensor, actuator and wired/wireless transceiver inside a small device. In this paper, we employ the sensor networks in order to design and implement a real-time vehicle safety system. Such system can inform the safe velocity in a specific weather condition to drivers in advance through analyzing the weather data collected from sensor networks. As a result, the drivers can prevent effectively accidents by controlling their car speed.
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