Abas et al Uncovering the Determinants of Islamic Tourism Stakeholders Incomprehension About Islamic Muamalat (original) (raw)

Inheemse kennis as beskermbare kulturele identiteitsbate: Kanttekeninge by die beoogde beskerming van inheemse kennis in Suid-Afrika

Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 2019

Die Franse skrywer en strukturalistiese antropoloog Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009) se standpunte oor kulturele identiteit en multikulturalisme word sedert die tweede helfte van die twintigste eeu deur Unesco bevorder. Die belang van kulturele identiteit en die implikasies van die beskerming daarvan is ook reeds deur vooraanstaande filosowe soos Will Kymlicka, Charles Taylor, Martha Nussbaum en Jürgen Habermas ondersoek. Die beklemtoning van kulturele identiteit het in die post-onafhanklikheidsera vir Afrika-state belangrik geword. Die begrip inheemsheid is aangegryp om die oorspronklike houers van en aanspraakmakers op kulturele regte te identifiseer, en om kwesbare, gemarginaliseerde en geviktimiseerde kultuurgroepe op grond van hul inheemse status te beskerm. By gebrek aan ʼn aanvaarbare definisie van inheemsheid het die praktyk ontwikkel om inheemse status uit te brei na alle inwoners van Afrika, met die gevolg dat oorspronklik gemarginaliseerde groepe, soos die San, steeds aan v...

Panentheism: A functional and inductive endeavour in the dialogue between science and religion

Verbum Et Ecclesia, 2014

Panentheism: A functional and inductive endeavour in the dialogue between science and religion. Panentheism is an approach that gains more and more popularity in both systematic and practical theology, as well as in philosophy. But what lies at the heart of panentheism? Could panentheism be the key to a valid contemporary understanding of God and creation? This article aims at illuminating the richness of panentheism whilst at the same time exploring whether this construct could enhance the interdisciplinary dialogue. The author of this article departs from the premise that it is the task of systematic theology to understand reality in a collective enterprise, together with other disciplines and even other sciences. A constructive empiricism could, when combined with the notion of social constructionism, lead to an understanding of reality where reality is more than mere idealistically conceived. Truth is therefore to be replaced with a pragmatic but value-laden concept of understanding. Therefore panentheism and both epistemology and ontology have to be reconsidered. It is the opinion of the author that panentheism can enrich both the dialogue between disciplines as well as the interaction between practical and systematic theology. However, panentheism then has to be even more radical and steer clear of the traditional meaning of space and time. Inleiding Dialoog tussen teologie en natuurwetenskap Dit is 'n voorreg om 'n aandeel te hê aan hierdie Festschrift ter ere van die laureatus Julian Müller. Daarom sluit ek aan by 'n konstruk wat hy op die tafel geplaas het, naamlik 'panenteïsme'. In hierdie artikel probeer ek om die genuanseerdheid van 'n panenteïstiese verstaan van God en wêreld van nader te bekyk en so miskien die gepaardgaande vraagstukke ook onder die loep te neem. Panenteïsme is 'n verweefde en komplekse konstruk met baie latente potensiaal vir ons verstaan van God en sy skepping. Kom ons val met die deur in die huis: Is Müller 'n panenteïs of nie en indien wel, in watter kategorie sou sy panenteïsme val? Dalk staan die artikel hom en ander by om self hierdie besluit te kan neem. 1.Hierdie artikel sluit aan by 'n ander artikel van my oor 'n soortgelyke tema, maar hier met 'n skerper fokus op panenteïsme. Kyk na Buitendag (2013). 2.Kyk hiervoor na my eksposisie van L.J. van den Brom se werklikheidsverstaan (Buitendag 2012b). 3.'Perpendicular lines from above can render it in some measure intelligible and clear, as we have already demonstrated, what takes place between God the Creator and the creature as God's royal dominion on the one side, and creaturely existence, life and occurrence under this dominion on the other' (Karl Barth 2004:290).

A comparative study on knowledge and perceptions of radioactivity

Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 2014

This explanatory study was done to get an understanding of how three groups of preservice teachers’ knowledge and perceptions of radiation compare to that of experts. The first group consists of students with factual radiation knowledge, due to their training. The second group is students with limited knowledge and the third group students with no official training in this area. The last group represented ordinary citizens. Experts were used as ‘yard stick’ as the participants had to answer questions where decisions and reasons had to be presented based on their knowledge. A non-equivalent ex post facto group design was used. The hypothesis that factual information shapes citizens’ decisions on certain aspects of radiation was investigated. The quantitative data collected via closed-ended questions in a Lickert questionnaire, was analysed and statistically significant differences were indicated. The qualitative data was collected as open-ended responses to the Lickert questionnaire....

The translator as agent of empowerment: A case study


The translator as agent of empowerment: A case study The translator as agent of empowerment: A case study The translator as agent of empowerment: A case study The translator as agent of empowerment: A case study In this article the focus is on the role of the translator as an agent of empowerment for linguistically marginalised communities; it also raises the practical issue of his/her role as an intermediary equipped with knowledge of the source and target cultures and their (non-)overlap. The community translation approach, which emerged from a socio-linguistic perspective, forms the basis for this point of departure. The aim of this approach is to give these communities access to the same information and services as the linguistical "elite". In order to realise this, the translator uses discourse patterns and linguistic conventions of the target group. For this approach, the needs of the target audience in the translation process are of paramount importance. To illustrate the translator's role as an agent of empowerment as well as an effective intermediary, this article's focus is on translation strategies used in a pragmatic text.

Misplaaste weldade en griewe van die “Liquorice Allsorts-gesinnetjie”: ’n Regsletterkundige verkenning van Zelda Bezuidenhout se Die waarde van stil bure


Misplaced benefaction and grievances of the "Liquorice Allsorts family": A law and literature investigation of Zelda Bezuidenhout's Die waarde van stil bure The law and literature field of study, which is still being developed in South Africa, is an interdisciplinary field of study that offers readers of fiction an opportunity to reflect critically on the role and function of law in a broader context, including the possibility to evaluate, within a defined scope, complex social and legal issues such as lawlessness, discrimination and injustice. This field of study furthermore creates the ideal lens for a critical review of social, legal and cultural practices influenced by the law.

Wildheid, mens-dier-figure en ander grensbewoners in Willem Anker se Buys (2014) : die affektiewe uitwerking van die nomadiese subjek op die leser


Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this dissertation, entitled “Wildheid, mens-dier-figure en ander grensbewoners in Willem Anker se Buys (2014): Die affektiewe uitwerking van die nomadiese subjek op die leser”, the focus, on the one hand, is mainly on the nomadic nature and so-called wildness of the main character, Coenraad de Buys, as well as his fellow border dwellers – namely those in the novel who can be classified as the Other, including the Buys-dogs. On the other hand, the effect that both this nomadic character and the novel text as a whole can have on the reader is also explored. In the end, a conclusion is reached regarding the function of a novel such as Buys that relies to a greater extent on the affective response of the reader.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis, getiteld “Wildheid, mens-dier-figure en ander grensbewoners in Willem Anker se Buys (2014): Die affektiewe uitwerking van die nomadiese subjek op die leser”, word daar enersyds...

Geloofsvorming tydens die Reformasie: ’n Historiese verkenning

In die Skriflig / In Luce Verbi

Faith formation during the Reformation: A historical exploration. This article investigates the way in which faith formation was seen and understood during the 16th-century Reformation. The emphasis falls especially on the insights of John Calvin, as someone to whom faith formation was of the utmost importance. The article begins by discussing, with the question of faith formation in mind, the run-up to the Reformation. Here it is seen how the church of the time, as a result of certain developments in the Middle Ages, paid less and less attention to the faith formation of ordinary believers. Next, how the Reformation in general, and Calvin in particular, responded to this situation, is viewed. Finally, the Reformation and Calvin’s legacy regarding faith formation, is briefly discussed. It is asked why, if faith formation was so important to Calvin and other Reformers, this focus was not always reflected in the history of different Reformed and Protestant churches.Contribution: This ...

Towards a mature congregation - an empirical study of the development of a ministry model


Towards a mature congregation-an empirical study of the development of a ministry model This article describes an empirical study conducted in the Reformed Church Randburg during January 2009. The objective of the study was to gather information with the aim of improving or modifying the congregation's ministry model in terms of ministering within the congregation. The congregation's initiatives outside of the congregation were not addressed. The ultimate goal is a congregation of which the members serve each other, as God prescribes in his Word, and as such, mature to the glory of his Name. Firstly, the role that an empirical study should play within the development of a ministry model is discussed. Then, the historical run-up to the empirical study within the Reformed Church Randburg is described. This includes the ministry model followed up to the time of the study, as well as the degree to which it was successful. The research methodology and its results are then discussed. In conclusion, the guidelines deduced from the results of the research for the development of a ministry model are discussed. Opsomming Op pad na 'n volwasse gemeente-'n empiriese ondersoek met die oog op die ontwikkeling van 'n bedieningsmodel Hierdie artikel beskryf 'n empiriese studie wat gedoen is in die Gereformeerde Kerk Randburg tydens Januarie 2009. Die doel van hierdie studie was die insameling van inligting, met die oog